Suez University
Headed by Hnijal... Meeting of the Board of Directors of the SU Centre for Disabled Student Welfare
Wed. 01 Nov, 2023

This morning, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the SU Centre for Disabled Student Welfare was held at Suez University headed by Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hanigel, SU President. It was attended by Prof. Dr. Ehab Shehata, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Director of the Center, Prof. Dr. Samah El-Sakka, Deputy Director of the Centre, and the members of the Board of Directors of the Centre.

At the beginning of the meeting, the SU President welcomed the attendance wishing everyone success in running this important center, which comes within the framework of the unprecedented interest of Egyptian President Abdelfattah in the disabled and the importance of providing them all facilities and various services.

Hnijal then reviewed with the attendees the procedures already implemented to finalize the opening steps of the Disabled Students Service Centre, both about the required engineering requirements and the physical and human potential to be provided. He stressed that he will personally pursue all steps to expedite the completion of all required requirements. He also stressed quick communication with Amidst officials to review what is required to complete the opening procedures as soon as possible.

Moreover, The SU President asserted the need to schedule a meeting within the next few days with SU disabled students in his presence and all those involved from various faculties, whether deans of faculties, staff members, or employees.

For his part, Shehata and all the members of the Council thanked the SU President for his continued support of the Centre to overcome all problems and obstacles to finalize the opening procedures of the Centre as soon as possible. The Director of the Center also presented some proposals made by the members of the Board of Directors to develop the work of the Center in a form that serves all the SU Disabled students. He noted the SU President's emphasis on taking all these proposals into account and implementing them.