Suez University
SU President witnesses an orientation day at the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Mon. 06 Nov, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, visited the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. He was met by Prof. Dr. Essam Ali, the dean of the faculty, faculty undersecretaries, teaching staff, and employees.

This visit comes in support of student activities in various faculties of the University where His Excellency attended the celebration of welcoming new students and honoring the faculty top students and distinguished students in the faculty.

Today's events began with the national anthem and then a minute to mourn the lives of the faculty members who died this year and those of the Palestinian martyrs. The president then addressed a speech to the faculty students urging them to pursue excellence and success and ensure the acquisition of the skills required by the labor market. The concept of summit faculties differed, and every student must make the summit in its entirety with diligence, perseverance, and scientific and moral excellence.

Furthermore, Hnijal stressed the importance of participating in various student activities in line with the philosophy and vision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research which helps to develop the student's personality and behavior. The president concluded by calling on everyone not to obey the rumors and outrage promoted by Egypt's enemies inside and outside.

The dean of the faculty then congratulated the SU President in the name of faculty administration, staff, and employees of the University on the trust of His Excellency the President of the Republic to appoint His Excellency as President of the University and wished His Excellency success and progress.

Prof. Dr. Essam Ahmed, the Dean of the faculty, called students to be positive in their behavior inside and outside the University and urged them to continuously learn and exploit the University's abilities from the training centers to refine their skills in all fields such as languages, computing, and human development. He highlighted the importance of the youth and education in Egypt's future, and how lucky they are to have the political leadership's interest.

The ceremony concluded with honoring the top general high school and the various teams of the faculty. They also honored distinguished students in all local and international student activities.