Suez University
SU President visits the Faculty of Physical Therapy
Wed. 11 Oct, 2023

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, continued his visits to various faculties of the university, where His Excellency went to the Faculty of Physical Therapy. He was met by Prof. Dr. Amant Rafaat, the Dean of the faculty, undersecretaries, teaching staff, and employees. At the beginning of the visit, the SU President met with the teaching staff of the faculty. It was attended by the dean of the faculty. Moreover, the SU President stressed the smooth functioning of the educational process during the new academic year, stressing the need for all to be disciplined in lectures and the practical aspects scheduled for students.

The SU President then moved to one of the faculty auditoriums where a group of old and new students were waiting for him. The ceremony began with the recitation of verses of the Holy Quran. This was followed by a speech delivered by the “Dean of the faculty”, who welcomed the SU President on his first visit to the faculty since being the SU President. He thanked the political leadership for its trust in the person of His Excellency the President of the University and his appointment as President of Suez University. Then the dean of the faculty congratulated the students and wished success and progress to all.

For his part, the SU President thanked the faculty community for their efforts to upgrade the faculty and serve the entire educational process and congratulated students for the New Academic Year, stressing the importance of making every effort to advance their academic level; He also emphasized that Physical Therapy graduates' opportunities in the labor market are available, but provided that self-development and permanent training are provided to gain more skills to upgrade the potential of the graduate.

In addition, the SU President discussed on the gravity of observing rumors, the importance of judging reason, and the disbelief of anyone who wished to promote subversive ideas of various State efforts.

At the end of the ceremony, the SU President honored the first students in different teams, which had a positive impact on everyone.