Suez University
SU President honors “Students for Egypt” community at Suez University
Tue. 02 Jan, 2024

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, honored the SU “Students for Egypt” community at the end of the first semester, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Al-Dsouki, the SU “Students for Egypt” community leader. The SU President paid tribute to the active students in various activities.

Hnijal delivered certificates of appreciation to the students, and he commended their effective activity. Dr. Al-Dsouki gave the SU President a shield in recognition of his unlimited support for the SU “Students for Egypt” community and student activities in general.

In a good gesture from the students, the students gave a shield to Dr. Ahmad al- Dsouki handed to him by the SU President in recognition of the effort of the SU “Students for Egypt” leader.

Moreover, the SU President stated that his interest in supporting various student activities stems from the belief that these activities are great opportunities for the university to discover different skills and abilities.