Suez University
Chaired by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research; Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President attends the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities at Port Said University
Sat. 25 Nov, 2023

(quoted from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research page)

- The Minister constantly directs the readiness of university hospitals to receive the wounded and injured from the Gaza Strip

- The Minister urges the academic community to participate actively by voting in the next presidential election

- The Minister commends the inclusion of 28 Egyptian universities in the Shanghai Classification of Scientific Disciplines, the inclusion of 37 Egyptian universities in the Thames Classification of Arab States, and Egypt offers 5 positions in the World Knowledge Index 2023

- Dr. Ayman Ashour stresses the importance of continuing to maximize the use of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

- The Minister continuously directs the implementation of activities plans and the development of national awareness of students

At its meeting, the Council approves:

- Preparation of an integrated feasibility study to establish an inter-university partnership project to begin the rehabilitation of 200 acres per university in the new valley.

- The Council discusses proposals for the development and restructuring of special units of universities.

- Establishment of an electronic platform at the Supreme Council of Universities to follow up on educational activities and services at universities.

The Supreme Council of Universities held its periodic meeting on Saturday under the chairmanship of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of Dr. Reda Hijazi, Minister of Education and Technical Education, and General Adel Al-Ghadban, Governor of Port Said, Dr. Mustafa Refat, Secretary of the Council, and the members of the Council, at the headquarters of Port Said University.

Dr. Reda Hijazi continues to coordinate fully with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the development of an education system that keeps pace with global developments.

General Adel Al-Ghadban welcomed the Supreme Council of Universities in Port Said governorate, praising the support of Port Said University for the development projects in the governorate.

The Council thanked Port Said University under the chairmanship of Dr. Ayman Ibrahim, the University President, for hosting the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities.

The Council congratulated Dr. Diaa Zainulabedin on the Republican decision to appoint him as President of Ain Shams University, and Dr. Elhami Ali Trabis on his appointment as President of Damanhur University, wishing them constant success, and wishing their universities further progress and prosperity.

The Minister of Higher Education has consistently directed the readiness of university hospitals to receive the wounded and injured from the Gaza Strip, Implementing the directives of the Egyptian President to provide the highest level of medical care and rapid response to cases requiring urgent medical intervention, and the continuation of full medical equipment, in full coordination with the Ministry of Health.

He paid tribute to Dr. Ayman Ashour Achievements in International University Classification including the inclusion of 28 Egyptian universities in the Shanghai Classification of Scientific Disciplines 2023. Besides, entering 4 Egyptian universities in the top 50 international universities in the same category and the inclusion of 37 Egyptian universities in the Times' classification of Arab States. In addition to achievements in scientific research and innovation. Among them Egypt offers 5 centers in the World Knowledge Index 2023, valuing efforts in this regard, including technical support provided to universities by the Ministry and the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

The Minister stressed the importance of continuing to maximize the use of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, to maximize its unique and enormous possibilities for learning and training, and to make available various kinds of science and knowledge, noting the availability of free publishing and browsing to Egyptian researchers in Taylor & Francis international journals as an important step in supporting the dissemination of scientific research.

As Dr. Ayman Ashour stressed the importance of universities to continue to implement and expand plans for sports, artistic, cultural and social activities during the current academic year, continue to develop national awareness of university students, support innovators and sports and artistic talents; To take advantage of the potential of youth and develop their spirit of belonging and loyalty, praising Egypt's team of universities students for the second place of the Basketball World Cup in Doha, which is a historic new achievement for Egyptian sport in general and university in particular.

The Minister also urged the academic community to participate actively by voting in the forthcoming presidential elections.

The Council heard a report on the most prominent activities of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research during the past month, including the Minister's visit to Paris to participate in the 42 General Conference of UNESCO, and the speech by Egypt, in which it stressed the full support for the nomination of Dr. Khaled Al-Anani, former Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for the post of Director-General of the Organization, met with a number of participants; To promote cooperation between Egypt and the States participating in the Conference, in order to serve the objectives of Vision 2030, and to participate in the coordinating meeting of (13) States members of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), as well as to sign a core framework agreement for alliances of Mediterranean universities with the delegation of the French University of Lyon in Paris; To develop new programs and disciplines needed by the labor market, and visit The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) headquarters in Paris to pursue joint cooperation with OECD.

The report referred to the Minister's visit to Scotland in the United Kingdom to participate as a keynote speaker in the conference "Going Global" to showcase Egypt's experience in developing the system of higher education and scientific research, meeting with the Ministers of Education, Higher Education and Continuing Education of the United Kingdom, and a number of conference participants to promote cooperation with them in the fields of higher education and scientific research, and to sign a number of memorandums of understanding.

The report also explained the Minister's meeting with the delegation of the Royal College of Surgeons of the United Kingdom in the New Administrative Capital. It aimed to discuss joint scientific cooperation and the signing of an agreement between the two sides to develop and provide the highest standards of surgical practice and training in surgery and dentistry in Egypt and to establish a permanent headquarters for the Royal College of Surgeons in Egypt. Hence, to take advantage of the international experience in this field, to let Egypt be a hub for examinations and fellowships in the Middle East, in addition to developing a program that includes providing formal accreditation to hospitals, centers, programs, and training courses, capacity-building and exams, and celebrating the accreditation of five universities in the field of dentistry as centers to embrace a specialist fellowship qualification program. This accreditation is the first of its kind for universities outside England.

The report also referred to the inauguration by the Minister of the Sixth International Environmental Forum of the University of Tanta, the launch of a comprehensive development convoy 1000 within 3 years under the "Hayat Karima" initiative, the signing of 7 memorandums of understanding between the University of Tanta and industrial institutions, the launching of the first international conference of the North African Region Infection Control Network Centre and the holding several meetings with foreign ambassadors and officials to explore ways of supporting scientific and research cooperation.

The Board heard a presentation by Dr. Hassan Abdullah, the Academic President, of the University of East London, on the use of AI applications in higher education, scientific research, health, and climate change.

" Adel Abdul Ghaffar, Media Adviser and Spokesperson of the Ministry, said that the Council discussed the preparation of an integrated feasibility study to establish a partnership project between universities; To begin the actual reclamation of 200 acres per university in the New Valley governorate.

The Council also discussed university proposals for the development and restructuring of university special units.

The Board agreed to update chapter I of the Decision on Community Issues, to be titled "Problems of overpopulation", to address reproductive health and family planning, and to include the final report of the World Conference on Population, Health, and Development.

The Council also discussed the follow-up report on the implementation of the digital transformation plan for the development of higher education institutions and Egyptian universities.

The Council approved the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Electronic and Knowledge Services Centre of the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities to establish a follow-up platform, under the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities, under the Secretariat of the Electronic and Knowledge Services Centre, aimed at following up on feedback and monitoring the universities' performance in the educational system and the services and activities they provide; With the aim of continuous development.