Suez University
SU President discusses cooperation between university and Japanese schools project
Tue. 27 Feb, 2024

This morning, in his office, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, received Chizu Suzuki Sence, a Japanese Expert on the Egyptian Japanese Schools Project, M. Suzan Yusuf Muhamed, Director of the Egyptian Japanese School in Suez, to discuss cooperation between the university and the Japanese schools’ project.

Moreover, the SU President stated that future cooperation with the Japanese Schools Project had been reviewed, pointing out that he had put forward the idea of establishing a department to study Japanese at the Faculty of Arts, as well as the possibility of holding specialized courses in Japanese, in addition to the possibility of providing synergies between the University's technological incubator and Japanese schools. A draft cooperation protocol between the University and Japanese schools has also been discussed.

Furthermore, the protocol to be prepared also includes procedures for practical education students of the Faculty of Education to acquire the necessary expertise by a group of high-quality specialized teachers for the teaching of different subjects under the new education system, as well as the school's holding of awareness seminars at the faculty to spread the culture of Egyptian-Japanese schools and their leading role as a presidential project which several achievements have been achieved since the project's launch in the past few years and fruitful success indicators of Egyptian-Japanese cooperation in the field of education and learning.

Worth mentioning that Egyptian Japanese schools in the Ministry of Education are government schools in terms of supervision and implementation, supported by the Japan International Cooperation Authority (JICA).

In addition, these schools adopt a system and teaching methods different from public schools, including the introduction of Tocatsu curriculum activities with the new Egyptian curriculum for all classes from kindergarten to secondary.