Suez University
In the presence of the Egyptian President... SU President participates in the Egyptian Family Iftar
Sat. 06 Apr, 2024

Today, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, participates at the Egyptian Family Iftar Ceremony, in the presence of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, the Egyptian President, and many different communities of Egyptian society. It was attended by the presence of Prime Minister Prof. Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb Sheikh Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, the heads of the House of Representatives and Senate, Ministers, Senior statesmen, University Presidents, Egyptian tribal elders, several families of the armed forces and police martyrs, and media professionals.

The SU President expressed his pleasure at attending this ceremony in the presence of Mr. President, which reflects the cohesion of the various communities of Egyptian society and their association behind their wise leadership.

Moreover, Hnijal referred to Mr. President's reaffirmation of the promise at the beginning of the new presidential term after the Egyptians renewed confidence in Mr. President.

Furthermore, Mr. President stressed that the Egyptian people of all denominations are heroes and teachers who bear the odds and face challenges. All appreciation and gratitude to him and every Egyptian mother, wife, and daughter who sacrificed a martyr of father, brother, husband, and son to give us safety and homeland. He paid a tribute of pride to the men of the Egyptian armed forces and the civilian police, who gave Egypt security and safety.

Mr. President also paid tribute to all of Egypt's scientists, teachers, workers, peasants, intellectuals, and media professionals.

Therefore, Hnijal stressed that His Excellency Mr. President's unprecedented interest in Egyptian scientists greatly demands us to work tirelessly to advance the scientific and academic future of our youth and our country.

The "president" also referred to the axes presented by His Excellency Mr. President for the next stage to progress in Egypt, where he emphasized:

  • Continue to implement actions to reform the economic trajectory based on the localization of the industry and expansion of the agricultural area, increasing foreign direct investment, and supporting the private sector with necessary social protection measures. for the most favored classes.
  • Supporting the state of openness and political reform that has begun since the launch of Mr. President's invitation for national dialogue in April 2022.
  • Placing the issue of building Egyptian human beings at the top of the priorities of national action, including providing the necessary decent life for them.
  • To continue the strategic balance policies pursued by the Egyptian State towards international and regional issues, which are defined by clear national determinants.

The SU President stressed that these ambitious axes would serve as an approach for all state institutions to promote Egypt at various levels.