Suez University
Educational seminar on the National Day of Suez Governorate and its Popular Resistance
Tue. 24 Oct, 2023

Under the auspices and attendance of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, the Faculty of Politics and Economy is organizing an educational seminar on the anniversary of the glorious October victories and the popular resistance of the Suez governorate. It was lectured by Prof. Dr. Jouda Abdelkhalek, Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University and the former Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, Prof. Dr. Jamal Salama, professor of political science at Suez University and the founding dean of the Faculty of Politics and Economics at the University, Prof. Dr. Nepal Ezzedine Jamil Dean of the SU Faculty of Politics and Economics, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mazen Jalal Dean of the SU Faculty of Arts.

The seminar began with the national anthem and the SU President delivered a speech welcoming the university's guests, appreciating their role in the process of enlightening minds with the true knowledge and accuracy of the statement.

Therefore, Hnijal noted that the National Day of the Governorate commemorates the hearts of all Egyptians when the heroes of Suez were able to defeat the enemy when it attempted to occupy Suez during the war of October 73.

Moreover, The SU President noted that Egypt's destiny is to remain the active element and the cornerstone of the Arab Israeli conflict issue. Decades have passed since Egypt played a pivotal role in preserving the capabilities and rights of the Palestinian people. Perhaps the recent repercussions and aggression on the brothers in Palestine and what certain bodies tried to do to lead the fate of the issue to liquidation and the loss of Palestinian rights is the greatest evidence that Egypt and its leadership are fully aware of all the details of this problem. Hence, the Egyptian President Abdelfattah El-Sisi, stated with clarity and sincere expression the will of all the Egyptian people, when he said, "The liquidation of the Palestinian issue without a solution will never happen at Egypt's expense."

Furthermore, Hnijal pointed out that this declaration confirms the political leadership's awareness of what is being planned by certain bodies and of Egypt's actions aimed at achieving the preservation of the legitimate historical rights of siblings in Palestine.

In conclusion, he reaffirmed the Egyptian President's unequivocal support for all actions and steps to preserve the abilities and rights of the brotherly Palestinian people.

In her statement, the Dean of the Faculty thanked the SU President for his support to the faculty in various fields, explaining that the faculty is making every effort to develop the capacities of its employees, and wished its students the best.

Then, Prof. Dr. Jamal Salama spoke about the history of the establishment of the Faculty of Politics and Economics and how the Suez governorate region was most needed to establish the Faculty of Politics and Economics. "Salama" also tackled the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, which has different paths every time, explaining that the statement of the Egyptian President that the liquidation of the Palestinian issue will not happen and will not be at the expense of Egypt, is the greatest evidence of the gravity of what is plotted in Egypt and Arab countries.

After that, a recording film about the history of the popular resistance in Suez was shown. So, the university guest Prof. Dr. Juda Abdelkhalek reviewed the history of the Suez War, addressing the impact of the psychological war formulated by the media to terrorize citizens. He also referred to the extension of the impact of the Suez War in 73 and its relationship with what happens to Palestine now.

Later on, He asked questions explaining the reasons for the enemy's adherence to the city of Suez. He stressed the importance of the city remaining under Egyptian sovereignty, which made the Suez people among the heroes of the popular resistance to defend it. Abdulkhaliq also noted the need to establish a war museum in the Suez Governorate and upgrade the efficiency of historical monuments witnessing the struggle of the sons of the courageous.

At the end of the symposium, the SU President reaffirmed his full support to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his decisions concerning the Palestinian issue and the preservation of the rights of the Palestinian people.