Suez University
Opening of the training course for imams of Suez Awaqf at the Faculty of Arts
Mon. 29 Jan, 2024

This morning, the training course was opened for the Awqaf imams in Suez under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, the supervision of Prof. Dr. Saied Hamid Abadi, SU Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development, and the attendance of Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mazen Jalal, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and Sheikh Majid Radi, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Awqaf in Suez.

Moreover, the SU President stated that Suez University plays an important role in supporting preachers in Suez and qualifying them for preaching to ensure the correct interpretation of religion, refute misconceptions about beliefs, and inform and guide people into what benefits them and their country. Thus, Suez University performs this role through the guidance, knowledge, and experience of university professors and specialists.

Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts opened the course by conveying the greetings of the SU President to all attendees, wishing them maximum benefit from the events of the course. "Jalal" explained that it is not the first time for the Faculty of Arts to host such training courses, as they are conducted by the protocol between the University and the Directorate of Suez Awqaf to organize such courses in various disciplines such as Arabic language, Psychology, Sociology, and Media. He explained that the current course specializes in the Arabic language, stressing that the faculty always welcomes the imams and appreciates their great role in enlightening minds.

In his speech, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf thanked the SU President for hosting this course, which aims to develop the capabilities and abilities of the imams of Suez Awqaf, noting the importance of working continuously to develop capabilities and skills as the preacher's work always needs continuous culture in gaining knowledge in various disciplines.

It is worth mentioning that this course lasts for three days and includes several trainings. The first day focuses on the vocal performance of the Imam while the second day is entitled Renewal of religious discourse between reasonable and conveyed. The course concludes with a lecture entitled "Common Language Errors in Speeches".