Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Mohamed Hamza Hasan
Nationality: Egyptian
Date Birth: 1st November, 1968
Maritial State: married with four children
Home address: El-Salam2 city, Block 98, Villa 128A, Suez
Phone: 01223730315 - 01145970800
E-mail: marinehamza
Work address: Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University, El-Salam1, Suez, Egypt.
1990: B.Sc. Marine Biology, Marine Biology Depart., Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.
1995: M. Sc. Marine Science, Marine Biology Depart., Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.
2001: Ph. D. Marine Science, Marine Biology Depart., Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.
2005: Diploma in Ocean Governance awarded from International Ocean Institute (IOI) and Malta University, held at Malta.
2010: Diploma in "Marine Management-Good governance in Practice" awarded from SIDA (Swedish International Development, Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Board of Fisheries, Swedish Coast Guard and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency held in Sweden.
2014-til now: Environmental consultant registered at EEAA for EIA, CAP, Quantitative risk Assessment and dispersion modeling for air and water pollution.
December, 2021: Diploma in Crises management awarded from Military Naser Academy.
1st March, 1992: Demonstrator at National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
30th September, 1995: Assistance lecturer at National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
21st April, 2002: Lecturer at National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
May-September, 200:
Work as a consultant for food and Agriculture Organization, united nations (FAO), in a mission at kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
1st March, 2010-16th July, 2012: Associate Professor of Ecology at National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries.
17 July, 2012: Associate professor of Ecology, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.
1st September, 2012: Head of Aquatic Ecology Department, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.
Scientific Qualifications:
Occupational History:
August, 2013- July, 2014: Vice Dean of Students Affairs, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University & Head of Ecology Department.
July, 2014- August, 2018: Head of Ecology Department, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.
September, 2016: Member in the national committee of ballast water and invasive species.
April, 2018- October, 2020: Vice Dean of Students Affairs, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.
July, 2019: Appointed as a director of projects management unit which is a partnership between Suez University and the small and middle sized financing authority. The aim is to finance 200 projects for the graduated students from the university, the budget is 20 million Egyptian Pounds.
November, 2019: Professor of Aquatic Ecology, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.
October, 2020 till now: Head of Aquatic Ecology Department, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.
October, 2021 till now: Reviewer for EIA studies at Economic Authority of Suez Canal,Egypt.
July, 2023: Vice dean of higher education and research
Aug., - Sept.,2023: member reviewer in committee for reviewing green projects for COP 28 nominated by higher education ministry .
= Sea mass sport diver (2 star diver) at 1990.
=Underwater Photography skills with both video camera and steady ordinary camera.
= Experience in Environmental Impact Assessment and Carrying Capacity studies and Environmental consultancy.
= Consultant in Air and water Pollution studies and dispersion models.
= Consultant in Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies.
= Consultant in EIA studies.
= Consultant in CAP (Compliance Action plane)
2004: New record of one marine species.
2005: Put Data base of Gulf of Aqaba sponges.
2006: Putting a management plan for sea cucumber fishery in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2012: Represent Ministry of Agriculture in workshop in Tanzania.
2015: Participate with EEAA in putting the guide manual for EIA studies for aquaculture projects in coastal and marine areas.
2022: New model for monitoring the effect of climate change on marine environment introduced in COP27.
2023: Reviewer for Egyptian green project introduced for COP 28.
Other Qualifications:
Participation in New Scientific and applied fields:
Graduated project, The title “Role of algae in building and conserving the biodiversity of biotic reef”, the work was done in Ras Mohamed, Ras Nasrani and Ras Umm El-Seed reefs at the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea.
June, 1990-Jan., 1991:
Working as a research student in Marine biology Depart., Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.
October, 1990:
Made a report on “oil pollution in the Suez Canal” after an oil Accident occur in the canal.
August, 1991:
Operating a bioassay experiment using Cadmium and Lead in various concentrations for determining Lc50 and accumulation of these metals in Isopods and Mussels.
March, 1992-April, 1995:
Working as a demonstrator in the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries at Suez.
October, 1995:
Working as Assistant Lecturer in the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
November, 1995-January, 1996:
Working in a project at National Research center, diving in the Red Sea collecting poisonous and venomous fishes and invertebrates for detecting bioactive compounds.
January, 1996-March, 1998:
Working in a joint project with German PI’s; for zooplankton migration. Comparing zooplankton in rich coral reef areas with sandy bottom areas.
March, 1996:
Participating in the project of developing Nuwieba harbor, making the studies for reconstruction of the two damaged platforms, oceanography, bathymetry, video photography and geological studies were made.
April, 1996:
Worked in the project at Adabia harbor, to define a new passage into the harbor and fixing lighting buoys to determine this pass way. Oceanographic and bathymetric studies were done.
July, 1996:
Participate in the studies made for building a new tourism compound at Ain Sukhna in the Gulf of Suez. Ecological, Bathymetric and Oceanographic studies were made. We studied the effect of building the compounds on the biodiversity of the area.
June, 1996-July, 1998:
Working in the development of the Red Sea resources program (GEF), financed by the international bank, supervised by EEAA, TDA and RSG. Doing several trips along the Red Sea coasts, to study the biodiversity of the Red Sea marine habitat and ecological survey for the coral reefs. Also evaluating the coral reef conditions and evaluating and suggesting sites to assign as protected areas along the Red Sea.
Work Experience and Projects:
June, 1997:
Participating in the oceanographic studies for new harbor at Hurghada, Red Sea. And the prediction impacts on the biodiversity of Hurghada region.
August, 1998- January, 1999:
Design and construction of an industrial waste treatment plant for Trust textile company.
May-August, 1999:
Work on a national project to identify and eliminate the hazard effect of the crown of thorn sea star on the Red Sea coral reefs.
July, 2001-January, 2002:
Conducting Monitoring plan for the berth of Oriental Petrochemical Company (OPC) at Ain Sukhna. The Plan was designed to monitor the effect of landfill, dredging and operation of the berth on the biodiversity, sedimentation rate and marine environment around and near the berth and shoreline modification.
September, 2003:
Made a case study for risk assessment of the effect of sediment deposition on the marine ecosystems at Ras Nasrani, Sharm El-Shiekh, Gulf of Aqaba for Swiss Inn Diving center and hotel.
November, 2003:
Made a case study for risk assessment of the effect of sediment deposition on the marine environment at Ras Nasrani, Sharm El-Shiekh, Gulf of Aqaba for Melia sharm C2 resort.
April- August, 2005:
Work in a project survey the Gulf of Aqaba Costs to identify the effect of human impact and high fishing pressure on the biodiversity of coral reef fishes and high economic invertebrates.
May- August, 2005:
Work in a project of collection the poisonous fishes and invertebrates to extract the poison for medical purposes.
April-May, 2006:
Consultancy mission for Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as a fishery expert. A report has been made for the evaluation of the sea cucumber status in the Saudi's water and the effect of fishery on the depletion of its populations.
April-May, 2006
Putting a management plan for conservation of sea cucumber stocks at the Saudi Arabian Red Sea coasts, for the Ministry of Agriculture of Saudi Arabian Kingdom.
January, 2007- Jan., 2008:
Responsible for IOI Kids program, IOI operational center of Egypt. Supervising a web site for learning school kids the principles of sea guarding and protecting marine environment.
February, 2008:
Carryout report for the effect of sedimentation and waves on the stability of the international yachts marina at Taba, owned by Taba Heights Company.
December, 2008:
Participation on Environmental monitoring report for Suez fertilizer company, in association with Suez Canal University.
December, 2008:
Environmental consultant for Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Suez Canal University, Suez Branch.
February, 2009:
Environmental consultant for Suez Canal University, Suez Branch.
January-March, 2009:
Carried out Carrying capacity and air pollution dispersion model studies for four factories (Suez fertilizers plant, Sukhna petrochemical plant, Rawag fertilizers plant and El-Ezz for flat steel), in association with Suez Canal University.
April, 2009:
Carried out Measurement and Monitoring report for air pollution, noise levels for Egyptian-German Pumps plant (Rurpumping), in association with Suez Canal University.
May-June, 2009:
Carried out Environmental Assessment and Monitoring report for Expo coal plant, in association with Suez Canal University.
August, 2009: Carryout an EIA study for the university of Suez Canal for vettol petroleum tanks project.
September, 2009:
Carried out Evaluation and Monitoring report for Sulfur Stores in Al-Malya Fertilizers comapnt at Kafr El-Zayat, in association with Suez Canal University.
February, 2010: Carryout an air dispersion model study for Petrotrade company.
March, 2010:
Carried out Quantitative Risk Assessment Study (QRA) for the tanks of Ban Osay Petrochemical Company at Suez.
December, 2010:
Participating in the team appointed by the Egyptian Governorate to study the problems of Shark Attacks in Sharm El-Shiekh, South Sinai. Report has been made with the possible causes of the problem and solution suggested for protection.
August, 2011:
Carried out air pollution measurements and report for gypsum factory at Suez city, in association with Faculty of Science, Suez canal university, Suez branch.
March, 2013-March, 2014:
Working as a consultant for ACDI// VOCA in assessment of fish farms at IDKU area
August, 2017: Candidate from Suez University for carryout EIA study for medical waste incinerator for ministry of health.
September, 2018:
Represent Suez University as a consultant for Suez governorate to assess the seaside areas to initiate a public beach.
June, 2018:
Carried out the studies for Rex Shore development as a demand from Suez governorates in its strategic plan 2018/2019.
June-July, 2019:
Represent Suez University as a consultant for Suez governorate to find a solution for the sewage water pond in El-Salam1 district.
June-July, 2019:
Represent Suez University as a consultant for Suez governorate to find a solution for the seaside walkway in Port Tofic Suez.
March, 2022-till now:
Principle Investigator for project “Hatchery and artificial spawning of threatened sea cucumber species” founded by the Academy of Scientific Research, Ministry of Higher Education.
2006: Consultant for FAO organization of the united nations, in Saudi Arabia as an Expert for assessment of sea cucumber populations in Saudi’s Red Sea.
2008-2010: Environmental consultant for faculty of Industrial Education Suez canal university, Suez branch.
2018: Represent Suez University as Environmental Consultant for Suez Governorate to evaluate the engineering works and its effect on environment for construction a public beach and development of Suez Cornish.
2019: Represent Suez University as Environmental Consultant for Suez Governorate to solve the ground water problem in El-Salam1 district.
2019-2021: Environmental Consultant for KNAUF factory for Gypsum board production.
2021-2013: Environmental Consultant for Lavesta group.
2021-till now: Environmental Consultant for El-Hegaz Group.
2021-till now: Environmental Consultant for Aroma group.
2022- till now: Environmental Consultant for Economic Authority of Suez Canal, Egyptian Government.
2023-till now: Environmental Consultant for Sabour group.
2024-till now: Environmental Consultant for KNAUF Gypsum products plant.
29-30 October, 1997:
Attended the workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment held by DANIDA and EEAA at Cairo, Egypt.
Consultancy for different authorities:
Workshops, Training courses and Conferences:
14-15 January, 1998:
Attended the workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment for tourism projects held by SEAM project and supervised by EEAA, which financed by England International cooperation management, held at Cairo, Egypt.
July, 2005:
Attend the workshop entitled " The biodiversity in the Egyptian coastal environment" held by Al-Azhar University and Egyptian Environmental Affair Agency (EEAA) in Cairo.
October, 2005:
Participate at the 9th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society for fish development and human health, held at Faculty of science Tanta University.
November, 2006:
Participated in the International Ocean Institute Meetings for the Committee of Directors and Governing Board at Alexandria, Egypt.
March, 2007:
Attending the National workshop on Red List of Egypt, IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Prepared and lectured by IUCN staff.
September, 2007:
Participate in the workshop on board of Meteor Research Vessel in the occasion of the German Egyptian Scientific Year.
5-8 November, 2007:
Participation in the international conference of Pacium in Maribus XXXII, Waves of changes, held in Malta.
July-August, 2008:
Attend and pass successfully the training course for the International Computer Driving License (ICDL), and pass the exam successfully.
April-May, 2010:
Participate in workshop in Sweden entitled " Marine Management-Good governance in Practice" introducing a Project for Change (PFG) in the workshop entitled " Effect of Public awareness on the environmental conservation and biodiversity of coral reef ecosystems at the Egyptian Red Sea coasts" The workshop Organized by SIDA under the supervision of for Sweden Agencies (Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Board of Fisheries, Swedish Coast Guard and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency) held in Gothenburg and Stockholm, Sweden.
1-7th November, 2010:
Participating in Marine Management Workshop, held in Ghana with a Project of Change entitled "Effect of public awareness on the environmental protection of coral reef ecosystems at the Egyptian Red sea coast".
12-16th November, 2012:
Participating in Sea cucumber Management Workshop, held in Zanzibar, Tanzania entitled " SEA CUCUMBER FISHERIES: AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT IN THE INDIAN OCEAN (SCEAM Indian Ocean)". Sponsered and organized by FAO, WIOMSA.
March-April, 2013:
Field trips to Idku area to assess the quality of lake Idku and the fish farms inside and outside the lake to give technical support for the farmers and fishermens and determine the best use of the activities and how to restore the quality of the lake.
October, 2013:
Attend the international 8th Scientific conference for biodiversity, held in Mozambique.
September, 2015- July, 2017:
Participating in the meeting of National Committee for ballast water and invasive species held at Red Sea Ports Authority.
April, 2016:
Participate in workshop for excute of International agreement of ballast water “Compliance monitoring and enforcement CME of the BWM convention with a focus on sampling and analysis of ballast water"
November- December, 2018:
Training Courses in University development capacity, which include the following courses:

