Visit of the Agricultural Studies Sector Committee to the SU Faculty of Fish Resources
Thu. 09 Jun, 2022

Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Abdulazim Al-Sharqawi, SU president, and in the presence of Prof. Dr. Osama Kadour, the dean of the Faculty of Fish Resources, met the committee formed by the Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities for Agricultural Studies, they are:

Prof. Dr. Ayman Abu Hadid, the president of the agricultural studies sector committee - the prior minister of Agricultural and Land Reclamation.

Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdul Hamid, the council decision for Agricultural Studies.

Prof. Dr. Al-Shoudfani Mansour, a member of the Higher Committee for Basic Sciences and Agricultural Studies.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fathi, professor of Aquaculture of the Faculty of Agriculture at Ain Shams University, and the head of the Former Fish Resources Authority.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdulbaqi, professor of Aquaculture of the Faculty of Agriculture at Ain Shams University, and the head of the Former Fish Resources Authority.

It was attended by Prof. Dr. Alaa Younis, the undersecretary for post-graduate studies and research affairs, Dr. Mohamed Saber Al-Sabbagh, the undersecretary for students affairs, the head of the scientific departments, and staff members of the faculty. In addition, the Committee heard a detailed interactive presentation from the dean of the faculty explaining the physical and human potential of the faculty. The Committee inspected the institutional capacity and educational effectiveness by visiting all teaching halls, student and research laboratories, and production units. They also praised the magnitude of the potential and effort and the continuous development of the faculty.

Prof. Dr. Osama Kaddour, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Abdelazim Al-Sharkawi, SU president, thanks and appreciates the members of the committee and all members of the committee on agricultural studies for the great efforts of developing the sector and faculties in Egyptian universities.