Suez University
The SU Faculty of Computers and Information won 3rd place in the competition of Space and Satellite Industry Technology.
Mon. 03 Oct, 2022

The team of the SU Faculty of Computers and Information was able to win third place in the competition organized by the Egyptian Space Agency as part of the summer training events organized by the Agency to train students on space industry technology and on modern and advanced science EUTS satellite training Egyptian universities.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, congratulated the SU team on this great achievement and wished everyone success and progress in raising the name of the University high.

Prof. Dr. Yasser Amon, Dean of the Faculty of Computers and Information, said that the number of teams participating in the competition was 52 from various Egyptian universities. They presented research projects related to space technology. However, the SU Faculty of Computers and Information team was able to achieve such a feat.