The Statistical methods in Scientific Research.

Taking decisions and problem solutions.

Scientific Research moralities.

Thinking Skills.

International publications of scientific research manuscripts.

Qualifying youth for leadership and innovation
10-14 th September, 2019:
Participate in Organizing and attending Blue Economy Conference at Suez, Egypt entitled " Blue Economy to Achieve African Agenda, 2063" Sponsored and organized by Suez University.
2021: Attend and pass successfully the Workshop in Crises management held by Military Naser Academy .
2022: Attend and pass successfully the Workshop in Strategic National Security held by Military Naser Academy .
September, 2022: Participate in Conference of Higher counsel of university as a preparation of The COP 27, and introduced a project in the conference that was chosen among 9 project out of 230 projects to participate in COP 27.
6th tom18th November, 2022: participate in COP 27 conference of climate change at Egypt.
November, 1996:
Doing EIA studies for two tourism compound at Ain Sukhna.
February, 1997:
Doing EIA studies for Marsa Alam tourism compound at the Red Sea.
July, 1997:
Doing EIA studies for an extension of a marina in the Sea horse hotel at Hurghada.
EIA Studies and Consultancy:
August, 1997:
Doing EIA study for a cement factory in Suez, owned by the Arabian Cement Company.
June, 1998:
Doing an EIA study for construction of two marinas at Shaat ElNakheel tourism compound at Ain Sukhna.
July, 1998:
Doing an EIA study for Trust textile company at Suez Industrial Zone.
August, 1998:
Doing an EIA study for El-Ain Bay tourism compound at Ain Sukhna.
January, 1999:
Doing an EIA study for El-Ain Resort tourism compound at Ain Sukhna.
April, 1999:
Doing an EIA study for El-Komy iron factory at Suez Industrial Zone.
February, 2000:
Doing an EIA study for El-Nabila tourism compound at Hurghada.
August, 2000:
Participating in the EIA report for Suez Industrial Waste Plant with the faculty of oil engineering, Suez Canal University.
April, 2001:
Doing a scoped EIA report for the berth of oriental petrochemical company at Suez Gulf. Effect of construction of the berth on biodiversity of the area and dredging the passage of the ships on the surrounding environment.
April, 2002:
Doing EIA report for the shipyard at Suez Gulf owned by Ocean Classic International company for yachts building.
August, 2003:
Doing EIA study for Swiss Inn diving center and hotel at Ras Nasrani, Sharm El-Sheikh, Gulf of Aqaba.
October, 2003:
Doing EIA study for Melia sharm C2 resort at Ras Nasrani, Sharm El-Sheikh, Gulf of Aqaba.
February, 2004:
Doing EIA study for El-Temsah shipyard at Suez Gulf.
July, 2004:
Doing EIA study for Empire resort at Ain Sukhna, Gulf of Suez.
January, 2005:
Doing EIA study for Storage tanks of Phosphoric acid, at Adabyia harbour at Suez, for International chemical company (ICC).
March, 2005:
Risk assessment study for the phosphoric acid storage tanks inside Adabyia harbor owned by ICC company.
August, 2005:
Doing EIA study for Um El-Kurra ship building company at Free Industrial zone at Suez.
July, 2006:
Carry out an EIA study for the effect of beach cleaning of Areej tourism compound on the marine environment and beach modification of the middle-western area of the Gulf of Suez.
August, 2006:
Conducting a monitoring plan for waste disposal and air emissions for Tanzifco Company for garbage collecting and medical waste eliminating.
December, 2006:
Carry out an EIA study for Palmera beach resort's deck on pile jetty at the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea.
June, 2007:
Conducting an EIA study for construction of international marina at Stella de Mare Resort at the Gulf of Suez. Identifying the impacts on the marine environment and biodiversity as a result of construction and operation of the marina.
July, 2007:
Carry out an Environmental Feasibility study for Ras Dehesa Resort at the Eastern Coast of the Gulf of Suez. Include the effect of the resort's component on the marine environment , examining the status of the coral reef and biodiversity. Put the best design and components to gain the best benefit of the marine area of the resort with a minimum impact on the marine environment.
August, 2007:
Conducting EIA study for Ras Dehesa resort at the Eastern Gulf of Suez.
March, 2008:
Carryout EIA report for Suez Fertilizing company.
December, 2008:
Carryout EIA report for Radisson SAS Taba resort (5 stars resort).
January, 2009:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment study for Suez Fertilizer Company, in association with Suez Canal University.
February, 2009:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for EZZ flat steel and Ezz Rolling Mill plants Company, in association with Suez Canal University.
March, 2009:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Rawag fertilizer plant, in association with Suez Canal University.
March, 2009:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Sukhna Refinery and Petrochemical plant at Ain Sukhna Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.
March, 2009:
Carry out EIA study for the extension of Laguna beach resort at the coast of the Gulf of Suez, owned by Sunrise Company for tourism development projects.
April, 2009:
Carry out EIA study for breakwater at Laguna beach resort at the coast of the Gulf of Suez, owned by Sunrise Company for tourism development projects.
April, 2009:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report, environmental measurements and report for Egyptian German Ruerpumpen company at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.
May-June, 2009:
Carryout environmental assessment study for the effect of Exbo Coal Company emissions on the surrounding area, in association with Suez Canal University.
July, 2009:
Carry out EIA study for Canyon Estate resort at Dahab, South Sinai.
October, 2009:
Air quality measurements for air pollution for Ice Factory Owned by National Company for services and Trade projects at Suez Industrial Zone, Suez.
December, 2009:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Petrotrade oil plant at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.
December, 2009:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report, environmental carrying capacity and air dispersion model for Suez Steel plant at Suez Industrial zone.
December, 2009:
Carryout EIA study for Vittol Terminal International Company for storing and trading LPG and Gasoil.
January, 2010:
Carry out EIA study for Ban Osay Petrochemical Company at Suez.
January, 2010:
Carry out EIA study for Afia (Savola Egypt) International oil company at Industrial Zone of Suez. The company produce food oils, ghee, SBC ..etc.
February, 2010:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Al-Malya fertilizer company at Ain Sukhna area at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.
March, 2010:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Petrotrade oil company at Agrood area at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.
March, 2010:
Carryout EIA Study for Wadi Degla Tourism compound at the North-Western Gulf of Suez.
March, 2010:
Carryout EIA Study for Ester Taba Tourism compound at Taba, North Gulf of Aqaba.
April, 2010:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Verdi Ceramics company at Ain Sukhna area at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.
May, 2010:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Karas Ceramics company at Ain Sukhna area at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.
October, 2010:
Carryout EIA Study for Suez Metal industries company at Suez, owned by International Trade Center Company.
December, 2010- January, 2011:
Prepare Environmental Registry and Environmental commitment study for El-Sukhna Livestock company, at Sukhna International Port, Suez.
January, 2011:
Carryout EIA Study for El-Saaid Gypsum plant at Suez, owned by Gulf Association Company for Gypsum products.
June, 2011:
Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Suez Cement company owned by Italian group at Ain Sukhna area at Suez, for Suez Canal University.
July, 2011:
Carryout EIA study for International Company for Stevedoring and warehousing at Adabya Harbor, Suez city, Egypt.
January, 2012:
Carryout EIA study for Livestock raising and veterinary Quarantine at Al-Ataka area owned by African Pearl Company.
July, 2012:
Carryout EIA study for Lafarge Cement Company.
August, 2012:
Carryout EIA study for Multistores company for chemical storage.
August, 2012:
Carryout EIA study for Ielo-Egypt company for metal manufacture.
March, 2013:
Carryout Pollution load study and air dispersion model for Lafarge cement company.
March, 2013:
Carryout EIA study for use of pet cock and coal as an alternative fuel in Lafarge cement company.
April, 2013:
Air pollution measurments and report for Rawag company for phosphate grinding.
April, 2013- December, 2013:
Prepare Environmental Registry and Environmental commitment study for El-Swedy Cement company.
November, 2013:
Carryout EIA study for AlAraby company project for Collectging, Handling and transport oil and liquid and Solid wastes from Industrial areas.
November, 2013:
Carryout EIA study for oil transferring vessel PortSaid Star.
November, 2013:
Air pollution measurments and report for ICC chemical company.
December, 2013:
Carryout EIA study for oil transferring vessels Americana2 and Suez 2.
January, 2014:
Carryout EIA study for Al-Baraka company for burying and transport solid wastes.
February, 2014:
Carryout EIA study for Egytrans Shipping company at Adabia Harbor, Suez.
April, 2014:
Carryout EIA study for Al-Motahada company for collecting and transporting Oil Products.
July, 2014:
Carryout EIA study for Al-Watania Shipping company for Loading and Unloading Bulk Cargoes at Al-Adabia Harbor.
December, 2014:
Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for ICC company at Al-Adabia Harbor.
January, 2015:
Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for Al-Watania Nile Transportation company at Al-Adabia Harbor.
February, 2015:
Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for Suez Shipping company at Al-Adabia Harbor.
March, 2015:
Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for Sesco Trans for Logestics company at Al-Adabia Harbor.
May, 2015:
Quantitative Risk assessment study for coal loading and unloading for Trans cargo International Company.
November, 2015:
Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for Sesco trans company at Al-Dekhela Harbor, Alexandria.
February, 2016:
Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of Dangerous goods (IMDG code) for Trans Cargo International company at Al-Adabia Harbor.
May, 2016:
Carryout EIA study for Vacum salt plant at El Kantara Shark, Ismailia.
November, 2016:
Carryout EIA study for Orkedia Ceramic production plant.
January, 2017:
Carryout EIA study for Photovoltic plant for solar electricity production at Aswan.
June, 2017:
Carryout EIA study for Plastic recycling Nile company at Attaka Industrial Zone.
December, 2017:
Carryout EIA study for RO desalination plant for Egyptian Sugar company at AlSukhna harbor.
February, 2018:
Carryout EIA study for Morano tourism compound at AlSukhna Suez.
March, 2018:
Carryout EIA study for Medical waste incinerators for Malek Company.
April, 2018:
Team member of Strategic planning of 1.25 km for industrial purposes at SE zone, Joined Chinese Egyptian company for investment.
June, 2018:
Carryout EIA study for developing an area of 1.25 km for industrial purposes at SE zone, Joined Chinese Egyptian company for investment.
July, 2018:
Carryout EIA study for Dorcas Touristic resort as integrated development project.
September, 2018:
Carryout EIA study for Attaka power plant at Suez.
Oct., 2018:
Carryout EIA study for Arabian petroleum oil refinery company.
March., 2019:
Strategic planning for 10.5 km2 for industrial purposes at SE zone, for Al-Sharqyon company for integrated investment.
April., 2019:
EIA study for 10.5 km2 for industrial purposes at SE zone, for Al-Sharqyon company for integrated investment.
May., 2019:
EIA study for Easy top company for manufacture non-woven medical materials head caps, medical masks, operation costume ..etc,), at SC Economic Zone, Suez.
May., 2019:
Participating in carryout Infrastructure planning and design for 10.5 km2 for industrial purposes at SE zone, for Al-Sharqyon company for integrated investment.
May., 2019:
EIA study for Heaven company for manufacture cosmetic products, SC Economic Zone, Suez.
June., 2019:
EIA study for Technopond company for manufacture cladding plates, SC Economic Zone, Suez.
Aug., 2019:
EIA study for Al-Lotus sporting and Social club owned by Wadi Degla company for investements, Maady, Cairo.
Jan., 2020:
EIA study for New store for Dirty bulk storage for TransCargo International company at Adabia harbour, SC Economic Zone, Suez.
Jan., 2020:
EIA study for New store for Dirty bulk storage for TransCargo International company at Adabia harbour, SC Economic Zone, Suez.
March., 2020:
EIA study for Loading and Unloading of Ammonium Nitrate for El-Fath Company, at Adabia harbour, SC Economic Zone, Suez.
April, 2020:
EIA study for Fantazia Holiday resort at Ras Sudr.
May, 2020:
EIA study for Loading, Unloading and storage of Bulk and general cargoes for C-Service Company, at Adabia harbour, SC Economic Zone, Suez.
April, 2020:
EIA study for Fantazia Holiday resort at Ras Sudr.
June, 2020:
EIA study for KNAUF factory for Gypsum Board production at Attaqa Industrial Zone.
Environmental Work experences:
Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies:
2005: Phosphoric acid tanks in Adabia port, Suez owned by Aldwlia company.
2009: for Suez steel company, Suez.
2010: For Pan Osay Petrochemicals company.
2010:For Vittol Company for LPG handling and storage.
2012: For Lafarge cement company.
2012: For Chemical tanks of Multistores company.
2013: For store sand furnace of Lafarge cement company for use coal as alternative fuel.
2015: For International cotransporter company at Adabia port for coal handling process.
2015: For Coal handling by National company for river transportation.
2015: For Coal handling by SESCOTRANSE logistics company at Adabiaport.
2018: For medical wastes furnaces owned by Malek company at Giza Governorate.
CAP Studies:
2006: For TANZEFCO company, Suez.
2006:Balance and safety report for International Yachts marina and its approaching channel at Taba
2020: Al-Karnak factory for gypsum calcination.
Air Dispersion model studies 2009: For Vittol company.
2009: For PETROTRADE Company.
2011: For Lafarge cement company (5th production line).
2020: For EGAT steel Company.
2022: Petrolium dispersion model for marine terminal owned by Arabian Company for petroleum pipelines ”SUMED”.
2022: For Gist Misr company for metal recycling.
2022: Water dispersion model for the effectof dumping brine water resulted from water desalination plant at EL-Hegas touristic compound, Ain Sukhna.
2022: For El-Minea cement factory.
2022: For Qena cement factory.
Monitoring and measurements:
2013: Environmental Measurements for air pollution parameters At Rawage factory for phosphate storage and grinding.
2022: Water parameters measurements for swimming pools, sewage treatment plant, desalination plant and marine waters at Palmera resort , Aroma resort, Dorcas resort, Wadi Degla resort, Blumar resort, Morano resort.
2023: Air pollution measurments for Stacks emmisions and workingenvironment at RELOBS factory, Kenz oil factory and KNAUF factory.
EIA studies and reports:
2014: For landfill for solid waste owned by El-Baraka company.
2015: For Loading, unloading and storage of bulk goods at dock of the port and at waiting areas at Adbia port for National company for river transport.
2015:For coal unloading at Adabia port owned by SESCOTRANS logistic company.
2015: For Loading, unloading and storage of Ammonium Nitrate at Adbia port for Red Sea company.
2016: For unloading and storage of wheat at Adbia port for five stars grinding company.
2016: For Loading, unloading and storage of dangerous goods according to IMDG codes at Adbia port for International company for cotransport.
2016: For coal loading and unloading at Alexandria.
2016: For Aurkidia company for ceramic production.
2017: For Photovoltaic Solar electric current production at Toushka area, Aswan.
2017: Foe ship hull cleaning and maintenance by Hullweaper technology for Misr AL-Kahlej company.
2017: For El-Bousely shipyard at Suez
2017:For water desalination plant by RO technology for Al-Masria Sugar company.
2018: For Medical wastes incinerators at Giza for Malek Company.
2020: For readjustment of power from 6.7 Megawatt to 35 Megawatt and natural gas from12.84 million m3/year to 48.69 million m3/year for ELCOsteel company for steel production.
2020: For construction covered drainage and sewage piping network for reduction of groundwater level at ALSheikh Khalifa city, Suez.
2020: For lead recycling factory, Assiut.
2021: For water treatment plant owned by International corporation for waterworks.
2021: For flat steel production for EL-EZZ steel factory.
2021: For textile production, printing and dyeing for EL-Salam tex company.
2021: For construction a new city with an area of 142 Feddan at Suez.
2021:For recycling of metal, plastic, glass and papers, tabark company.
2022: For metal reformation, Taher steel factory at 6 of October industrial zone.
2022: For Cali coast resort at the north coast, Egypt.
2022: For El-Sukhna hills resort at El-Sukhna, Suez.
2022: For 6 of October university at Giza
2022: For Badya Sporting club at 6 of October city.
2023: For Fishery port at safaga city, owned by General Authority of Red Sea ports.
2023: For production of steel pellets from iron ore with production capacity of 16 million ton/year for Suez Steel Company.
2023: For production of reduced steel (sponge steel) with production capacity of 2.5 million ton/year for Suez Steel Company.
2023: Studies for ship bunkering for the following companies: John shipping navigation, Sedco navigation, AB,AB1, SUEZ Coast, Fellex navigation, American marine services, First marine for marine services, FREAM for marine services, REMAR marine agency,
2023: For Blue Gulf Resort at Ain Sukhna.
2023: For Solid and dangerous wastes landfill and liquid wastes treatment owned by EL-Radwan Company.
2023: For compost and RDF production for NAQAA society,suez.
2024: For marine fish culture in cages at Gemsha area, Hurghada for Fishermen society.
Environmental Registers:
For the following companies:
Cornado resort, Santa cluse resort, Blumar resort, Morano Resort, Belageo resort, Aroma resort, Lagouli Resort, Palmera resort, KNAUF company for Gypsum production.
August, 1993:
For 7 days cruise worked on coral survey project along the Gulf of Aqaba.
February, 1994:
Worked in 10 days cruise for Oceanography and coral reef ecological survey in the Gulf of Aqaba’s reefs.
Surveys, Cruises and Field Trips:
March, 1994-February, 1995:
Seasonal trips along Red Sea coast for algal survey (Qualitative and quantitative).
April, 1995:
Working on deep water oceanographic cruise for 10 days, included working with STD, current meter. Also dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll a were determined.
August, 1996:
A 10 days cruise in the Gulf of Aqaba, working on biodiversity of coral reefs and zooplankton collection. Also working with the current meter to identify the current velocities and directions; using to parallel currents to identify the upwelling.
August, 2002:
Field trip to the shores of Dahab and Abou Galum at the Gulf of Aqaba to study the effect of over fishing of sea cucumber on the distribution and abundance of the species in these areas.
April- May, 2003:
Two months trip for surveying the Gulf of Aqaba coasts to assess the sea cucumber stocks at the gulf. The factors caused the decline of these stocks was determined and a management plan was putted to maintain its crops.
June, 2005:
Participating in the field trip and preparing a report for stock assessment of economic mollusks at Al-Gemsha area at Hurghada, and give recommendation for their fishing effort to protect their crops.
April-may, 2006:
Marine survey of Some Saudi's Red Sea coasts due to FAO consultancy, work was done for the Saudi's Minister of Agriculture and in cooperate with Jeddah Fishery research Center. Lectures in marine ecology and biodiversity were given to the workers in Jeddah and Farasan Islands.
December, 2010:
Participating in the field trip and preparing the report for shark attacks problem occurred in Sharm El-Shiekh.
September, 2003:
Giving a lecture course for Saudi trainers on the sea cucumber fishery, ecology, management and aquaculture.
July 2007:
Giving a lecture course for Yamane trainees, Al Hudida university, Yemen, on Integrated Coastal zone management.
University Teaching and Lectures given:
August, 2007:
