Suez University
• Suez University organizes a seminar entitled "Money Laundering, Graft, Illegal Migration, and Human Trafficking Offenses." • SU President congratulates His Excellency the President of the Republic and stresses that the results of the elections served as a clear message to the world that the people of Egypt are aware of their interests and future.
Tue. 19 Dec, 2023

Under the auspices and presence of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, Suez University organized a major educational seminar entitled "Money Laundering, Graft, Illegal Migration, and Human Trafficking Offenses". It was attended by Brigadier General/ Amr Tawfiq, the Chairman of the Group for Combating Organized Crime in the Administrative Supervisory Authority, SU Vice-Presidents, Deans of the faculty, Staff members, Employees, and students at the university. This seminar was under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Said Hamed Abbadi, the SU Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs.

The SU President delivered a speech at the beginning of the symposium welcoming the University's great guest, explaining that this symposium is part of the University's outreach activities aimed at educating its employees periodically to spread positive thinking and inform minds of accurate information documented by its people.

Then, Hnijal stated that Egypt's awareness and interest in participating positively in the presidential elections over the past few days confirms that the people of Egypt enjoy a high degree of awareness and understanding of the various current issues. The University has played a positive role in this constitutional right by encouraging all its officials to participate in this democratic age without the slightest insinuation or authorization to select a candidate. All of the University's actions have been to encourage and provide possibilities to participate in this constitutional right.

Moreover, The SU President stressed that the results of these elections serve as a clear message to the whole world that the people of Egypt understand their interests and future must be placed in the hands of those who can take responsibility and complete the process of construction, development, and progress.

Therefore, the SU President extended his sincere congratulations and best wishes to His Excellency President Abdelfattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, on the occasion of His Excellency's victory in a new presidency term to complete the process of progress and prosperity for Egypt.

Hnijal also referred to the national strategy launched by the Egyptian State for years to combat corruption of all kinds, "financial, administrative, moral, and political. We have all witnessed the efforts of the supervisory authorities to preserve the country's capabilities from any attempt at corruption of any kind. Today's symposium is one of the means of enlightenment that the University is always keen to implement.

After that, Tawfiq began presenting a lecture in which he spoke about State entities and the administrative organ of the State, explaining the types of crimes, the concept of the graft law and the mechanism for its application in the State, as well as the Anti-Money Laundering Law, which is applied to all sectors of society.

Hnijal then explained the risks of money laundering and its impact on the State, which were economic effects such as inflation, high prices, social effects such as uneven social levels, widespread job corruption, employment opportunities, low wages, political effects such as the use of funds to finance terrorism and other effects, and the role of stakeholders in addressing such practices.

There was a discussion with the attendance about their information on the Anti-trafficking in Human Beings Act, national legislation, and international instruments in addressing the offenses of trafficking in human beings and illegal migration, and the risks of illegal migration from a religious, economic, and legal perspective, preventive means of preventing human trafficking and migrant smuggling from preventing and combating.

At the end of the seminar, Tawfiq presented a documentary on some corruption cases and the management oversight body's efforts to address such criminal activities.