Suez University
SU President witnesses signing of cooperation protocol with Galaxy Petrochemicals
Wed. 06 Dec, 2023

This morning, at his office, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, received Mr. Basem Shamendi, Director of Human Resources at Galaxy Petrochemicals, where he witnessed the signing of a cooperation protocol between the University Centre for Professional Development and Galaxy Petrochemical Company in Suez. Dr. Mohamed Aziz, Acting Dean of the SU Faculty of Engineering, signed the protocol as the representative of the university in the presence of M. Marina Brsoum, SU Project Manager, Dr. Ayman Hilamy, Senior Professional Development Specialist at the center, Dr. Joseph Samir, Recruitment and Partnerships Specialist at the Center, Dr. Mustafa Tawfiq, Professional Development Specialist at the Center, Mr. Khaled Bashir, Data and Information Specialist at the Center, M. Rasha Khalid, Head of Human Resources at Galaxy Petrochemicals.

Furthermore, the SU President pointed out that the SU Center for Professional Development is keen to cooperate and coordinate with various companies and institutions to link academic study to the needs of the labor market and help companies by providing qualified and trained graduates and students ready to work or train that facilitate recruitment processes, as well as hosting experts from institutions to hold induction seminars or employment sessions at the university.

Moreover, Hnijal explained that the Protocol aims to provide opportunities for students from the Center's pioneers to participate in visits to the Company to learn closely about the work policies within it to learn about the nature and requirements of work and professional life as well as to provide training and job opportunities for graduates of Suez University nominated by the University Center for Professional Development.