Giving a lecture course for Students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazic university on ecology and economic importance and fishery of sea cucumber.
February, 2010- June, 2010:
Part Time lecturer in the Faculty of industrial engineering, Suez University "teaching environmental science subject".
September, 2010- January, 2011:
Part Time lecturer in the Faculty of Science, Suez University "teaching two courses: Water Pollution & its treatment and Aquaculture".
February, 2011- June, 2011:
Part Time lecturer in the Faculty of industrial engineering, Suez University "teaching environmental science subject".
February, 2011- June, 2011:
Part Time lecturer in the Faculty of Science, Suez University "teaching three courses: Water Pollution and its treatment, Air Pollution and Aquaculture ".
November, 2011- Uptil now:
Staff member in the Faculty of Fishery Resources, Suez University "teaching the following courses: Oceanography, Aquatic Ecology, Marine Biology, Monitoring, Integrated Coastal Area Management.
October, 2020- Uptil now:
Teaching Maritime Law and International agreement Course, Faculty of Fishery Resources, Suez University
September, 2007- till now:
Reviewer at the African Journal of Agriculture Research (AJAR) for the manuscripts at the marine section.
February, 2009-till now:
Reviewer in Environmental management journal published by Springer virlage.
February, 2009- till now:
Reviewer in Philippine Agricultural Scientist Journal, Published by College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los BaÃos
April, 2014:
Reviewer for EEAA, reviewing EIA studies of using Ras El Hagaria Platform at Safaga, red Sea in transferring and accepting coal and clinker.
May, 2014:
Reviewer for EEAA, reviewing EIA studies of Gas charged water treatment by Green Valley Company at the Egyptian North Coast.
Reviewer in the world Journals and EIA Studies:
May, 2014:
Reviewer for EEAA, reviewing EIA studies of Gas charged water treatment by Green Valley Company at Sharkia governorate.
June, 2014:
Reviewer for EEAA, reviewing EIA studies of Using Alternative Fuel for Arabian Cement Company at Suez Industrial zone.
January, 2018:
Reviewer in the Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, published by springer.
December-2005- till now:
Member in Himaya NGO at Dahab, South Sinai, Egypt.
July, 2008-till now:
Member in Environment and Community NGO, working at Suez City, Egypt.
1. Publication from Master thesis:
1. Ali, A.E.;Hellal, A.M.; El Samra, M.I. and Hasan, M.H. (1995). Seasonal biochemical composition of the gonads of Echinometra mathaei (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. J. Union. Arab Biol., 3 (A): 227-248.
2. Publication from ph.D. thesis:
2. Hellal, A. M.; Abou Zeid, M. M.; Ali, A. E.; El Samra, M. I. and Hasan, M. H. (2002). Study on the holothuroid fauna (Echinodermata:Holothuroidae) inhabiting the Shallow waters of the Egyptian Red Sea. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish., 6(1): 23-45.
3. Abou Zeid, M. M.; Hellal, A. M.; Ali, A. E.; El Samra, M. I. and Hasan, M. H. (2002). The use of some biological molecules as a taxonomic tool for the Red Sea holothurians. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish., 6(1): 133-150.
3. Publications after ph.D. and for applying to Associate professor:
4. Hasan, M.H. (2003). Ecology and distribution patterns of the threatened holothuroids as correlated with over fishing in the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Develop., 4 (3): 101-118.
5. Hasan, M.H. (2005). Destruction of a Holothuria scabra population by overfishing at Abu Rhamada Island in the Red Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 60, 489-511.
6. Hasan, M. H. (2008). Fisheries status and management plan for Saudi Arabian sea cucumbers. SPC Beach-De-Mer Information Bulletin, 28, 14-21.
7. Hasan, M. H. (2009). Stock Assessment of Holothuroid populations in the Red Sea Waters of Saudi Arabia. SPC Beach-De-Mer Information Bulletin, 29, 31-37.
Participating in NGOs:
8. Hasan, M. H. and Hasan, Y. S. (2004). Natural ecological factors and human impacts influencing the spatial distribution of holothuroid species in the Gulf of Aqaba. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 43 (D): 287-306.
9. Hasan, M. H. and Bellal, A. M. (2005). The combined action of tourism and predation on the distribution of sponges at the Gulf of Aqaba. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish., 9 (4):445-467.
10. El-Ganainy A. A., Hasan M. H. and Yassien M. H. (2006). Population structure of two endangered holothurian species from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 32(2):456–467.
11. Ebeid, M. L.; Hassan, M. H. and Geneid, Y. A. (2009). Response to Increased Sediment Load by Three Coral Species from the Gulf of Suez (Red Sea). Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Science, 4 (5): 238-245.
12. Yassien, M. H.; El-Ganainy, A. A. and Hasan, M. H. (2009). Shellfish Fishery in the North Western Part of the Red Sea. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 1 (2): 97-104.
13. Grote, D., Soliman, H.S.M., Shaker, K.H., Hasan, M.H. and Seifert, K. (2006). Cembranoid diterpenes and a briarane diterpene from corals. Natural Product Research, 20 (3): 285-291.
14. Hasan, M. H. (2007). Effect of public awareness on the environmental protection of coral reef ecosystems at the Egyptian Red Sea coast- Egyptian experience . XXI Baceum In Maribus Conference, Malta.
4. Publications after Associate professor and for applying to professor:
15. Hasan, M. H. and Salah El-Den A. Abd El-Rady (2012).The effect of fishing pressure on the ecology of sea cucumber populations in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. SPC Beach-De-Mer Information Bulletin,32:53-59.
16. Hasan, M.H. (2014). Assess the Main Factors Affecting the International Marina of Taba Heights at the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Egypt. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 6:22-26.
17. Hasan, M.H. (2018). Effect of Tourism Activities on Coral Communities at the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 10:794-808. ISSN Online: 1945-3108. ISSN Print: 1945-3094.
18. Hasan, M.H. (2019). Destruction of sea cucumber populations due to overfishing at Abu Ghosoun area, Red Sea. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology (2019) 80:5
19. Hasan, M.H. (2019). Effect of climate change on the reproduction pattern of sea urchin Echinometra mathaei at the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 23(2): 527- 544 .
20. Hasan, M.H. (2019). Effect of Hard installation on coral community succession and growth rate at Taba Heights international marina at the northern Gulf of Aqaba. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries,, 23 (3): 225-243.
21. Hasan, M.H. (2019). Distribution patterns and ecological aspects for the sea urchin Diadema stosum at the Red Sea. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, 23(4):93-106.
22. Hasan, M.H. and Johnson, K. (2018). Restoration of stocks of the sea cucumber Holothuria fuscogilva in the Red Sea with transplanted wild juveniles. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 11:959-980.
Final reports published:
1. Fatouh, S.; El-Ganiny, A.; Hasan, M.H.; Wageh, M.; Hosni, M.; Salah, A. and Abu-ElRegal, M. (2010). The possible causes of shark attacks in Sharm El-Sheikh and Suggested protection ways. Final report, December, 2010, 27 pp.
2. Hasan, M. H.; Amer, A. and Fahmy, M. A. (2008). Environmental Impact Assessment study for Ras Dehesa Resort at The Eastern Side of the Gulf of Suez. Final report, January, 2008, 85 pp.
3. Sayed Ahmad, M.M.; El-Nekhely, A. E.; Hasan, M.H. and Radwan, R.F. (2009). Environmental measurements at the site of Egyptian German pumping compny. Final Report, April, 2009, 10 pp.
4. Faheem, A.K.; Mosbah, M.A.; Sayed Ahmad, M.M.; Hasan, M.H. and AbdelRady, S. A. (2003). Carrying capacity and air dispersion model for El-Sukhna Refinery company. Final Report, March, 2009, 42 pp.
1. M Sc. thesis entitled "Ecological and Biological studies on the different morphs of the sea urchin Echinometra mathaei at the Red Sea.
Student name: Salah Abd El-Ghany
University: Faculity of Science, Sohag University.
2. Ph. D. thesis entitled " Ecological and Microbiological studies on the Coral reef ecosystem at the Red Sea Costs"
Student Name: Al-Metwally El-Shahat Shabana
University: Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University
Registered at: June, 2008
3. M.Sc.. thesis entitled " Effect of Human Impact on zoolpankton population at the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea"
Student Name: Hesham Al-Abd
University: Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University
Registered at: November, 2017
4. Ph.D. thesis entitled " Mass culture of marine phytoplankton species and their economic exploitation.
Student Name: Nemaa Al-Araby Mohamed
Thesis Supervision:
University: Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University
Registered at: November, 2022
5. Ph. D. thesis entitled " Meroplankton communities as an indicator for marine species inhabiting the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea Egypt"
Student Name: Hesham Ahmed Al-Abd
University: Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University
Registered at: March, 2023.
6. Ph. D. thesis entitled " Fisheries assessment of parrot fish (family: Scaridea) and its role in the marine ecosystem in the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea"
Student Name: Wesam El-Sayed Ramadan
University: Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University
Registered at: March, 2023.
7. Ph. D. thesis entitled " Using a modern mathematical modeling approach to measure the pollution resulting from industrial waste water discharge to Suez Bay "
Student Name: Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Abdallah
University: Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University
Registered at: October, 2023.
Thesis title: “Alleviation of mercuric chloride toxicity in albino rate using coenzyme Q10”.
Thesis: M. Sc.
University: Faculty of Veterinary, Banha University, Moushtohr, Qaleobya
Student Name: Aya Gamal Saad
Date: February, 2023
2. Thesis title: “Growth and reproduction studies of the Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus”.
Thesis: Ph. D.
University: Oceanography Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University
Student Name: Elzahrae Mahmoud Abdelkader Elmasry
Date: January, 2024
Thesis Judgement:

