Suez University
Suez University organizes a seminar on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the glorious October
Wed. 18 Oct, 2023

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, hosted a major seminar at the Faculty of Arts on the Golden Jubilee of glorious October victories in the presence of Major General Staff of War, Yassin Tahir, Adviser to the Director of the Military Academy of Postgraduate and Strategic Studies, with the participation of. Prof. Dr. Saied Abadi, Vice-President, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mazen Jalal, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and faculties Deans, faculty staff members, university staff, and students from various faculties.

The seminar began with the national anthem and the SU President delivered a speech welcoming the University's great guest. Then he requested everyone to stand a moment of silence for the souls of the martyrs pointing out that the glorious October War provided all the feelings of pride to the Egyptian people for such victory which has a great past of pride and a bright future for the Egyptians. He thanked the October Generation who has given us a past of tournaments that we are proud of and charted us a future of prosperity in which we are blessed.

Hnijal then stated that the spirit of October assures the whole world that the battle is not over. Half a century after this great saga, the spirit of October continues assuring the whole world that the battle is not over, it is in full view of everyone that we are witnessing moment-to-moment and flagrant abuses of humanity by the brutal occupying forces with our beloved brotherhood in Palestine. As usual, Egypt has played its historic role in defending the Palestinian cause and the fraternal Palestinian people's right to land.

Moreover, The SU President explained that he and all the members of the university reaffirm the absolute confidence and full support for all efforts of the Egyptian State under the leadership of the Egyptian President Abdelfattah El-Sisi, the Supreme Leader of the Armed Forces, who has always affirmed that Egypt "has not and will not delay assisting the Palestinians in all forms of support, to prevent the collapse of the Palestinian issue, which is the concern of all Arabs.

General Staff of War, Yassin Taha, sent a message to the Palestinian people that they are right holders and Allah promised victory for the truth even after a while.

Furthermore, he noted that the glorious October turned defeat into a victory, and invoked some of the Egyptian President's words when he stressed the importance of careful planning, belief, and confidence that faith in Allah and belief in victory coming Inshallah.

After that, he talked about the battle of 73 proving that October's victory was not a boom, but a miscellaneous victory that was prepared with utmost precision. The steps to prepare for war began after the 67 plague and continued while the enemy was arrogant. He also explained that the confidence of the Egyptian fighters had to be restored, who used the war of attrition as a means of restoring trust, and raising morale as well as sending messages to the enemy confirming that he was not far from the hands of the Egyptian army.

Taher then reviewed the strategic deception plan of the Egyptian State in various ministries and agencies to export ideas to the enemy that emphasized the unwillingness to war.

He then spoke of the steps taken by all Arab States to assist Egypt in its war, whether with the participation of fighters from various Arab countries, or the use of petroleum weapons by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all Gulf States, which played a significant role in the October victory. Tahir emphasized the role of the Egyptian people and was aware of the importance of fighting the war, depriving himself of the necessities of life to provide his armies with money and arms to achieve victory.

Later on, Tahir referred to the lessons learned from the October War, which emphasized the importance of rehabilitating the human factor since the password in this war was the Egyptians.

Tahir then wandered among students listening to their opinions, stressing that the October generation continues with the sons of Egypt at various times.

Finally, the SU President concluded the seminar by inviting attendees to absorb the lessons of the glorious October War. Hnijal also invited his students to participate in the University's three-day blood donation campaign for Palestinian siblings.