Suez University
SU President opens a seminar entitled “The Role of Universities in Combating Violence and Discrimination Against Women”
Thu. 21 Dec, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President opened a seminar event entitled “The Role of Universities in Combating Violence and Discrimination Against Women- Legal Protection and Support”. It was attended by Prof. Dr. Said Abbadi, the SU Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs, M. Shimaa Naim, the Director General of the General Administration of Strategy of the National Women's Council, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Gamal Attia, the Member of the Legislative Committee of the National Women's Council and Former Dean of the Faculty of Law at Zagazig University, M. Hala Al-Sabai, the Rapporteur of the Suez Branch National Women's Council, and Mosad Abu al-Diyar, the Director of the Unit for Combating Violence against women.

In his speech, the President welcomed the attendance, stressing that the symposium was part of a deep belief in the important and influential role played by Egyptian women in promoting their homeland.

Hnijal noted that women played a pivotal role in the renaissance of old and modern societies, demonstrating through this role their ability to change positively in those societies, their remarkable presence in various aspects of life, and their insistence on standing by and supporting men; Overwhelming evidence of being an essential element in bringing about change in society.

Moreover, he explained that in Egypt, women are a fundamental supporter and an active partner in the sustainable development of the Egyptian State without any doubt; half of the community's active capacity; It is therefore difficult for the State to achieve its progress, prosperity, and renaissance without the supporting role of women and the drive for development in all its cross-cutting areas. Hence, society must not diminish, weaken, or disregard its pioneering role, which was demonstrated days ago during the last constitutional entitlement in presidential elections, in which women played a significant positive role, resulting in the optimal exit of this event that dazzled the entire world, culminating in an outcome that assures the whole world that the Egyptians are on the right path.

Furthermore, Hnijal pointed out that on this occasion he congratulated to His Excellency President Abdelfattah El-Sisi on winning his sovereignty over a new presidency, which underscored that the awareness and awareness of the people of Egypt is no room for debate or questioning.

The SU President indicated that His Excellency Mr. President used to call on the women of Egypt "The Greatness of Egypt", which has consistently affirmed that it is always proud of the status and achievements of Egyptian women in all spheres, stresses its sovereignty over greater certainty of the importance of further promoting women's rights as a valuable way towards a healthy and balanced society based on justice and equity, and benefiting from all potential, in its daughters and children.

The President of the University stressed that the Egyptian State's efforts to combat violence against women are a matter of pride and appreciation. The National Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030 devotes its fourth theme to the cause of protection to eliminate negative phenomena that threaten women's lives, safety, and dignity as well as preventing them from participating effectively in all areas, including all forms of violence against women, and protecting them from environmental hazards that may negatively affect them socially or economically.

Hnijal also noted that over the past years, the Egyptian State strengthened women's protection through legislative amendments guaranteeing their right to protection. Today's symposium will be subject to considerable scrutiny and investigation.

Then, the SU Vice-President talked in review of the University's efforts to serve the surrounding community, stressing the importance of the theme of today's symposium, especially because of the great interest of all officials in women's empowerment issues and taking all necessary measures to overcome any manifestations of violence against women. The University has established a unit to combat violence against women. It also supports all activities undertaken by the Unit aimed at providing all kinds of support to women. He also referred to women's active role in society and their entitlement to the status achieved at all levels.

In his statement, Abu al-Diyar referred to the objectives of the Unit for Combating Violence against Women at Suez University, which is to provide psychological and legal support to those who are subjected to violence at the University. Therefore, other objectives prepare women to deal with forms of violence, as well as strengthening cooperation between the University and others concerned. The Director of the Unit then reviewed the activities of the Unit during the previous period, including seminars and workshops for female students and university staff, which concerned women's mental health and social peace, such as addressing extremism, confronting rumors, and other seminars that included challenges faced by working women.

For its part, Al-Sibai thanked Suez University for cooperation, coordination, and attention to all women's issues, reviewing the efforts of the branch of the National Council for Women in Suez and the services provided at various levels. She then referred to the role of the National Council for Women as a national mechanism for improving the situation of women in society and empowering women at all levels, as well as the role of the National Council for Women in receiving complaints on all issues specific to women.

Following the inaugural session, the proceedings of the symposium began with the first session on services for victims of violence and response methods, at which M, Shimaa Naim, the Director General of the General Administration of Strategy of the National Women's Council was spoken.

Followed by a session entitled “International dimension against violence against women”. This session was lectured by Dr. Mohammed Gamal Attia, the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Zagaziq University and a member of the Legislative Committee of the National Women's Council.