Suez University
▪︎ For a second day... Suez University participates strongly in mobilizing students to participate in presidential elections ▪︎ SU President: The large student turnout reflects Egypt
Mon. 11 Dec, 2023

For the second day, SU students continued their participation in the presidential election events, where students at various faculties went to the expatriate committees and election committees of Suez. As well, it was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, SU Vice-Presidents, Deans of faculties, Teaching Staff, and Employees of the University.

Moreover, the president moved to visit some of the committees' headquarters with SU students to encourage students to do their constitutional right to vote.

SU President also stated that the high turnout and keenness of the University students to participate in this positive reflects the awareness of the youth of Egypt of the importance of participating in the building of Egypt's future. Hnijal also praised the quality of facilitating voters to cast their votes smoothly despite the intense crowding of various committees.

Furthermore, the SU President stressed that he had wagered on the awareness of Egypt's youth in critical situations. Perhaps the availability and keenness to participate confirm the profit of that bet.

Hnijal assured that his pleasure at the continuous increase and that this was the result of the smooth and comfortable conduct of the first day for students; This encouraged everyone to come on the second day in large numbers. Furthermore, the student was prepared through student activities and awareness seminars to highlight his political and constitutional right to vote in the presidential elections.

For their part, students expressed appreciation for the University's efforts in providing all means to encourage students to participate in this major event, especially since it is the first time that this age group has cast their votes in elections.