Suez University
SU President honors the winners of Ramadan competitions of the “Students for Egypt” Community
Tue. 16 Apr, 2024

This morning, in his office, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, received students who won the Ramadan competition organized by the “Students for Egypt” Community under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Mohamed al-Dsouqi, the community leader at Suez University. 

The Community organized a series of different religious competitions on its page on the social media site "Facebook" (the best religious video competition - the Ramadan Riddles competition). Intense numbers of university students participated in the competitions, which included videos of religious enthusiasm, reading the Holy Quran, and Ramadan Riddles competition. 

The SU President honored the students who won first place in each competition, where the results resulted in: 

-Student/Ahmed Waddy (Nursing Institute) first place in the Holy Quran competition for the best religious video while Student/Heba Adel (Faculty of Arts) second place 

- Student/Samir Reza (Faculty of Petroleum Engineering) 

- Student/Amal Talat (Faculty of Science) 

- Student/Islam Hamada (Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering) 

- Student/Salma Abdulnasser (Faculty of Engineering).