Scientific Activities

2004: New record of one marine species.

2005: Put Data base of Gulf of Aqaba sponges.

2006: Putting a management plan for sea cucumber fishery in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2012: Represent Ministry of Agriculture in workshop in Tanzania.

2015: Participate with EEAA in putting the guide manual for EIA studies for aquaculture projects in coastal and marine areas.

2022: New model for monitoring the effect of climate change on marine environment introduced in COP27.

2023: Reviewer for Egyptian green project introduced for COP 28.


1990: B.Sc. Marine Biology, Marine Biology Depart., Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.

1995: M. Sc. Marine Science, Marine Biology Depart., Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.

2001: Ph. D. Marine Science, Marine Biology Depart., Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.

2005: Diploma in Ocean Governance awarded from International Ocean Institute (IOI) and Malta University, held at Malta.

2010: Diploma in "Marine Management-Good governance in Practice" awarded from SIDA (Swedish International Development, Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Board of Fisheries, Swedish Coast Guard and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency held in Sweden.

2014-til now: Environmental consultant registered at EEAA for EIA, CAP, Quantitative risk Assessment and dispersion modeling for air and water pollution. December, 2021: Diploma in Crises management awarded from Military Naser Academy.

Employment / Fellowships

1 st March, 1992: Demonstrator at National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries

30th September, 1995: Assistance lecturer at National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries

21st April, 2002: Lecturer at National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries

May-September, 200: Work as a consultant for food and Agriculture Organization, united nations (FAO), in a mission at kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

1 st March, 2010-16th July, 2012: Associate Professor of Ecology at National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries.

17 July, 2012: Associate professor of Ecology, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.

1 st September, 2012: Head of Aquatic Ecology Department, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.

August, 2013- July, 2014: Vice Dean of Students Affairs, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University & Head of Ecology Department.

July, 2014- August, 2018: Head of Ecology Department, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.

September, 2016: Member in the national committee of ballast water and invasive species.

April, 2018- October, 2020: Vice Dean of Students Affairs, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.

July, 2019: Appointed as a director of projects management unit which is a partnership between Suez University and the small and middle sized financing authority. The aim is to finance 200 projects for the graduated students from the university, the budget is 20 million Egyptian Pounds.

November, 2019: Professor of Aquatic Ecology, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.

October, 2020 till now: Head of Aquatic Ecology Department, Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University.

October, 2021 till now: Reviewer for EIA studies at Economic Authority of Suez Canal,Egypt.

July, 2023: Vice dean of higher education and research Aug., - Sept.,2023: member reviewer in committee for reviewing green projects for COP 28 nominated by higher education ministry .

= Sea mass sport diver (2 star diver) at 1990.

=Underwater Photography skills with both video camera and steady ordinary camera.

= Experience in Environmental Impact Assessment and Carrying Capacity studies and Environmental consultancy.

= Consultant in Air and water Pollution studies and dispersion models.

= Consultant in Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies.

= Consultant in EIA studies.

= Consultant in CAP (Compliance Action plane)

Research Projects & Field Visits

1990: Graduated project, The title “Role of algae in building and conserving the biodiversity of biotic reef”, the work was done in Ras Mohamed, Ras Nasrani and Ras Umm El-Seed reefs at the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea.

June, 1990-Jan., 1991: Working as a research student in Marine biology Depart., Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.

October, 1990: Made a report on “oil pollution in the Suez Canal” after an oil Accident occur in the canal.

August, 1991: Operating a bioassay experiment using Cadmium and Lead in various concentrations for determining Lc50 and accumulation of these metals in Isopods and Mussels.

November, 1995-January, 1996: Working in a project at National Research center, diving in the Red Sea collecting poisonous and venomous fishes and invertebrates for detecting bioactive compounds. January, 1996-March, 1998: Working in a joint project with German PI’s; for zooplankton migration.

Comparing zooplankton in rich coral reef areas with sandy bottom areas.

March, 1996: Participating in the project of developing Nuwieba harbor, making the studies for reconstruction of the two damaged platforms, oceanography, bathymetry, video photography and geological studies were made.

April, 1996: Worked in the project at Adabia harbor, to define a new passage into the harbor and fixing lighting buoys to determine this pass way. Oceanographic and bathymetric studies were done.

July, 1996: Participate in the studies made for building a new tourism compound at Ain Sukhna in the Gulf of Suez. Ecological, Bathymetric and Oceanographic studies were made. We studied the effect of building the compounds on the biodiversity of the area.

June, 1996-July, 1998: Working in the development of the Red Sea resources program (GEF), financed by the international bank, supervised by EEAA, TDA and RSG. Doing several trips along the Red Sea coasts, to study the biodiversity of the Red Sea marine habitat and ecological survey for the coral reefs. Also evaluating the coral reef conditions and evaluating and suggesting sites to assign as protected areas along the Red Sea.

 4 June, 1997: Participating in the oceanographic studies for new harbor at Hurghada, Red Sea. And the prediction impacts on the biodiversity of Hurghada region. August, 1998- January, 1999: Design and construction of an industrial waste treatment plant for Trust textile company.

May-August, 1999: Work on a national project to identify and eliminate the hazard effect of the crown of thorn sea star on the Red Sea coral reefs.

July, 2001-January, 2002: Conducting Monitoring plan for the berth of Oriental Petrochemical Company (OPC) at Ain Sukhna. The Plan was designed to monitor the effect of landfill, dredging and operation of the berth on the biodiversity, sedimentation rate and marine environment around and near the berth and shoreline modification.

September, 2003: Made a case study for risk assessment of the effect of sediment deposition on the marine ecosystems at Ras Nasrani, Sharm El-Shiekh, Gulf of Aqaba for Swiss Inn Diving center and hotel.

November, 2003: Made a case study for risk assessment of the effect of sediment deposition on the marine environment at Ras Nasrani, Sharm El-Shiekh, Gulf of Aqaba for Melia sharm C2 resort.

April- August, 2005: Work in a project survey the Gulf of Aqaba Costs to identify the effect of human impact and high fishing pressure on the biodiversity of coral reef fishes and high economic invertebrates.

May- August, 2005: Work in a project of collection the poisonous fishes and invertebrates to extract the poison for medical purposes.

April-May, 2006: Consultancy mission for Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as a fishery expert. A report has been made for the evaluation of the sea cucumber status in the Saudi's water and the effect of fishery on the depletion of its populations.

April-May, 2006 Putting a management plan for conservation of sea cucumber stocks at the Saudi Arabian Red Sea coasts, for the Ministry of Agriculture of Saudi Arabian Kingdom.

January, 2007- Jan., 2008: Responsible for IOI Kids program, IOI operational center of Egypt. Supervising a web site for learning school kids the principles of sea guarding and protecting marine environment.

February, 2008: 5 Carryout report for the effect of sedimentation and waves on the stability of the international yachts marina at Taba, owned by Taba Heights Company.

December, 2008: Participation on Environmental monitoring report for Suez fertilizer company, in association with Suez Canal University.

December, 2008: Environmental consultant for Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Suez Canal University, Suez Branch. February, 2009: Environmental consultant for Suez Canal University, Suez Branch.

January-March, 2009: Carried out Carrying capacity and air pollution dispersion model studies for four factories (Suez fertilizers plant, Sukhna petrochemical plant, Rawag fertilizers plant and El-Ezz for flat steel), in association with Suez Canal University.

April, 2009: Carried out Measurement and Monitoring report for air pollution, noise levels for EgyptianGerman Pumps plant (Rurpumping), in association with Suez Canal University.

May-June, 2009: Carried out Environmental Assessment and Monitoring report for Expo coal plant, in association with Suez Canal University.

August, 2009: Carryout an EIA study for the university of Suez Canal for vettol petroleum tanks project.

September, 2009: Carried out Evaluation and Monitoring report for Sulfur Stores in Al-Malya Fertilizers comapnt at Kafr El-Zayat, in association with Suez Canal University.

February, 2010: Carryout an air dispersion model study for Petrotrade company.

March, 2010: Carried out Quantitative Risk Assessment Study (QRA) for the tanks of Ban Osay Petrochemical Company at Suez.

December, 2010: Participating in the team appointed by the Egyptian Governorate to study the problems of Shark Attacks in Sharm El-Shiekh, South Sinai. Report has been made with the possible causes of the problem and solution suggested for protection.

August, 2011: Carried out air pollution measurements and report for gypsum factory at Suez city, in association with Faculty of Science, Suez canal university, Suez branch.

March, 2013-March, 2014: Working as a consultant for ACDI/ VOCA in assessment of fish farms at IDKU area

6 August, 2017: Candidate from Suez University for carryout EIA study for medical waste incinerator for ministry of health.

September, 2018: Represent Suez University as a consultant for Suez governorate to assess the seaside areas to initiate a public beach.

