Suez University
SU President witnesses a closing ceremony of student activities at the Faculty of Physical Education
Wed. 03 Jan, 2024

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, witnessed the closing ceremony of student activities at the Faculty of Physical Education. He was met by Prof. Dr. Wael Qandil, the dean of the faculty, undersecretaries, staff members of the faculty, associated staff, and administrative organ of the faculty.

Therefore, the faculty students presented a series of sports shows, an innovative workout show for students, a karate show, and a folklore show.

Furthermore, the SU President gave a speech thanking the staff members for their efforts with the students. He also appreciated the performance and level of the faculty students, wishing everyone success. Then, the SU President stressed that the university provides all forms of support to the faculty for its confidence in its effort to graduate optimally qualified students. At the end of the presentation, the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education gave the Shield Faculty of Physical Education to the President of Suez University in recognition of the faculty’s management of his sovereignty, stressing the gratitude of all staff members of the faculty to support the University's ongoing management.