Suez University
Fruits and Bricks (Achievements and Constraints) … By Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the President of Suez University
Sun. 31 Dec, 2023

Fruits and Bricks (Achievements and Constraints) … Article in the Journal of the Al Joumhouria Issue on Sunday 31 December 2023… By Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the President of Suez University.

An old proverb says “Always the trees that bear fruit are stoned”.

Successive experiences have confirmed the authenticity and accuracy of this proverbial. In any community, a group of individuals has no purpose other than to demolish or distort any achievement on the ground, to achieve their purpose of shattering this community from the inside through the assassination of concern and the devaluation of any work or achievement that aspires to the advancement of society.

This proverb has been reflected in the last presidential elections that took place days ago. Then, this group of stone throws showed up with the goal of demolition and not to obtain fruit, for harming and not the purpose of constructive criticism where some before this constitutional event questioned the consciousness of the Egyptian people, and some of them tried to manipulate the awareness of the Egyptian people through attempts to diminish the importance of this entitlement.

As said, the response was in the stadium. Egyptian people painted a painting that was the most wonderful years ago when they all lined up without any direction to choose a certain choice. They said their word that was a thunderous force in the various lands to declare that the Egyptians' statement of seven thousand years of civilization is not only a word; it is a manifest act of far and wide; To witness to the greatness of this people, it is not only seven thousand years, but cumulative experiences of consciousness, understanding, and saturation in love with the soil of this country.

Moreover, at our university, we had an important awareness-raising role for our students and university members, and we had to accept the challenge, challenging the dissemination of informed thought and real awareness of the importance of positive participation in this important constitutional entitlement.

I have personally ensured that the University's role is limited to raising awareness and encouraging participation only; Without the slightest attempt to guide either by insinuating or declaring the choice of a candidate without others, I have bet on the consciousness of the University's commissioners an unquestionable bet. I was also sure the people of the University like all Egyptians were aware of wherever Egypt's future. Therefore, I was fully conscious of who deserves to lead the country in the next phase of completing the construction and development process. The crowds of Egyptian people were in the front of the electoral committees to cast votes topping the scene and revealing the degree of great consciousness enjoyed by this great people.

The result of this big Democratic process was a clear message to the world that Egyptian people knew very well how to plan their future, a clear message that did not accept the interpretation that Egyptians would remain together behind their wise leadership of the Republic to cross into the mainland.

I and the Egyptian people congratulated the President for winning the elections. But I must also congratulate the people on their consciousness and understanding of the nature of the current phase that needs a strong and conscious leader capable of completing his career that he started to spare us all the fruits of what he harvested despite the stones of the malevolent. Furthermore, I congratulate myself and all the people of His Excellency Mr. Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces...

Finally, our achievements linger and even increase, and their constraints are not hitting us but they're coming back to them. Let them keep throwing stones and our conscious people keep planting trees and fruits.

May Allah save Egypt, its people, its president, its army, and its police from all hatred and hate.