Suez University
SU President attends the students' orientation day of the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology
Tue. 10 Oct, 2023

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, witnessed the students' orientation day organized by the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology, where he was received by Prof. Dr. Amin Said Abdul Ghani, Dean of the faculty, faculty undersecretaries, faculty staff members, and faculty employees.

At the beginning of the visit, the SU President met with the dean of the faculty, faculty undersecretaries, and faculty staff members, where he was assured of the smooth conduct of the educational process and the regular schedules of lectures and practical training scheduled for students.

He then met with a group of old and new students, welcoming them, wishing everyone success and progress, stressing the importance of the role of the Faculty of Media and its graduates as one of the most important faculties aimed at building the media capabilities of our students in the field of information and public communication and creating distinguished cadres that contribute to maintaining the awareness, memory, and identity of the nation.

After that, Hnijal explained that the faculty was equipped with a range of material and human potential at the highest level to ensure academic excellence for its leaders, emphasizing the principle of learning in a way that goes beyond the mere concept of traditional education.

Moreover, the SU President appreciated the efforts of the State from 2014 to 2023, which was evident through the “Hekayet Watan” Conference, which was attended by the Egyptian President, through which a review of the efforts of the Egyptian State on the ground was shown and proved that Egypt's achievements in this period outstripped what was done through ages in Egypt's history.

Furthermore, the SU President pointed out that widespread social media is sometimes used as a means of spreading rumors that may be used to distort thought and falsify perceptions among youth.

The SU President explained that the students of the Faculty of Media must be aware of such systematic attempts to demolish citizens and spread a spirit of skepticism in their states.