Suez University
SU President inspects theoretical exams at the Faculty of Medicine
Sun. 21 Jan, 2024

This morning, during his inspection tour, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, followed up on the theoretical exams of the Faculty of Medicine where he was received by Prof. Dr. Said Hamid Abadi, SU Vice President for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs and supervisor of the Faculty of Medicine, faculty undersecretaries, and faculty staff members.

The SU President followed up all the preparations provided by the faculty, whether physical or human, to optimize the exam process. Hnijal stressed the need for everyone to provide all the amenities for students and take all the measures required to provide an ideal atmosphere for the completion of the exams. He also drew attention to the need to work continuously on both corrections and monitoring in preparation for the timely announcement of the results.