Associate Professor  of Human Development and Aquaculture Extension in the Faculty of Fish Resources -Suez University, i supervised all field studies in Fisheries Technology & Aquaculture Technology Programs through that i gained a special experience on dealing with the fishermen community as well as the fish farmers in several provinces.

The above professional experiences  may qualify me to be fit with  the job, where am worked for more than 10 years in Governmental, Non-Governmental, and International Organizations (GIZ) in the field of  community Development and Poverty Reduction .. I passed many local cultures through training many young people, women, and men in the rural area of the Republic. I had the distinct cognitive outcome in dealing with workers in community development, to convince a large audience in the rural community agricultural practices through innovative outreach programs specialist.

1. El-Ghanam Ashraf R. ,El-Sabbagh, Mohamed S., Etc .Egyptian Farmers Problems - Empirical Study , (2010),Agriculture Extension & Rural Development Research Institute - Agriculture Research Center,.
Mohamed S. El-Sabbagh C.V 2022
2. El-Sabbagh, Mohamed S., Mohamed Elemam (2010) ,Reviling some rural values in Sharkia Governorate, journal of agriculture and social sciences, vol 1 No.(3) .
3. El-Sabbagh, Mohamed S ,(2012) The Role of State Institutions in Combating violence against women in Egypt (Policy Brief), CHATHAM HOUSE , United Kingdom .
4. Kotb Magda M. ,El-Sabbagh, Mohamed S.,Etc ,(2013) Social exclusion as one of the main dimensions of the problem of poverty in rural Egypt , El-Felaha Journal. vol 1 No.(89) .
5. El-Sabbagh, Mohamed S., (2015) Some future development needs of human resources in the Shakshouk village - Fayoum governorate. Journal of agriculture and social sciences. Mansoura University . Vol. 1 No.(4) .
6. El-Sabbagh,M. Saber , Farag,H. Makram (2016) Knowledge and implementation Determinants of the Marwa and Mesqa committees Goal's in some villages in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate , Scientific Journal, Faculty of agriculture ,Cairo University. Vol. 1 No.(68) .
7. Farag,H. Makram ,El-Sabbagh,M .Saber (2016) Model for Rehabilitee a village in Qena Governorate to rural tourism. Scientific Journal, Faculty of agriculture ,Cairo University. vol. 4 No.(67) .
8. El-Sabbagh,M. Saber (2016) Human development and its relation to social exclusion for rural people in some villages- Assiut governorate ,Agriculture & Environment Research Journal, Damanhour University. vol. 1 No.(15) .
9. El-Sabbagh,M. Saber , Moktar .M. Hind (2017), Farmers’ attitudes towards rationalizing the irrigation water use in some villages in Behira Governorate .Agriculture Research Journal, Kafr El-Shiek University. vol. 1 No.(43) .
10. Moktar .M. Hind , El-Sabbagh,M. Saber (2017), Gender analysis of the social role in rural family of the New Valley governorate . Arab universities union Journal . vol. 2 No.(25) .
11. El-Sabbagh,M. Saber (2017), Socio-economic Empowerment for Fishermen Families in some Bardawil Villages lake – North Sini Governorate. Agriculture Research Journal, Kafr El-Shiek University. vol. 1 No.(43) .
12. Hanan M. Farag , Mohamed.S.A.El-Sabbagh ,Doaa M. Salih (2018) Some Social and Economic Problems for Rural Families and Impacts on Development in Sharkia Governorate. Menoufia J. Agric Economic & Social Sci Vol (3) June 327-343 .
13. El-Sabbagh,M. Saber (2018) ,Internal and Eexternal Factors Analysis of Rural Health Units in some Villages of Menoufia Governorate . Menoufia J. Agric Economic & Social Sci Vol (3) June:309-328 .
14. El-Sabbagh,M. Saber (2018) ,The Different Impact of Urban Crawling on Agricultural Land in Sharkia and Sohag Governorates . Fayoum J. Agri. Res. & Dev., Vol. 32,No. 2 ,July .
15. El-Sabbagh,M. Saber , El-Remily A. Mohamed (2020) Journal of agriculture and social sciences. Mansoura University . Vol. 1 No.(4) .
Mohamed S. El-Sabbagh C.V 2022
16. El-Sabbagh,M. Saber , Raaid A.Salama (2021) , The level of knowledge and implementation of farmers of organic farming techniques in some villages of Monoufia Governorate. Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3 (1).

A-  B.Sc. Level :-
Scientific Writing Skills
Rural Community & Aquaculture Extension
Conflict resolutions skills
Aquaculture Media & Rural Development
Environmental Extension
Human Resources Development & Adult Learning
Fisheries Legalization and Laws
Planning & Evaluation Extension Program
Fisheries Matrix
Research & Discussions of Fisheries Program
Human Rights & Anti-Corruption

B- Post Grad Level:-
1. Aquaculture Media Methods
2. Aquaculture Extension
3. Rural Community (A)
4. Rural Community (B)
5. Conflict Resolution Skills (Advanced)

Active Citizen (T.O.T)- British Council - Lebanon- 2009
Social Media & Communication(T.O.T)- British Council- United Kingdom- 2010
Creative Thinking- British Council- Egypt- 2010
Framing Policy - Chatham House- Morocco - 2011
Research and Policy Debates- Chatham House- Tunis 2011
Dissemination and Debates- Chatham House- Jordan
Qualitative research methods- USAID
Proposal Writing - Suez University
International Publishing in Social Research= DAAD
Using Technology in education - Cairo Univ.

Vice Dean for Students Affiers 

Ph.D. (Rural Sociology) – 2010, Entitled “Social Values & Rural Women Positions in Arab Republic of Egypt”. Agriculture Extension & Rural Development Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University .

M.Sc. (Rural Sociology) – 2005. Entitled “Rural Women Development Needs in El-Wahaat El-Baharia – Giza Governorate." Agriculture Extension & Rural Development Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University

B.Sc. (Rural Planning & Development) - 2001. Agriculture Extension & Rural Development Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain-Shams University.

- Central Society for Local Development - Egypt.
- Egyptian Society for researches and Environmental Services - Egypt.
- World academy of young scientists (WAYS) Hungry
- Chairman of the Board of Fish resources Alumni Association
- Youth Arab Analysis Network International – YAANI.

1- The role of Technology and scientific research in supporting project "Suez Canal Corridor Development", Organized by Academy of Technology Scientific Research main conference Hall, Suez Canal University- Faculty of Science. 30 th September, 1 st October 2014. Cairo. Egypt – (speaker), 2014.
2. Application of bio-floc in aquaculture” Organized by General Authority for Fish Resources Development (GAFRD), conference Hall, Ain Shams University-Faculty of Science. 11 st March, 2014. Cairo. Egypt.
3. Access to Online Information in Agriculture Research (AGORA) Workshop , Agriculture Research Center Hall ,Organized by FAO , 2018.
4. Human Rights & Anti-Corruption Course workshop, Administrative Control Authority, 2018 .
5. Student – Centered Learning in Practice, A TAM Seminar & Workshop organized by ERASMUS + – Egypt, 2019.
6. Training of Trainer Program in Web Of Science, Egyptian Knowledge Bank , Cairo University , 2019 .

1. Member of Development & Support the Effective Education Project, Ministry of Higher Education.(2015-2016)
2. Member of “Development A Hammer Mill for Rice Straw and Utilized as raw Material in some Industrial Products Project”, Academy of Scientific Researches & Technology,.(2017-2018)
3. Member of “INTENSIVE BIOFLOC SHRIMP SYSTEM:AQUACULTURE ECHNOLOGY AN INNOVATIVE”, Academy of Scientific Researches & Technology,.(2016-2018)

1. Data Analysis & Reporting of The Rights of People with Special Needs Study in Egypt, National Human Right Council & Shumuu Association for Disabled Rights, 2009.
2. Economic & Financial Feasibly study for Pharous Factory for animal feed manufacture (30 Ton/Hour). 2014.
3. Master Trainer of Women Empowerment Training- Hurgada, funded Etijah Association. & UN Women 2015.
4. Mentor in High Education Initiatives Scholarship Program to Selection the Candidates from different Governorates , Implemented By Etijah Association , AMIDEAST 2015.
5. Master Trainer “ Citizenship & Good Governance Training” for Associations Board Member - Alexandria with Etijah Ass. & Plan International Egypt 2016 .
6. National Consultant of Baseline Study for the intervention areas “Strengthening of Farmer Organizations with Gender Focus “And “Dissemination of Extension Messages” At Pilot Locations in Beheira and Kafr-Elsheikh Governorates, Water Management Reform Program (WMRP), GIZ, 2016
7. Main Consultant of Baseline survey & stakeholders analysis Study “Development of Marketing Information Platform for Farmer Fish in Egypt” (ASMAK.NET), Knowledge Economic Foundation , Funded By World Fish Center , 2017 .
8. Master Trainer & Design a Training manual in Environmental issues and climate adaptation measures for teachers , Improve environmental conditions in primary schools Project , Etijah & PDP/GIZ , 2017 .
9. Team Leader for Institutional Support to Cooperatives and Farmer Organizations Component in Kafr El-Shiek & El-Behira Governorates . Water Management Reform Program (WMRP- GIZ), (May 2017- Nov. 2018).
• Develop technical materials pertinent to Cooperatives regulatory framework to serve as guidance for work and educative modules in: (1) regulatory framework for Ag. Coops. / FOs;(2) management, (3) finance, (4) membership services, (5) effective and efficient use of resources for Ag. Coops. (6) Good Governance in cooperatives.
• Conduct training and provide to the 60 cooperatives with an average of 20-25 participants representing 70% of the cooperatives’ members, and 30% of the governmental entities from central/governorate level and potential trainers) i.e. ASS, CAAC, and, CACU,… using innovative methods on knowledge transfer.
• Follow-up and monitor field application by the Farmers Organizations of the practices gained out of the technical assistance and apply a second round of assessment to measure level of improvement.
Mohamed S. El-Sabbagh C.V 2022
• Prepare technical materials and deliver training to Create Mentors in Strengthening Agricultural Cooperatives with the most effective tools advancing their capabilities and performance in serving farmers.
10. Mentor in "TOMOH Program" aim to improving the youth employment situation in Egypt through equipping them by the needed skills that shall increase their chances to join the labor market, Implemented By Etijah Association , 2018.
11. Team Leader of Implement training measures to strengthen Water Users Organizations /Farmers Organizations for developing operation, maintenance and irrigation scheduling plans at (Mesqa & Marwa) level , Water Management Reform Program (WMRP), GIZ, 2018.
• Develop a comprehensive model for a maintenance plan at mesqa level including all expected works and estimated cost for all items.
• Develop detailed guideline for irrigation scheduling, including but an up dated crop water requirements for all common crops.
• Implement trainings for WUAs board members & Marwa leaders to provide them with knowledge and steps on how to develop and implement maintenance plans and irrigation scheduling.
• Implement irrigation scheduling pilots and test the developed proposal, according to cultivated crops and other variable conditions.
12. Master Trainer for Train Agriculture extensionists on “Design and Develop Gender-sensitive technical and awareness materials on the on-farm water management issues”. Water Management Reform Program (WMRP), GIZ, 2018.
• Interactive training for extension agents and agricultural specialists at directorate level, and FFS facilitators on the specific role and needs of female farmers as well as on how to produce gender-sensitive awareness materials, using creative methods for learning and changing behaviors regarding water management.
• Learn how to design and launch promotional awareness activity using the upgraded gender-sensitive materials.
• Run a competition amongst participants for the best team’s material designed and produced.
13. Principal Investigator for Evaluation of WMRP project activities Study in the field of extension services, Water Management Reform Program (WMRP), GIZ, 2019.
• Conducted Focus Group Discussions, it shall be determined if the new communication strategies taught with the support of WMRP have been applied through the extension service and if they helped to match with the farmers demand.
• Prepare and present an implementation plan and data entry/ analysis plan.
14. Principal Consultant for Institutional Support for Agricultural Cooperatives Program to Develop Internal Policies and Procedures Manuals. Water & Waste Water Management Program (WWMP), GIZ, (2020-2021).
• Institutional support and formulation of the internal regulations for 25 Joint Cooperatives in Kafr Elsgiek & Behira.
• Support effective management of maintenance centers.

. Supervision of Fishires Dep. (2022)

. Head of E-Learning Unit - Suez University 
• Inland Fisheries Technology program Coordinator.(2013- 2016)
• Vice-Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit .(2013-2019)
• Information Technology Unit Manger (2018- 2020)
• Adult Learning Unit Coordinator (2019- 2020)
• Executive Manager for Fish Resources Public Service center (2021- 2023)

. Social researches in the field of local community Development.
• Training of agents in the field of community development.
• Design Training Manual in Different Agriculture & Fisheries Issues.
• Design and implementation of surveys; design and implementation of qualitative research including focus groups, case studies and in-depth interviewing.
• Economic Feasibility Studies for Agriculture Projects.

Scopus ID : 57218917977

ORCID ID:0009-0001-2657-5553


1- Reem Ahmed Mahmoud, Assar Salah Elsherbeny, Mohamed Saber El-Sabbagh, Mohamed A Abu El-Regal, Hagar Sedeek Dighiesh,Some reproductive features of blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus) in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt ,Reem Ahmed Mahmoud, Assar Salah Elsherbeny, Mohamed Saber El-Sabbagh, Mohamed A Abu El-Regal, Hagar Sedeek Dighiesh, Aquatic Science and Fish Resources ,2023 .

2- Aya A. A. Basuonie, Manal M. Sabrah, Asaar S. H. El-Sherbeny, Mohamed S. A. El-Sabbagh, Analysis of morphometric and meristic characteristics of Pomadasys stridens (Forsskål, 1775), Family: Haemulidae from the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, Egypt,  ,Egyptian journal of aquatic biology and fishiries,2020.

3- Mahmoud, Reem A.; El-Sherbeny, Asaar S. H.; El-Regal, Mohamed A. Abu; El-Sabbagh, Mohamed S. A,Basic life-history parameters of the blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) along the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea, Egypt , Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries . Sep/Oct2022, Vol. 26 Issue 5, p1-19. 19p.