Suez University
SU President welcomes Prof. Sajid Alave, Professor at Kansas University in America
Thu. 08 Feb, 2024

This morning, in his office, SU President, Ashraf Hnijal, received Prof. Sajid Alave, Professor of Food Manufacturing and Fodder in the Department of Industrial and Grain Sciences at Kansas University of America. He is a professor of world ranking in this field and has more than 100 applied research published in the world's largest scientific journals. He has obtained projects that exceed 13 million dollars to finance his applied research projects. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Osama Kaddour, Dean of the Faculty of Fish Resources.

Moreover, the SU President, stated that he had discussed ways to strengthen cooperation between the two universities, especially the Faculty of Fish Resources. As well as allocating a series of master's and doctoral grants for the university teaching staff besides the training programs conducted annually by the American University and the allocation of several scholarships to participate in, in addition to the implementation of training programs at Suez University, participation in several research projects in the United States, the exchange of professors, and preparing a memorandum of understanding in this regard.

Subsequently, the SU guest, accompanied by Prof. Dr. Osama Kaddour, visited the Faculty of Fish Resources, where they were received by the faculty undersecretaries, several teaching staff members, and associated staff. The guest delivered a lecture on modern technology of fish feed manufacture, and the use of available alternatives of raw materials locally to reduce the cost of import production. He also visited all specialized laboratories and production units in the faculty and expressed his great admiration for the faculty's institutional capabilities and the potential that qualifies it to be one of the ranking faculties in this field. Then he held a meeting with the faculty Dean to discuss the Mechanisms for the SU President's assignments in the Framework of Implementation.

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