June, 2018: Carried out the studies for Rex Shore development as a demand from Suez governorates in its strategic plan 2018/2019.

June-July, 2019: Represent Suez University as a consultant for Suez governorate to find a solution for the sewage water pond in El-Salam1 district.

June-July, 2019: Represent Suez University as a consultant for Suez governorate to find a solution for the seaside walkway in Port Tofic Suez.

March, 2022-till now: Principle Investigator for project “Hatchery and artificial spawning of threatened sea cucumber species” founded by the Academy of Scientific Research, Ministry of Higher Education.

Technical Consultancy

2006: Consultant for FAO organization of the united nations, in Saudi Arabia as an Expert for assessment of sea cucumber populations in Saudi’s Red Sea.

2008-2010: Environmental consultant for faculty of Industrial Education Suez canal university, Suez branch.

2018: Represent Suez University as Environmental Consultant for Suez Governorate to evaluate the engineering works and its effect on environment for construction a public beach and development of Suez Cornish.

2019: Represent Suez University as Environmental Consultant for Suez Governorate to solve the ground water problem in El-Salam1 district.

2019-2021: Environmental Consultant for KNAUF factory for Gypsum board production.

2021-2013: Environmental Consultant for Lavesta group. 2021-till now: Environmental Consultant for El-Hegaz Group.

2021-till now: Environmental Consultant for Aroma group.

2022- till now: Environmental Consultant for Economic Authority of Suez Canal, Egyptian Government.

2023-till now: Environmental Consultant for Sabour group.

2024-till now: Environmental Consultant for KNAUF Gypsum products plant.

Training Courses

29-30 October, 1997: Attended the workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment held by DANIDA and EEAA at Cairo, Egypt. Consultancy for different authorities: Workshops, Training courses and Conferences: 7

14-15 January, 1998: Attended the workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment for tourism projects held by SEAM project and supervised by EEAA, which financed by England International cooperation management, held at Cairo, Egypt.

July, 2005: Attend the workshop entitled " The biodiversity in the Egyptian coastal environment" held by Al-Azhar University and Egyptian Environmental Affair Agency (EEAA) in Cairo.

October, 2005: Participate at the 9th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society for fish development and human health, held at Faculty of science Tanta University. November, 2006: Participated in the International Ocean Institute Meetings for the Committee of Directors and Governing Board at Alexandria, Egypt.

March, 2007: Attending the National workshop on Red List of Egypt, IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Prepared and lectured by IUCN staff.

September, 2007: Participate in the workshop on board of Meteor Research Vessel in the occasion of the German Egyptian Scientific Year.

5-8 November, 2007: Participation in the international conference of Pacium in Maribus XXXII, Waves of changes, held in Malta.

July-August, 2008: Attend and pass successfully the training course for the International Computer Driving License (ICDL), and pass the exam successfully.

April-May, 2010: Participate in workshop in Sweden entitled " Marine Management-Good governance in Practice" introducing a Project for Change (PFG) in the workshop entitled " Effect of Public awareness on the environmental conservation and biodiversity of coral reef ecosystems at the Egyptian Red Sea coasts" The workshop Organized by SIDA under the supervision of for Sweden Agencies (Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Board of Fisheries, Swedish Coast Guard and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency) held in Gothenburg and Stockholm, Sweden.

1-7 th November, 2010: Participating in Marine Management Workshop, held in Ghana with a Project of Change entitled "Effect of public awareness on the environmental protection of coral reef ecosystems at the Egyptian Red sea coast".

12-16th November, 2012: Participating in Sea cucumber Management Workshop, held in Zanzibar, Tanzania entitled " SEA CUCUMBER FISHERIES: AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT IN THE INDIAN OCEAN (SCEAM Indian Ocean)". Sponsered and organized by FAO, WIOMSA.

8 March-April, 2013: Field trips to Idku area to assess the quality of lake Idku and the fish farms inside and outside the lake to give technical support for the farmers and fishermens and determine the best use of the activities and how to restore the quality of the lake.

October, 2013: Attend the international 8 th Scientific conference for biodiversity, held in Mozambique.

September, 2015- July, 2017: Participating in the meeting of National Committee for ballast water and invasive species held at Red Sea Ports Authority.

April, 2016: Participate in workshop for excute of International agreement of ballast water “Compliance monitoring and enforcement CME of the BWM convention with a focus on sampling and analysis of ballast water"

November- December, 2018: Training Courses in University development capacity, which include the following courses:

✓ The Statistical methods in Scientific Research.

✓ Taking decisions and problem solutions.

✓ Scientific Research moralities.

✓ Thinking Skills.

✓ International publications of scientific research manuscripts.

✓ Qualifying youth for leadership and innovation

10-14 th September, 2019: Participate in Organizing and attending Blue Economy Conference at Suez, Egypt entitled " Blue Economy to Achieve African Agenda, 2063" Sponsored and organized by Suez University.

2021: Attend and pass successfully the Workshop in Crises management held by Military Naser Academy .

2022: Attend and pass successfully the Workshop in Strategic National Security held by Military Naser Academy .

September, 2022: Participate in Conference of Higher counsel of university as a preparation of The COP 27, and introduced a project in the conference that was chosen among 9 project out of 230 projects to participate in COP 27.

6 th tom18th November, 2022: participate in COP 27 conference of climate change at Egypt

Participation in Theses Discussion

1. Thesis title: “Alleviation of mercuric chloride toxicity in albino rate using coenzyme Q10”. Thesis: M. Sc. University: Faculty of Veterinary, Banha University, Moushtohr, Qaleobya Student Name: Aya Gamal Saad Date: February, 2023

2. Thesis title: “Growth and reproduction studies of the Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus”. Thesis: Ph. D. University: Oceanography Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University Student Name: Elzahrae Mahmoud Abdelkader Elmasry Date: January, 2024

Theses Supervision

1. M Sc. thesis entitled "Ecological and Biological studies on the different morphs of the sea urchin Echinometra mathaei at the Red Sea. Student name: Salah Abd El-Ghany University: Faculity of Science, Sohag University.

2. Ph. D. thesis entitled " Ecological and Microbiological studies on the Coral reef ecosystem at the Red Sea Costs" Student Name: Al-Metwally El-Shahat Shabana University: Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University Registered at: June, 2008

3. M.Sc.. thesis entitled " Effect of Human Impact on zoolpankton population at the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea" Student Name: Hesham Al-Abd University: Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University Registered at: November, 2017

4. Ph.D. thesis entitled " Mass culture of marine phytoplankton species and their economic exploitation. Student Name: Nemaa Al-Araby Mohamed Thesis Supervision: 23 University: Faculty of Fish Resources, Suez University Registered at: November, 2022

5. Ph. D. thesis entitled " Meroplankton communities as an indicator for marine species inhabiting the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea Egypt" Student Name: Hesham Ahmed Al-Abd University: Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University Registered at: March, 2023.

6. Ph. D. thesis entitled " Fisheries assessment of parrot fish (family: Scaridea) and its role in the marine ecosystem in the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea" Student Name: Wesam El-Sayed Ramadan University: Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University Registered at: March, 2023.

7. Ph. D. thesis entitled " Using a modern mathematical modeling approach to measure the pollution resulting from industrial waste water discharge to Suez Bay " Student Name: Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Abdallah University: Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University Registered at: October, 2023.

Refereed Scientific Papers in Foreign Languages

1. Publication from Master thesis: 1. Ali, A.E.;Hellal, A.M.; El Samra, M.I. and Hasan, M.H. (1995). Seasonal biochemical composition of the gonads of Echinometra mathaei (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. J. Union. Arab Biol., 3 (A): 227-248.

2. Publication from ph.D. thesis:

2. Hellal, A. M.; Abou Zeid, M. M.; Ali, A. E.; El Samra, M. I. and Hasan, M. H. (2002). Study on the holothuroid fauna (Echinodermata:Holothuroidae) inhabiting the Shallow waters of the Egyptian Red Sea. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish., 6(1): 23-45.

3. Abou Zeid, M. M.; Hellal, A. M.; Ali, A. E.; El Samra, M. I. and Hasan, M. H. (2002). The use of some biological molecules as a taxonomic tool for the Red Sea holothurians. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish., 6(1): 133-150. 3.

Publications after ph.D. and for applying to Associate professor:

4. Hasan, M.H. (2003). Ecology and distribution patterns of the threatened holothuroids as correlated with over fishing in the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Develop., 4 (3): 101-118.

5. Hasan, M.H. (2005). Destruction of a Holothuria scabra population by overfishing at Abu Rhamada Island in the Red Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 60, 489-511.

6. Hasan, M. H. (2008). Fisheries status and management plan for Saudi Arabian sea cucumbers. SPC Beach-De-Mer Information Bulletin, 28, 14-21.

7. Hasan, M. H. (2009). Stock Assessment of Holothuroid populations in the Red Sea Waters of Saudi Arabia. SPC Beach-De-Mer Information Bulletin, 29, 31-37. Publication: Participating in NGOs: 21

8. Hasan, M. H. and Hasan, Y. S. (2004). Natural ecological factors and human impacts influencing the spatial distribution of holothuroid species in the Gulf of Aqaba. J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 43 (D): 287-306.

9. Hasan, M. H. and Bellal, A. M. (2005). The combined action of tourism and predation on the distribution of sponges at the Gulf of Aqaba. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. & Fish., 9 (4):445-467.

10. El-Ganainy A. A., Hasan M. H. and Yassien M. H. (2006). Population structure of two endangered holothurian species from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 32(2):456–467.

11. Ebeid, M. L.; Hassan, M. H. and Geneid, Y. A. (2009). Response to Increased Sediment Load by Three Coral Species from the Gulf of Suez (Red Sea). Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Science, 4 (5): 238-245.

12. Yassien, M. H.; El-Ganainy, A. A. and Hasan, M. H. (2009). Shellfish Fishery in the North Western Part of the Red Sea. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 1 (2): 97-104.

13. Grote, D., Soliman, H.S.M., Shaker, K.H., Hasan, M.H. and Seifert, K. (2006). Cembranoid diterpenes and a briarane diterpene from corals. Natural Product Research, 20 (3): 285-291.

