Suez University
A delegation of university students visits the Information and Decision Support Center of the cabinet
Mon. 16 Oct, 2023

This morning, Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Said Hamid Abadi, SU Vice President for Community Service and Environment Development, SU Students for Egypt community headed by Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Al-Dosouki organized a delegation of university students visited the headquarters of the Information and Decision Support Center of the Cabinet at its new headquarters in the new administrative capital.

The delegation was received by M. Amani Farouk, Head of Central Administration, who welcomed the delegation to review some of the services and work carried out by the Center. She also expressed the desire to focus on further cooperation with the University by participating in various events and projects of mutual interest, wishing everyone lasting success.

Abadi delivered a speech thanking the members of the Information Centre and supporting decision-making for the warm welcome as well as conveying the greetings of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, who appreciates the scale of cooperation between the University and the Centre in various projects and the important role played by the Center in various sectors.

The SU Vice-President expressed his pleasure at the potential he witnessed. Such potential is a tribute to pride and happiness for what Egypt has reached and what the new Republic lives. He expressed his readiness for further cooperation between the University and the Centre, which underscored confidence in the potential of the Centre. He also proposed to initiate cooperation protocols with the Centre emphasizing the Centre's leadership and potential in its work of great importance to the State.

An induction film about the Center was then screened that reviewed the potential and services provided by the Center, followed by a screening of a recording film about Suez University that reviewed the University's history and significant development over the past few years.

This was followed by a presentation about the Centre and the axes of its work, followed by a presentation on the Public Opinion Survey and Research Centre at the Information and Decision Support Centre as well as a presentation of the Centre's website and its various applications.

Dialogue was opened between students and members of the Centre on the importance of the Centre's role and students were commended for all the Centre's services.