Suez University
SU President congratulates the Egyptian president on the anniversary of October
Wed. 05 Oct, 2022

Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, on his own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the University, expressed their sincere congratulations to President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi, the Egyptian President and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, on the 49th anniversary of the glorious October victories. A such great memory is dear to the hearts of all Egyptians.

He also expresses his sincere congratulations to our armed forces; the General Commands, the commanders of the armies, officers, and soldiers on this occasion on which the Great Egyptian Army wrote with the blood of its heroes the most wonderful epics of sacrifice, redemption, and heroism. It always affirms that the Egyptian army is the shield and sword that protects the people of Egypt from any threat to their security, honor, and dignity.

May Allah protect Egypt, its people, its president, and its army from all hated and bad.

Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi,

President of Suez University.