Suez University
The SU President participates in the International Conference on Contemporary Education in the Islamic World of Malaysia "Hnijal" signs two memorandums of understanding with the Universities of Sultan Ahmed Shah and the Islamic University of Johar State of Sultan Ibrahim of Malaysia
Mon. 06 May, 2024

In the presence of representatives from 28 countries from all over the world, Prof. Dr. Hnijal, the SU President, participated in the International Conference on Contemporary Education in the Islamic World. It was held from 5 to 7 May 2024. It was organized by Sultan Ahmed Shah Islamic University in the Malaysian state of Bhang in cooperation with the Association of Islamic Universities, entitled "Contemporary Education is the Foundation of Sustainable Development in the Muslim World".

It was attended by His Excellency Sayed Ibrahim, the Minister of Malaysia Religious Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sami al-Sharif, Secretary General of the Association of Islamic Universities, with the participation of several Egyptian and international university presidents, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Zwawi bin Zayn Al Abidin, President of Sultan Ahmad Shah University, as well as several ministers and representatives of the participating countries.

Moreover, the scientific session of the Conference was moderated by Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal. The discussion included several topics and working papers submitted by various States participating in the Conference's events, and it was supervised by the SU President.

At this session, a working paper was presented by the State of Chad entitled "The Role of Professional and Technical Higher Education in Achieving Sustainable Development in Chad", and a presentation by the State of India entitled "The Role of the University in Sustainable Development", as well as a discussion of the theme "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Design in Applied Arts" through working papers submitted by Egypt and the United States of America.

During the session, a topic entitled "The importance of international partnerships in sharing experiences and enriching knowledge and cultures", was presented and submitted by the State of Japan. In addition to presenting a working paper "Digital Strategy for the Future of Education in the Islamic World - Challenges and Opportunities" by Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

On the sidelines of the Conference and in the presence of His Excellency the Chief Minister of Bhang Malaysia, Datu Sri Al-Hajj Wan Rushdi Bin Wan Ismail, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, signed a memorandum of understanding with Sultan Ahmed Shah University at Bhang State in Malaysia and Islamic University at Johar Sultan Ibrahim State in Malaysia.

Therefore, the SU President explained that the memorandums were aimed at promoting scientific cooperation through the exchange of short visits by university leaders and teaching staff members to give cultural and scientific lectures, conduct scientific research, participate in conferences and training seminars, and exchange postgraduate students.

The SU President stated that the Conference contained several important themes relating to the future of higher education in the Muslim world, such as:

- The reality of higher education in our Muslim world and future strategy.

- Vocational and technical education as an engine for sustainable growth in Arab and Islamic society.

- Digital strategy for the future of education in the Islamic world.

- Planning and new educational systems and their role in improving the quality of performance and satisfying the needs of the labor market.

- International partnerships and their importance in ensuring the exchange of experiences and the enrichment of knowledge and cultures.

- The role of international scientific platforms in the promotion of cultural exchange, human communication, and cultural integration.

- Leading experiences in advanced universities in our contemporary world.

- The role of university education in the preservation of a sustainable environment.

Furthermore, Hnijal stressed that participation in the events of this conference is based on the desire of various academic institutions and universities in Egypt and the Islamic world. It aims to exchange experiences and enrich knowledge and cultures in a way that benefits all considering the changes and significant developments in the world in the field of higher education and scientific research.