Suez University
A seminar entitled “Plasma is a source of life... We possess our medicine” auspices and attended by the SU President
Mon. 30 Oct, 2023

Under the auspices and presence of Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, Suez University organized a seminar entitled “Plasma is a source of life... We possess our medicine”. The seminar was lectured by Major General Doctor/Magdi Amin Mubarak, the official for the plasma derivatives project in Egypt. This seminar was attended by Prof. Dr. Essam Ahmed Ali, the dean of the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, faculties dean, teaching staff, and employees with the participation of students of the various faculties of the university. Moreover, the seminar was in the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Mining Conference Hall.

The event started with the national anthem, and then the president expressed gratitude to a guest for attending and delivering his speech. Moreover, the SU President Explained that this symposium comes in the light of the national plasma derivatives production project and according to the directives of His Excellency President Abdelfattah El-Sisi of the Republic, who had dreamed of realizing this ambitious project for years because of its great importance in seeking to build a national integrated plasma system at a global level that will strengthen Egypt's health care system.

Hnijal also noted that the project to establish plasma derivatives factories in Egypt is one of the major projects with a large national dimension, where the importance and national dimension of this project derives from the relevance and permanent need for plasma derivatives products. The project includes the establishment (20) of a plasma donation center to localize the combined plasma manufacturing requirements through the establishment of a retail and purification plant for derivatives, in addition to the establishment of testing labs and warehouses for the industry. To achieve the ambitious vision of leading the production and provision of plasma derivatives in the Middle East and Africa, by applying the highest safety and quality standards in line with the latest international standards. And achieving self-sufficiency of plasma derivatives in Egypt.

The SU President stressed that the Egyptian State, under the leadership of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, projects, initiatives, and visions... Aims to achieve the quality of life of Egyptian citizens in various sectors. Furthermore, the great progress Egypt is making in the hands of its people in its major projects with unwavering speed to catch up with progress and prosperity; Places on our shoulders great responsibility for the need to work tirelessly, to catch up and keep up with these rapid steps taken by Egypt towards progress, through a package of ideas outside the box, and new and non-stereotypical perceptions; To achieve the progress of Egypt.

He also explained what Egypt and the world faced during the coronavirus pandemic production of all its ingredients without dependence on import from abroad, Due to the entry of plasma derivatives into the manufacture of many medicines and vaccines the insistence of the political leadership on the emergence of this project was a light of light because of the national security it represents to Egypt as well as save many import expenses, and hard currency bill. He explained that Suez governorate is one of the governorates where it established a plasma donation center headquarters.

Following this, Major General Doctor/Magdi Amin Mubarak delivered his lecture, which at the outset thanked the SU President for his warm welcome, and took care of the topic of plasma derivatives, which is a component of Egypt's national security. Then, he pointed out that the world's largest plasma-producing country is the United States of America, which produces about 70% of the world's plasma derivatives. He explained that localizing the plasma derivatives industry is a national security project so that the fate of treatment is not placed in non-Egypt, explaining what blood plasma is. The composition of plasma indicates that it consists of 90% water, as well as the types of diseases and medicines that depend on plasma and its derivatives.

"Mubarak" noted that the establishment of factories without the provision of the raw materials of donors would not be feasible; So everyone should contribute to the success of this great national project. He then explained the difference between plasma donation and blood donation, noting that plasma donation is different from blood donation where the donor can provide plasma more than once a week as it consists of 90% water. He then explained that all legal legislation had been finalized to settle this industry in Egypt. All relevant laws have been amended to serve the resettlement of this important industry.

His Excellency referred to the method of donation made following a medical examination and various analyses of the donor to ascertain his health, explaining that the legislation had authorized payment for the donation process as compensation for his time and effort.

Mubarak also explained the steps of the donation process at the Centre, starting from attending the Centre and recording its data, and conducting a comprehensive medical examination before the start of the donation process, which takes about 45 minutes.

Mubarak noted that this project was among the dreams of His Excellency President Abdelfattah El-Sisi of the Republic, illustrating the number of challenges facing the project starting from the agreement with the foreign partner, and the provision of the required funds with the substantial support of the political leadership that spares no effort. The actual production of plasma derivatives from valid medicines has already taken place for weeks, confirming that all procedures for obtaining plasma have been carried out with the utmost precision of plasma extracted from Egyptian citizens.

Mubarak extended the invitation to His Excellency the SU President "to organize visits to students and faculty to visit the center that opened in Suisse about a month ago to ascertain the outstanding potential it has and is ready to receive plasma donation from citizens.

After that, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President oversaw the lecture and thanked Magdy Mubarak, and the team accompanying his sovereignty in this large project, inviting everyone to participate in visits organized by the University at the Plasma Donation Center in Suez.