14. Hasan, M. H. (2007). Effect of public awareness on the environmental protection of coral reef ecosystems at the Egyptian Red Sea coast- Egyptian experience . XXI Baceum In Maribus Conference, Malta. 4. Publications after Associate professor and for applying to professor:

15. Hasan, M. H. and Salah El-Den A. Abd El-Rady (2012).The effect of fishing pressure on the ecology of sea cucumber populations in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. SPC Beach-De-Mer Information Bulletin,32:53-59.

16. Hasan, M.H. (2014). Assess the Main Factors Affecting the International Marina of Taba Heights at the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Egypt. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 6:22-26.

17. Hasan, M.H. (2018). Effect of Tourism Activities on Coral Communities at the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 10:794-808. ISSN Online: 1945-3108. ISSN Print: 1945-3094.

18. Hasan, M.H. (2019). Destruction of sea cucumber populations due to overfishing at Abu Ghosoun area, Red Sea. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology (2019) 80:5

19. Hasan, M.H. (2019). Effect of climate change on the reproduction pattern of sea urchin Echinometra mathaei at the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 23(2): 527- 544 . 22

20. Hasan, M.H. (2019). Effect of Hard installation on coral community succession and growth rate at Taba Heights international marina at the northern Gulf of Aqaba. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 23 (3): 225-243.

21. Hasan, M.H. (2019). Distribution patterns and ecological aspects for the sea urchin Diadema stosum at the Red Sea. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, 23(4):93-106.

22. Hasan, M.H. and Johnson, K. (2018). Restoration of stocks of the sea cucumber Holothuria fuscogilva in the Red Sea with transplanted wild juveniles. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 11:959-980.

Final reports published: 1. Fatouh, S.; El-Ganiny, A.; Hasan, M.H.; Wageh, M.; Hosni, M.; Salah, A. and Abu-ElRegal, M. (2010). The possible causes of shark attacks in Sharm El-Sheikh and Suggested protection ways.

Final report, December, 2010, 27 pp. 2. Hasan, M. H.; Amer, A. and Fahmy, M. A. (2008). Environmental Impact Assessment study for Ras Dehesa Resort at The Eastern Side of the Gulf of Suez.

Final report, January, 2008, 85 pp. 3. Sayed Ahmad, M.M.; El-Nekhely, A. E.; Hasan, M.H. and Radwan, R.F. (2009). Environmental measurements at the site of Egyptian German pumping compny.

Final Report, April, 2009, 10 pp. 4. Faheem, A.K.; Mosbah, M.A.; Sayed Ahmad, M.M.; Hasan, M.H. and AbdelRady, S. A. (2003). Carrying capacity and air dispersion model for ElSukhna Refinery company. Final Report, March, 2009, 42 pp.

Arbitration in Scientific Periodicals

September, 2007- till now: Reviewer at the African Journal of Agriculture Research (AJAR) for the manuscripts at the marine section.

February, 2009-till now: Reviewer in Environmental management journal published by Springer virlage.

February, 2009- till now: Reviewer in Philippine Agricultural Scientist Journal, Published by College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los BaÃos

April, 2014: Reviewer for EEAA, reviewing EIA studies of using Ras El Hagaria Platform at Safaga, red Sea in transferring and accepting coal and clinker.

May, 2014: Reviewer for EEAA, reviewing EIA studies of Gas charged water treatment by Green Valley Company at the Egyptian North Coast. Reviewer in the world Journals and EIA Studies: 20

May, 2014: Reviewer for EEAA, reviewing EIA studies of Gas charged water treatment by Green Valley Company at Sharkia governorate.

June, 2014: Reviewer for EEAA, reviewing EIA studies of Using Alternative Fuel for Arabian Cement Company at Suez Industrial zone.

January, 2018: Reviewer in the Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, published by springer.

...Courses taught by

September, 2003: Giving a lecture course for Saudi trainers on the sea cucumber fishery, ecology, management and aquaculture.

July 2007: Giving a lecture course for Yamane trainees, Al Hudida university, Yemen, on Integrated Coastal zone management.

University Teaching and Lectures given:

19 August, 2007: Giving a lecture course for Students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazic university on ecology and economic importance and fishery of sea cucumber.

February, 2010- June, 2010: Part Time lecturer in the Faculty of industrial engineering, Suez University "teaching environmental science subject".

September, 2010- January, 2011: Part Time lecturer in the Faculty of Science, Suez University "teaching two courses: Water Pollution & its treatment and Aquaculture". February, 2011- June, 2011: Part Time lecturer in the Faculty of industrial engineering, Suez University "teaching environmental science subject".

February, 2011- June, 2011: Part Time lecturer in the Faculty of Science, Suez University "teaching three courses: Water Pollution and its treatment, Air Pollution and Aquaculture ".

November, 2011- Uptil now: Staff member in the Faculty of Fishery Resources, Suez University "teaching the following courses: Oceanography, Aquatic Ecology, Marine Biology, Monitoring, Integrated Coastal Area Management.

October, 2020- Uptil now: Teaching Maritime Law and International agreement Course, Faculty of Fishery Resources, Suez University

Research Cruises

August, 1993: For 7 days cruise worked on coral survey project along the Gulf of Aqaba.

February, 1994: Worked in 10 days cruise for Oceanography and coral reef ecological survey in the Gulf of Aqaba’s reefs. Surveys, Cruises and Field Trips:

18 March, 1994-February, 1995: Seasonal trips along Red Sea coast for algal survey (Qualitative and quantitative).

April, 1995: Working on deep water oceanographic cruise for 10 days, included working with STD, current meter. Also dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll a were determined.

August, 1996: A 10 days cruise in the Gulf of Aqaba, working on biodiversity of coral reefs and zooplankton collection. Also working with the current meter to identify the current velocities and directions; using to parallel currents to identify the upwelling.

August, 2002: Field trip to the shores of Dahab and Abou Galum at the Gulf of Aqaba to study the effect of over fishing of sea cucumber on the distribution and abundance of the species in these areas.

April- May, 2003: Two months trip for surveying the Gulf of Aqaba coasts to assess the sea cucumber stocks at the gulf. The factors caused the decline of these stocks was determined and a management plan was putted to maintain its crops.

June, 2005: Participating in the field trip and preparing a report for stock assessment of economic mollusks at Al-Gemsha area at Hurghada, and give recommendation for their fishing effort to protect their crops.

April-may, 2006: Marine survey of Some Saudi's Red Sea coasts due to FAO consultancy, work was done for the Saudi's Minister of Agriculture and in cooperate with Jeddah Fishery research Center. Lectures in marine ecology and biodiversity were given to the workers in Jeddah and Farasan Islands.

December, 2010: Participating in the field trip and preparing the report for shark attacks problem occurred in Sharm El-Shiekh.

Scientific Conferences & Workshops

29-30 October, 1997: Attended the workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment held by DANIDA and EEAA at Cairo, Egypt. Consultancy for different authorities: Workshops, Training courses and Conferences: 7

14-15 January, 1998: Attended the workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment for tourism projects held by SEAM project and supervised by EEAA, which financed by England International cooperation management, held at Cairo, Egypt.

July, 2005: Attend the workshop entitled " The biodiversity in the Egyptian coastal environment" held by Al-Azhar University and Egyptian Environmental Affair Agency (EEAA) in Cairo.

October, 2005: Participate at the 9th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society for fish development and human health, held at Faculty of science Tanta University. November, 2006: Participated in the International Ocean Institute Meetings for the Committee of Directors and Governing Board at Alexandria, Egypt.

March, 2007: Attending the National workshop on Red List of Egypt, IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Prepared and lectured by IUCN staff.

September, 2007: Participate in the workshop on board of Meteor Research Vessel in the occasion of the German Egyptian Scientific Year.

5-8 November, 2007: Participation in the international conference of Pacium in Maribus XXXII, Waves of changes, held in Malta.

July-August, 2008: Attend and pass successfully the training course for the International Computer Driving License (ICDL), and pass the exam successfully.

April-May, 2010: Participate in workshop in Sweden entitled " Marine Management-Good governance in Practice" introducing a Project for Change (PFG) in the workshop entitled " Effect of Public awareness on the environmental conservation and biodiversity of coral reef ecosystems at the Egyptian Red Sea coasts" The workshop Organized by SIDA under the supervision of for Sweden Agencies (Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Board of Fisheries, Swedish Coast Guard and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency) held in Gothenburg and Stockholm, Sweden.

1-7 th November, 2010: Participating in Marine Management Workshop, held in Ghana with a Project of Change entitled "Effect of public awareness on the environmental protection of coral reef ecosystems at the Egyptian Red sea coast".

12-16th November, 2012: Participating in Sea cucumber Management Workshop, held in Zanzibar, Tanzania entitled " SEA CUCUMBER FISHERIES: AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT IN THE INDIAN OCEAN (SCEAM Indian Ocean)". Sponsered and organized by FAO, WIOMSA.

8 March-April, 2013: Field trips to Idku area to assess the quality of lake Idku and the fish farms inside and outside the lake to give technical support for the farmers and fishermens and determine the best use of the activities and how to restore the quality of the lake.

October, 2013: Attend the international 8 th Scientific conference for biodiversity, held in Mozambique.

September, 2015- July, 2017: Participating in the meeting of National Committee for ballast water and invasive species held at Red Sea Ports Authority.

April, 2016: Participate in workshop for excute of International agreement of ballast water “Compliance monitoring and enforcement CME of the BWM convention with a focus on sampling and analysis of ballast water"

November- December, 2018: Training Courses in University development capacity, which include the following courses:

✓ The Statistical methods in Scientific Research.

✓ Taking decisions and problem solutions.

✓ Scientific Research moralities.

✓ Thinking Skills.

✓ International publications of scientific research manuscripts.

✓ Qualifying youth for leadership and innovation

10-14 th September, 2019: Participate in Organizing and attending Blue Economy Conference at Suez, Egypt entitled " Blue Economy to Achieve African Agenda, 2063" Sponsored and organized by Suez University.

2021: Attend and pass successfully the Workshop in Crises management held by Military Naser Academy .

2022: Attend and pass successfully the Workshop in Strategic National Security held by Military Naser Academy .

September, 2022: Participate in Conference of Higher counsel of university as a preparation of The COP 27, and introduced a project in the conference that was chosen among 9 project out of 230 projects to participate in COP 27.

