Suez University
The Word of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President
Fri. 06 Oct, 2023

Years pass, successive generations, and it remains in the history of the nation immortal moments that are not erased by the days. It is memories associated with the meanings of dignity and pride, days that were and will continue to be a source of pride and fathers, days of victory. Egypt turned the wound and its pain into a great work of energy, breaking down the impervious barrier between refraction and pride... Those days when the grand army of Egypt was able to commemorate this glorious victory to add to the record of honor of this esteemed institution a new chapter of patriotism, sacrifice, and redemption.

On this occasion, on my own behalf and on behalf of all the members of the University, express my sincere congratulations to President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi, the Egyptian President and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, in whose reign Egypt continues to win further in various sectors, to achieve a new chapter through the new Republic.

I also pay tribute and appreciation to Egypt's great army, which was and continues to be a symbol of sacrifice, patriotism, and sincerity.

Furthermore, greeting with respect and appreciation for the spirits of Egypt martyrs throughout the ages. Those who had sacrificed their blood for Egypt.

May Allah protect Egypt, its people, its president, and its army from all hatred and bad.

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal

The SU President