ملخص السيرة الذاتية

Personal Information

Name: Nesma Elsayed Hamza Mohamed

Resident : Suez, Egypt

Date of Birth: 24 /10 /1995

Phone number: 01068129180

E-mail: nesmahamza33@gmail.com



Bachelor of Fisheries Science (2013 – 2017):  Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University, Suez, Egypt (Aquaculture basic program), with very good- total grade.

Master in Processing and Safety Control of Fish and its Products (2022): Department of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fish Resources -Suez University. Suez, Egypt.

Work Experience

  • 2023 until now: Assistant lecturer in fish processing technology, fish resourses, Suez university
  • 2020-2023: Laboratory assistant in the central laboratories unit- Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
  • 2019- 2020: food processing and quality control  engineer at Food Processing Unit- Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
  • 4/2018 – 9/2018 : volunteer as translator on Environeur (environment protection company).

Conferences and workshops

  • 10/ 2016 – 11/2016: Graduation project, Aquaponics aquaculture. Suez University exhibition.
  • 9/2016 – 10/2016:  Agrena Exhibition, graduation project,  Aquaponics. Conferences arena at Cairo.
  • 28/ 3/ 2016:  workshop on Aquaculture: Problems & role of Scientific Research at Port Said.
  • 28/ 3/ 2017:   Workshop on Farming Shrimp in Biofloc System. Suez University at Suez.



  • 2021: دورة التحول الرقمي . جامعة السويس.
  • 2019: دورة أخلاقيات البحث العلمي . وحدة تنمية القدرات الجامعية – مركز تطوير الأداء الجامعي. جامعة السويس.
  • 2019: دورة النشر الدولي للبحوث العلمية. وحدة تنمية القدرات الجامعية – مركز تطوير الأداء الجامعي. جامعة السويس.
  • 2018: اختبار الانجليزية كلغة ثانية (TOEFL) . جامعة السويس.
  •  2016: دورة الدولية لقيادة الكمبيوتر (ICDL). ICDL Arabia. . السويس.


Published Research Papers

  • Chemical Composition, Nutritional value, Safety, and Acceptability of Egyptian Red-Sea Coast fresh and Dried Spider Conch (Lambis Lambis) meats. Hesham F.Amin, Nesma E. Hamza, Moharram YG. 2020.  Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fishereies, 24(6): 153-165.


  • Development of New Processed Products From Egyptian Red-Sea Coastal Spider Conch (Lambis Lambis) and Their Biochemical and Microbiological Evaluation. Hesham F.Amin, Nesma E. Hamza , Omaima M. Ahmed. 2023, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 32(12): 1-12.


High education Ministry Project

  • عضو فى فريق عمل مشروع  " تطوير و اعتماد المعمل المركزي بكلية الثروة السمكية – جامعة السويس" " المقدم لوحدة ادارة المشروعات لتطوير التعليم العالي لوزارة التعليم العالي الدورة الثالثة عشر.

Teaching Experiences

  • 2019: guest speaker and technical assistant in the practical laboratories of academic course of “ Food and Fish Contamination- ENV 115 ” . - Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
  •   2020: guest speaker and technical assistant in the practical laboratories of academic course of “ Food safety of Fish and its Products- FPT 104 ” . - Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
  • 2020: guest speaker and technical assistant in the practical laboratories of academic course of “ Fish Processing and Technology- FPT106 ” . - Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
  • 2021: guest speaker and technical assistant in the practical laboratories of academic course of “ Fish Quality Control- FPT 105 ” . - Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.


Languages skills

English : Very Good.                        

Arabic: Native Language.

Software skills

  • Microsoft Word :   Excellent
  • Microsoft PowerPoint : Very Good
  • Microsoft Excel : Very Good
  • SPSS: Good

Personal Skills

  • Excellent team-work skills
  • Organized
  • Flexiable
  • Good communication
  • Leadership
  • Excellent time Management and control
  • Excellent manners
  • Respect and follow work  mangers
  • Cooperative
  • Hard worker
  • Optimistic





تاريخ النشر

22/12/2022 12:00:00 ص



Hesham F.Amin, Nesma E. Hamza , Omaima M. Ahmed