Suez University
 SU President announces that 43 professors from the University have joined the arbitrators
Sat. 27 Apr, 2024

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, announced that 43 professors from the teaching staff members of Suez University had joined the recent update of the lists of adjudicating professors involved in examining the scientific production of applicants for promotion to the degree of assistant professor and professor of "fourteenth course", from the Supreme Council of Universities in various disciplines.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, congratulated the members of the arbitrators' committees and wished them all success. He also stressed that the presence of this constellation of scientists evacuated from the staff of Suez University within the scientific production inspection committees of the Supreme Council of Universities; is a great honor for the university, and this presence of this high list places Suez University in a privileged position.

■ "Names are arranged according to the order of the committees on the page of the Supreme Council of Universities, as well as the alphabetical order within each committee"