Suez University
In the presence of the Prime Minister, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research...
Sat. 07 Oct, 2023

SU President participates in the celebration of the announcement of the establishment of the Fund for the Support of Talented and Innovated People in the Islamic World

Under the auspices of the Egyptian President Abdelfattah El-Sisi, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister on behalf of the Egyptian President, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, announced the establishment of the Fund for the Support of Talented and Innovated People in the Islamic World. It was attended by Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, Prof. Dr. Said Abadi, SU Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development, and several members of Egyptian University Presidents concerned with education, innovation, and talent development in Egypt and the Islamic World.

Moreover, the SU President stated that the support of Mr. President for the establishment of this Fund_ as a response to Mr. President's initiative launched at the Session 14 General Conference of the Islamic World for Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization" ISESCO " affirms the extent to which the Egyptian State believes that the optimal path to development and progress is the interest in scientific research and the encouragement of innovators in various fields as the fuels of the development machine of the Islamic world.

Hnijal also explained that this fund aims to support creative and talented students at various levels of education, whether university or pre-university, by offering scholarships to complete their studies both in their country and abroad, as well as organizing competitions to enhance the competitive spirit and presenting prizes to the winners.

Furthermore, the SU President noted that the Fund seeks to prepare and provide feasibility studies for researchers and innovators, as well as to assist researchers and innovators in protecting their intellectual property rights.