Suez University
“Hnijal” thanks the university`s affiliated staff for participating in the blood donation campaign
Tue. 17 Oct, 2023

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, extends his sincere gratitude and appreciation to all the teaching Staff, employees, and students for their positive participation in the blood donation campaign for our Palestine brotherhood.

“The SU Vice-Presidents, Deans of Faculties, Staff Members, and employees of the University, and my dear students,

What I felt today from your positive feelings, and what I witnessed of dedication and loyalty from everyone during the blood donation campaign, is something to be proud of. It is not strange for Egyptians to exhibit these behaviors that truly reflect the values of genuine solidarity, not just in words but in actions.

You have painted today an incredibly beautiful painting that expresses the sincerity of patriotism and true Arabism. I highly appreciate what you all have done and extend my thanks and appreciation to everyone. Moreover, I Thank the team of workers at the Blood Bank in Suez, and Dr. Wael El Sharkawi, the Director of the Regional Blood Bank in Suez.   

Therefore, I invite all university affiliated to complete this commendable effort in the blood donation campaign that continues until next Thursday in solidarity with our brotherhoods in Palestine.  

Be safe. Long live loyal for Egypt and our Arab homeland.”

Said by Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President.

It is worth mentioning that the blood donation campaign involved about 1,000 participants, whether students, staff, or employees. This campaign will extend until Thursday, October 19.