Suez University
Launch of Entrepreneurial Graduation Projects (EGP) to Support Egyptian University Students Graduation
Thu. 23 Nov, 2023

Are you a university student in the last year? Do you have a creative idea for your graduation project? Would you like to turn your idea into a startup?

If yes, you are invited to participate in the EGP Entrepreneurial Graduation Projects Program, through which the Innovators Care Fund provides technical and financial support of up to 100 thousand pounds for undergraduate graduation projects, subject to the following conditions:

• The project can become a startup.

• The project is innovative and offers solutions to the problems facing society.

• The project has commercial potential.

• The student has conducted at least one preliminary market study.

Do not hesitate! It's your chance here to turn your idea into reality.

Unleash your creativity and make your future!

For more information, please visit the following link: