Name: Associate Prof Dr / Elsayed Mohamed Ali Nafea

Designation: Associate professor of plant ecology and Director of the Quality assurance and Quality control unit. Faculty of fish resources, Suez University               

 Present Employer: Associate professor of plant ecology and Director of the Quality assurance and Quality control unit. Faculty of fish resources, Suez University, Suez Egypt.           

 Nationality:   Egyptian                                            

Date of Birth:              2-1-1973

Place of Birth:  Telpana, Mansoura, Egypt

Mobil: 01009045380   

Proficiency in English Language: very good

Permanent Address: Elsalam 2, Ataqa, Suez, 73b, 131

Social state: Married and have 4 children

Gender: Male

Religion: Muslim

Military service: Finished at 1996

Alternative e mail:

Address: Suez, Ataqa, Elsalam 2, 73 b.131.



2019  Associate professor of plant ecology faculty of fish resources Suez university    

2011 Assistant professor of plant ecology  faculty of fish resources Suez university    

2005     Ph.D. in Environmental sciences, Faculty of Science, Mansoura  University.

2002     Master in plant ecology, Faculty of Science, Mansoura  University.

1997     Pre-Master Program, Faculty of Science, Mansoura  University.

1995     B.Sc. Program in Special botany, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University. Very Good grade


Employment Record:   

  • 1996-2011: Environmental  research in EEAA at  NCS Burullus protected area    
  • 1996-2002:   Demonstrator at Mansoura University, faculty of science Botany dept.
  • 2009- 2011:   Lecturer in Sirte, university faculty of science Libya.
  • 20O7- Up to now Technical advisor at BIRD international at Mansoura. Petrotech-FFN, Inc. retails petroleum products. The Company bottled and bulk liquefied petroleum gas, biodiesel and bioethanol, and bunker fuel products. Petrotech-FFN serves its clients in the State of Massachusetts.
  • 2008 UP TO NOW: MEMBER in National committee of Conservation of biodiversity in Egyptian protected Areas.
  • 2011 – UP to NOW:  Associate professor of plant ecology at Aquatic environment department. Faculty of fish resources , Suez  university
  • National committee member ship

1-National committee for plant conservation in protected areas in Egypt from 2008-now

2- Library committee

3- Environment member

4- Quality Department member

5-Faculty member from 2013 until now

6-Member of the Egyptian Botanical society

7-Member of the Egyptian society for environmental sciences    


Conferences and work shops

        • 1th International Conference on environment and health safety (8-11march 2003) Mansoura University.
        • 2nd International Conference on environment and health safety (10-12 April 2004) Mansoura University.
        • 1st international Arab biologist (11 April 2002) Mansoura University.
        • Work shop on the climatic changes and its effect on the environment of Egypt (16 February 2006) Mansoura university.
  • 1th International Conference on ecology of North African lagoons (4- 7 January 2006) Cairo, Egypt.
  •  1nd International Conference on environment and industry (30nmarch- 1April 2009) Damietta university.
  • 13 the International Conference on environmental science and technology (5-7 Sept. 2013) Athena Greece .with accepted paper.
  • Regional meeting around the application of Ramsar convention in Arab region (22- 25 June 2009) Arab countries University Cairo..
  • Work shop on the future of the fish resources in Egypt kafr El-sheik university 9 may 20012.faculty of agriculture.
  • Work shop on the PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF SHARK ON THE Red Sea 23 April 2013. Faculty of fish resources Suez University.
  • Training course from 7-11 sept.2014 on chemical safety in labs
  • Training course from 5-7 sept .2015 on radiation safety in labs
  • Workshops on the development of fisheries on the gulf of  Suez on Nov. 2015
  • 5th International Conference on environment and sustainable use of 2-4Feb.2015.
  • 5th International Conference on biological and environmental sciences at Mansoura University, faculty of science, 21-25 March 2016.
  •  First International conference of Blue energy 10-12-sept.2019. Suez univ.


Experience Record:

  •               1996-2011 Environmental research ranger in Burullus protected area.
  • Water quality analysis “physical and chemical.
  • Water treatment.
  • Bird ringing and identification
  • Plant diversity monitoring for both inland and water plants  
  • Biodiversity monitoring and conservation

Soil seed bank sample collection and analysis

Pollen grains samples collection and analysis from soil and sediments and archeological sites

Classification and identification of plankton and benthic organisms.

Collecting samples concerning the phytoplankton

Management plans for protected and non protected areas.

          Collecting sediment samples for mechanical and chemical analysis.


Computer skills  ;Word           Excel            internet  , Access     PowerPoint      Photoshop

                                           Level one         Level tow


Teaching Courses :

 1-Aquatic biology course for first levels  and high graduate studies

2- Aquatic ecology course for first levels and high graduate studies

3- Limnology, for second levels

4- Marine birds and mammals for second levels

5- Wetland ecology and management for second and third levels faculty of science

6-Environmental Restoration and rehabilitation for third levels faculty of science

7-Environmental impact assessment for aquaculture projects for   third levels                                   8-flora for   third levels

9- Marine Environmental pollution protection    for   third levels

10- Climatic changes and fisheries    for second levels                                                                      11- Natural resources management, for   third levels faculty of science
























Research achieved:




E.F.EL-Halawany and E . M . Nafea(2003):Studies on soil seed bank, Nile delta, Egypt .Journal of environmental sciences,vol.26,no.2(2003)pp.(59-80).


ELSayed M.A.Nafea and Mohamed  Zyada (2009)Aquatic macrophytes and macro benthos as biomarkers for heavy metal pollution in Lake Burullus. Mansoura Journal of Biology vol.36(2),suppl.(1)Dec.,2009.



Elsayed M. A. Nafea and Manal Al Dulami (2016): The impact of protection on Soil seed bank composition at Surt region, Libya.المؤتمر الدولي الخامس للعلوم البيولوجية والبيئية كلية العلوم جامعة المنصورة م ن21-25 مارس 2016


Elsayed M. A. Nafea and Alaa M. Younis,(2013): Heavy metals and nutritional composition of some naturally growing Aquatic Macrophytes of northern Egyptian lakes.

13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2013)

Athens, Greece

5 - 7 September 2013



Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Biodiversity of

Mediterranean Sea Lagoon, Burullus Protected Area, Egypt

World Applied Sciences Journal 19 (10): 1423-1430, 2012               A.M. Younes and E.M. Nafea


Biomonitoring of heavy metals pollution in Lake Burullus ,Northern Delta, Egypt.

Nafea,E.M.A. and Zyada,M.A. (2015) African journal for environmental scince and technology


Heavy metals and nutritional composition of some naturally growing aquatic macrophytes of Northern Egyptian Lakes 2015 Younis,A.A., Nafea,E.M.


Floristic Composition of the Plant Cover at Surt Region in Libya Elsayed.M.Nafea  CATERINA Journal of environmental science 2016


Characterization of Environmental conditions required for production of livestock and Fish fodder from Duckweed (Lemna gibba L.)2015 Elsayed.M.Nafea 

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Mediterranean ecocology 2016


Investigation of Pesticides Residues in Some Medicinal Plants Collected from Local Markets in Jeddah, Saudi Arab Nafea,E.,and Moslyh,Y.(2016)international  journal of ecotoxicology


Low cost biosorbent (Lemna gibba L.) for the removal of phenol from aqueous media 2016

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Mediterranean ecocology 2016

Younis,A.A., Nafea,E.,Yehia,M. and ABDELALEM


Relationship Between Vegetation and Soil Seed Bank at Protected Versus Unprotected Sites at Coastal Habitats in Libya

Elsayed.M.Nafea  CATERINA Journal of environmental science 2016


Nutritive values of some wetland plants of deltaic Mediterranean coastal region   Egyptian journal of botany 2017  Elsayed M.nafea  E.j.of Botant 2017.


Floating macrophytes efficiency for removing of heavy metals and phenol from waste waters

قدرة النباتات المائية الطافية علي ازالة العناصر الثقيلة والفينول من المياه الملو

Elsayed M.Nafea

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries  ISSN 1110 – 6131

Vol. 23(4): 1 – 9 (2019)


Ecological performance of Ludwigia stolonifera ( Guill . & Perr. ) P.H. Raven under different pollution loads

Elsayed M.NAFEA

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

ISSN 1110 – 613   Vol. 23(4): 39 – 50 (2019




Impacts of Anthropogenic activities on the Habitats and Flora at the Coastal Nile Delta Mediterranean Region, Egypt

دراسة تاثير الانشطة البشرية والمماراسات الانسانية علي البيئات والكساء النباتي في ساحل الدلتا لمصر

Elsayed M.NAFEA , Journal of Mediterranean Ecology vol. 17, 2019: 23-28

© Firma Effe Publisher, Reggio Emilia, Italy


Impacts of water characteristics change on the distribution of water plants  in lake Burrullus, Egypt

Elsayed M.Nafea

مجلة جامعة اسيوط للدراسات والبحوث البيئية  2019.



 Bioremoval of heavy metals from polluted soil by Schoenoplectus litoralis (Schrad.) Palla and Cyperus rotundus L. (Cyperaceae

 Elsayed Nafea 1, B. Šera 2   

 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

 Vol. 24(5): 217 – 226 (2020)


Monitoring of Some Heavy Metals in the Water and Three Submerged Plants of the Southern Part of Lake Manzala

Elsayed M.Nafea  journal of aquatic science and fish resources 2020. Aqu. Sci. & Fish Res. 2 (2020) 7-10


Bioremoval of phenol from aqueous solution using Sea weed (Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt)

Alaa M. Younis and Elsayed M. Nafea  ID: ASFR-2009-1007

journal of aquatic science and fish resources 2020. Aqu. Sci. & Fish Res. 2 (2020) 17-21


E.F.EL-Halawany and E . M . Nafea(2003):Studies on soil seed bank, Nile delta, Egypt .Journal of environmental sciences,vol.26,no.2(2003)pp.(59-80).


ELSayed M.A.Nafea and Mohamed  Zyada (2009)Aquatic macrophytes and macro benthos as biomarkers for heavy metal pollution in Lake Burullus. Mansoura Journal of Biology vol.36(2),suppl.(1)Dec.,2009.



Elsayed M. A. Nafea and Manal Al Dulami (2016): The impact of protection on Soil seed bank composition at Surt region, Libya.المؤتمر الدولي الخامس للعلوم البيولوجية والبيئية كلية العلوم جامعة المنصورة م ن21-25 مارس 2016


Elsayed M. A. Nafea and Alaa M. Younis,(2013): Heavy metals and nutritional composition of some naturally growing Aquatic Macrophytes of northern Egyptian lakes.

13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2013)

Athens, Greece

5 - 7 September 2013



Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Biodiversity of

Mediterranean Sea Lagoon, Burullus Protected Area, Egypt

World Applied Sciences Journal 19 (10): 1423-1430, 2012  A.M. Younes and E.M. Nafea


Biomonitoring of heavy metals pollution in Lake Burullus ,Northern Delta, Egypt.

Nafea,E.M.A. and Zyada,M.A. (2015) African journal for environmental scince and technology


Heavy metals and nutritional composition of some naturally growing aquatic macrophytes of Northern Egyptian Lakes 2015

Younis,A.A., Nafea,E.M.


Floristic Composition of the Plant Cover at Surt Region in Libya

. Elsayed.M.Nafea

  CATERINA Journal of environmental science 2016


Characterization of Environmental conditions required for production of livestock and Fish fodder from Duckweed (Lemna gibba L.)2015


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Mediterranean ecocology 2016



Investigation of Pesticides Residues in Some Medicinal Plants Collected from Local Markets in Jeddah, Saudi Arabi

Nafea,E.,and Moslyh,Y.(2016)international  journal of ecotoxicology


Low cost biosorbent (Lemna gibba L.) for the removal of phenol from aqueous media 2016

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Mediterranean ecocology 2016

Younis,A.A., Nafea,E.,Yehia,M. and ABDELALEM


Relationship Between Vegetation and Soil Seed Bank at Protected Versus Unprotected Sites at Coastal Habitats in Libya

Elsayed.M.Nafea  CATERINA Journal of environmental science 2016


Nutritive values of some wetland plants of deltaic Mediterranean coastal region   Egyptian journal of botany 2017

Elsayed M.nafea

E.j.of Botant 2017.


Floating macrophytes efficiency for removing of heavy metals and phenol from waste waters

قدرة النباتات المائية الطافية علي ازالة العناصر الثقيلة والفينول من المياه الملوثة

Elsayed M.Nafea

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries


ISSN 1110 – 6131

Vol. 23(4): 1 – 9 (2019)



Ecological performance of Ludwigia stolonifera ( Guill . & Perr. ) P.H. Raven under different pollution loads

Elsayed M.NAFEA

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

ISSN 1110 – 6131

Vol. 23(4): 39 – 50 (2019)




Impacts of Anthropogenic activities on the Habitats and Flora at the Coastal Nile Delta Mediterranean Region, Egypt

دراسة تاثير الانشطة البشرية والمماراسات الانسانية علي البيئات والكساء النباتي في ساحل الدلتا لمصر

Elsayed M.NAFEA , Journal of Mediterranean Ecology vol. 17, 2019: 23-28

© Firma Effe Publisher, Reggio Emilia, Italy


Impacts of water characteristics change on the distribution of water plants  in lake Burrullus, Egypt

Elsayed M.Nafea

مجلة جامعة اسيوط للدراسات والبحوث البيئية  2019.



 Bioremoval of heavy metals from polluted soil by Schoenoplectus litoralis (Schrad.) Palla and Cyperus rotundus L. (Cyperaceae

 Elsayed Nafea 1, B. Šera 2   

 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

 Vol. 24(5): 217 – 226 (2020)


Monitoring of Some Heavy Metals in the Water and Three Submerged Plants of the Southern Part of Lake Manzala

Elsayed M.Nafea  journal of aquatic science and fish resources 2020. Aqu. Sci. & Fish Res. 2 (2020) 7-10


Bioremoval of phenol from aqueous solution using Sea weed (Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt)

Alaa M. Younis and Elsayed M. Nafea  ID: ASFR-2009-1007

journal of aquatic science and fish resources 2020. Aqu. Sci. & Fish Res. 2 (2020) 17-21



Bioremoval of heavy metals from polluted soil by Schoenoplectus litoralis (Schrad.) Palla and Cyperus rotundus L. (Cyperaceae

 Elsayed Nafea 1, B. Šera 2   

 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

 Vol. 24(5): 217 – 226 (2020)

Microalgae in removal of heavy metals from waste water 2021 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

 Vol. 25(5): 2250 – 259 (2021)



Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

Zoology Department, Faculty of Science,

Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

ISSN 1110 – 6131

Vol. 26(6): 677 – 686 (2022)


Stock Status and Management of the Rabbitfish Siganus  rivulatus

in the Suez Bay, Gulf of Suez, Egypt.

EL-Sayed M. Nafea1

, Fatma A. Amin1

, Yousif, A.2*

1. Suez University, Faculty of Fish Resources, Aquatic Environment Dept., Egypt.

2. National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Fisheries Division, Suez, Egypt




Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

Zoology Department, Faculty of Science,

Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

ISSN 1110 – 6131

Vol. 27(2): 343 – 360 (2023)

Heavy Metals Removal from Industrial Wastewater Using Dry Green Macro Alga

Ulva lactuca Linnaeus

Yahia Mosleh*, El-Sayed Nafea, Salma Heham, Jelan Mofeed

Aquatic Environmental Department, Faculty of Fish Recourses, Suez University, Egypt

*Correspondence author:


















Date de publication

04/01/2021 00:00:00



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