Suez University
SU President attends the orientation day of the SU Faculty of Science
Tue. 03 Oct, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President witnessed the orientation day organized by the Faculty of Science for new students, where he was received by Prof. Dr. Sherif Fahmy, Dean of the Faculty, the Faculty Undersecretaries, Faculty Staff Members, Employees, and Students for Egypt Community.

SU President welcomed the old and new students of the faculty and congratulated all on the new university year, stressing that the University is making every effort to provide all possibilities, whether material or human, for an ideal academic environment.

Hnijal then met with the faculty undersecretaries, heads of departments, and some faculty staff members and listened to the views of the attendees, stressing the need to work with the utmost commitment from the first day to properly conduct the semester.

After that, the SU President commended the faculty's preparations and stressed the need to follow up on the regular course of the educational process in terms of lectures and the readiness of laboratories. Hnijal also assured the steps of students' enrollment in the courses and the criteria for departmentalization them on departments.

He finally distributed some souvenirs to some new students to encourage them to participate in the university community.