Curriculum Vitae (CV)


Name: Shymaa Mohammed Mohammed Hassan Shalaby

Nationality: Egyptian

Date and Place of Birth: 19/6 / 1993 – Alexandria, Egypt.

Current Position: Professor of Fish Production and Nutrition, Suez University

Marital status: Married                                                                                                 

Mobile: 002-01008202483

Scientific Conferences & Workshops

      • 12- 14 October, 2015, conference entitled “2nd International conference on Modern Approaches in Livestock "Production systems” which  was held  at the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria.
      • 4- 7, December 2010 - The Fourth International Conference on aquatic resources. ICAR – 2010  Sheraton-Montazah International Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt.
      • 29th March, 2010, workshop entitled "Integrated multitrophic mariculture system`` that was held in El-Max fish farm, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries – Alexandria.
      • 3rd February, 2010 - The international workshop "Sustainable Aquaculture Development" organized by the Aquaculture Division, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF), Egypt and the Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling University, Scotland, U.K and sponsored by the International Scottish Development Organization, Scotland, U. K, in green plaza Hilton hotel, Alexandria, Egypt.
      • 17- 20, November 2009 - The Third International Conference on aquatic resources: Prospects and Challenges.     ICAR – 2009  Sheraton-Montazah International Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt
      • 12 – 13 October 2008 "the eighth international symposium on Tilapia in aquaculture. ISTA VIII , Egypt.
      •  22- 25, November 2008 - The Second International Conference on aquatic resources: Integrated Coastal Management Sustainable Development Sheraton-Montazah International Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt.
      • 28-30 June 2007. The International Arab African Fish Resources (Sustanable and management of aquatic resources), Cairo International Convention Center, Cairo, Egypt.
      • 9-10 September, 2006. ASA-IM 11th Annual Regional Soybean Conference. Organized by American Soybean Assosiation, ASA-USA, JW Marriott Hotel, Mirage City, Cairo.
      •    1-2 September, 2007 Seminar" Sustainable Aquaculture in Egypt, Developing the Export value Chain"  The Egyptian Agribusiness Association & The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Royal Netherlands - Cairo, Egypt.
      • 28 June 2007 . The   1st International Arab African Fish Resources Conference &Exhibition. Cairo international convention center- Cairo.
      • 18-21 August 2007 ‘Environmental pollutants, fertility and protection” Institute of graduate studies & research center(IGSR) – University of Alexandria research centre (UNARC) in cooperation with Charite and Hohenheim Universities- Germany.
  • 18 – 19 June 2006 ASA Fish nutrition seminar- Organized by American Soybean Association, USA- Cairo, Egypt.
  • 1-2 September, 2007 - Seminar" Sustainable Aquaculture in Egypt, Developing the Export value Chain"  The Egyptian Agribusiness Association & The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Royal Netherlands -  Cairo, Egypt.
  • 9-10 September, 2006 -ASA-IM 11th Annual Regional Soybean Conference. Organized by American Soybean Association, USA,  - JW Marriott Hotel, Mirage City, Cairo, Egypt.
      • October 2005. Animal, Poultry and Fish Feed Seminar. Organized by American Soybean Association, ASA-USA, Renaissance Alexandria Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt.

 3-6 April 2004. International Conference of Alexandria Biovision 2004 on “The new life sciences: Ethics, Patents and the poor” Bibliotheca Alexandria Center. Alexandria, Egypt.

  • 3-6 September 2001.The 3 rd International Conference on “Fish and Shellfish larviculture”, Gent University, Gent, Belgium
  • 24-27 May 1999, International Seminar on” Mediterranean marine aquaculture finfish species diversification” Zaragoza, Spain.
  • 22-25 March 1999, International Conference on “Environmental management: Health and sustainable development”. Alexandria, Egypt
