Suez University
SU President inspects the University Center for Professional Development
Thu. 12 Oct, 2023

This afternoon, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, visited the University Center for Professional Development where he was received by Dr. Ahmed Dundash, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Makkah Medical Analysis Laboratories Group, Member of the House of Representatives of Ismailia Governorate, Dr. Ahmed Abulhasan, Director of the University Center for Professional Development, and members of the Center, and several students and trainees of the Center.

Moreover, Hnijal walked around the Center, held dialogues with trainee students, and listened to their views on the services provided by the Center. He also stressed the need for everyone to take advantage of the facilities offered by the Center regarding developing skills and possibilities for qualifying youth to compete in the labor market.

Meanwhile, Hnijal referred to the idea of changing the concept of top faculties, explaining that the real top is the excellence that comes from developing skills and abilities and keeping them up to date with the labor market. He also noted that the next period will witness the extinction of many traditional jobs and the emergence of new patterns of jobs that rely on non-traditional skills that must be available to the graduate.

For his part, Dundash expressed his pleasure at cooperating between Mecca factories and Suez University represented by the Professional Development Center, which provides a distinctive range of services enabling the trainee to develop his skills, develop the concept of self-marketing of trainees, as well as developing thinking outside the box to extract creative ideas capable of solving problems in an unfamiliar manner.

At the end of the tour, the SU President honored several students who got the Centre's training courses.