6 th tom18th November, 2022: participate in COP 27 conference of climate change at Egypt

Research Studies

November, 1996: Doing EIA studies for two tourism compound at Ain Sukhna.

February, 1997: Doing EIA studies for Marsa Alam tourism compound at the Red Sea.

July, 1997: Doing EIA studies for an extension of a marina in the Sea horse hotel at Hurghada. EIA Studies and Consultancy:

9 August, 1997: Doing EIA study for a cement factory in Suez, owned by the Arabian Cement Company.

June, 1998: Doing an EIA study for construction of two marinas at Shaat ElNakheel tourism compound at Ain Sukhna.

July, 1998: Doing an EIA study for Trust textile company at Suez Industrial Zone.

August, 1998: Doing an EIA study for El-Ain Bay tourism compound at Ain Sukhna.

January, 1999: Doing an EIA study for El-Ain Resort tourism compound at Ain Sukhna.

April, 1999: Doing an EIA study for El-Komy iron factory at Suez Industrial Zone.

February, 2000: Doing an EIA study for El-Nabila tourism compound at Hurghada.

August, 2000: Participating in the EIA report for Suez Industrial Waste Plant with the faculty of oil engineering, Suez Canal University.

April, 2001: Doing a scoped EIA report for the berth of oriental petrochemical company at Suez Gulf. Effect of construction of the berth on biodiversity of the area and dredging the passage of the ships on the surrounding environment.

April, 2002: Doing EIA report for the shipyard at Suez Gulf owned by Ocean Classic International company for yachts building.

August, 2003: Doing EIA study for Swiss Inn diving center and hotel at Ras Nasrani, Sharm El-Sheikh, Gulf of Aqaba.

October, 2003: Doing EIA study for Melia sharm C2 resort at Ras Nasrani, Sharm El-Sheikh, Gulf of Aqaba.

February, 2004: Doing EIA study for El-Temsah shipyard at Suez Gulf.

July, 2004: Doing EIA study for Empire resort at Ain Sukhna, Gulf of Suez.

January, 2005: 10 Doing EIA study for Storage tanks of Phosphoric acid, at Adabyia harbour at Suez, for International chemical company (ICC).

March, 2005: Risk assessment study for the phosphoric acid storage tanks inside Adabyia harbor owned by ICC company.

August, 2005: Doing EIA study for Um El-Kurra ship building company at Free Industrial zone at Suez.

July, 2006: Carry out an EIA study for the effect of beach cleaning of Areej tourism compound on the marine environment and beach modification of the middle-western area of the Gulf of Suez.

August, 2006: Conducting a monitoring plan for waste disposal and air emissions for Tanzifco Company for garbage collecting and medical waste eliminating. December, 2006: Carry out an EIA study for Palmera beach resort's deck on pile jetty at the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea.

June, 2007: Conducting an EIA study for construction of international marina at Stella de Mare Resort at the Gulf of Suez. Identifying the impacts on the marine environment and biodiversity as a result of construction and operation of the marina.

July, 2007: Carry out an Environmental Feasibility study for Ras Dehesa Resort at the Eastern Coast of the Gulf of Suez. Include the effect of the resort's component on the marine environment , examining the status of the coral reef and biodiversity. Put the best design and components to gain the best benefit of the marine area of the resort with a minimum impact on the marine environment.

August, 2007: Conducting EIA study for Ras Dehesa resort at the Eastern Gulf of Suez.

March, 2008: Carryout EIA report for Suez Fertilizing company.

December, 2008: Carryout EIA report for Radisson SAS Taba resort (5 stars resort). January, 2009: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment study for Suez Fertilizer Company, in association with Suez Canal University.

February, 2009: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for EZZ flat steel and Ezz Rolling Mill plants Company, in association with Suez Canal University.

March, 2009: 11 Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Rawag fertilizer plant, in association with Suez Canal University. March, 2009: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Sukhna Refinery and Petrochemical plant at Ain Sukhna Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.

March, 2009: Carry out EIA study for the extension of Laguna beach resort at the coast of the Gulf of Suez, owned by Sunrise Company for tourism development projects.

April, 2009: Carry out EIA study for breakwater at Laguna beach resort at the coast of the Gulf of Suez, owned by Sunrise Company for tourism development projects. April, 2009: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report, environmental measurements and report for Egyptian German Ruerpumpen company at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.

May-June, 2009: Carryout environmental assessment study for the effect of Exbo Coal Company emissions on the surrounding area, in association with Suez Canal University.

July, 2009: Carry out EIA study for Canyon Estate resort at Dahab, South Sinai.

October, 2009: Air quality measurements for air pollution for Ice Factory Owned by National Company for services and Trade projects at Suez Industrial Zone, Suez. December, 2009: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Petrotrade oil plant at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University. December, 2009: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report, environmental carrying capacity and air dispersion model for Suez Steel plant at Suez Industrial zone. December, 2009: Carryout EIA study for Vittol Terminal International Company for storing and trading LPG and Gasoil.

January, 2010: Carry out EIA study for Ban Osay Petrochemical Company at Suez.

January, 2010: Carry out EIA study for Afia (Savola Egypt) International oil company at Industrial Zone of Suez. The company produce food oils, ghee, SBC ..etc. February, 2010: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Al-Malya fertilizer company at Ain Sukhna area at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.

12 March, 2010: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Petrotrade oil company at Agrood area at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.

March, 2010: Carryout EIA Study for Wadi Degla Tourism compound at the North-Western Gulf of Suez.

March, 2010: Carryout EIA Study for Ester Taba Tourism compound at Taba, North Gulf of Aqaba.

April, 2010: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Verdi Ceramics company at Ain Sukhna area at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University.

May, 2010: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Karas Ceramics company at Ain Sukhna area at Suez, in association with Suez Canal University. October, 2010: Carryout EIA Study for Suez Metal industries company at Suez, owned by International Trade Center Company.

December, 2010- January, 2011: Prepare Environmental Registry and Environmental commitment study for El-Sukhna Livestock company, at Sukhna International Port, Suez.

January, 2011: Carryout EIA Study for El-Saaid Gypsum plant at Suez, owned by Gulf Association Company for Gypsum products.

June, 2011: Carryout Air Quality Impact assessment report and air dispersion model for Suez Cement company owned by Italian group at Ain Sukhna area at Suez, for Suez Canal University.

July, 2011: Carryout EIA study for International Company for Stevedoring and warehousing at Adabya Harbor, Suez city, Egypt.

January, 2012: Carryout EIA study for Livestock raising and veterinary Quarantine at Al-Ataka area owned by African Pearl Company.

July, 2012: Carryout EIA study for Lafarge Cement Company.

August, 2012: Carryout EIA study for Multistores company for chemical storage.

August, 2012: Carryout EIA study for Ielo-Egypt company for metal manufacture.

March, 2013: 13 Carryout Pollution load study and air dispersion model for Lafarge cement company.

March, 2013: Carryout EIA study for use of pet cock and coal as an alternative fuel in Lafarge cement company.

April, 2013: Air pollution measurments and report for Rawag company for phosphate grinding.

April, 2013- December, 2013: Prepare Environmental Registry and Environmental commitment study for El-Swedy Cement company.

November, 2013: Carryout EIA study for AlAraby company project for Collectging, Handling and transport oil and liquid and Solid wastes from Industrial areas. November, 2013: Carryout EIA study for oil transferring vessel PortSaid Star.

November, 2013: Air pollution measurments and report for ICC chemical company.

December, 2013: Carryout EIA study for oil transferring vessels Americana2 and Suez 2.

January, 2014: Carryout EIA study for Al-Baraka company for burying and transport solid wastes.

February, 2014: Carryout EIA study for Egytrans Shipping company at Adabia Harbor, Suez. April, 2014: Carryout EIA study for Al-Motahada company for collecting and transporting Oil Products.

July, 2014: Carryout EIA study for Al-Watania Shipping company for Loading and Unloading Bulk Cargoes at Al-Adabia Harbor.

December, 2014: Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for ICC company at AlAdabia Harbor.

January, 2015: Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for Al-Watania Nile Transportation company at Al-Adabia Harbor.

February, 2015: Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for Suez Shipping company at Al-Adabia Harbor.

14 March, 2015: Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for Sesco Trans for Logestics company at Al-Adabia Harbor.

May, 2015: Quantitative Risk assessment study for coal loading and unloading for Trans cargo International Company. November, 2015: Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of coal for Sesco trans company at Al-Dekhela Harbor, Alexandria.

February, 2016: Carryout EIA study for Unloading, Handling and storage of Dangerous goods (IMDG code) for Trans Cargo International company at Al-Adabia Harbor. May, 2016: Carryout EIA study for Vacum salt plant at El Kantara Shark, Ismailia.

November, 2016: Carryout EIA study for Orkedia Ceramic production plant.

January, 2017: Carryout EIA study for Photovoltic plant for solar electricity production at Aswan.

June, 2017: Carryout EIA study for Plastic recycling Nile company at Attaka Industrial Zone.

December, 2017: Carryout EIA study for RO desalination plant for Egyptian Sugar company at AlSukhna harbor.

February, 2018: Carryout EIA study for Morano tourism compound at AlSukhna Suez.

March, 2018: Carryout EIA study for Medical waste incinerators for Malek Company.

April, 2018: Team member of Strategic planning of 1.25 km for industrial purposes at SE zone, Joined Chinese Egyptian company for investment.

June, 2018: Carryout EIA study for developing an area of 1.25 km for industrial purposes at SE zone, Joined Chinese Egyptian company for investment. July, 2018: Carryout EIA study for Dorcas Touristic resort as integrated development project.

September, 2018: Carryout EIA study for Attaka power plant at Suez. 15 Oct., 2018: Carryout EIA study for Arabian petroleum oil refinery company.

March., 2019: Strategic planning for 10.5 km2 for industrial purposes at SE zone, for Al-Sharqyon company for integrated investment.

April., 2019: EIA study for 10.5 km2 for industrial purposes at SE zone, for Al-Sharqyon company for integrated investment.

May., 2019: EIA study for Easy top company for manufacture non-woven medical materials head caps, medical masks, operation costume ..etc,), at SC Economic Zone, Suez. May., 2019: Participating in carryout Infrastructure planning and design for 10.5 km2 for industrial purposes at SE zone, for Al-Sharqyon company for integrated investment.

May., 2019: EIA study for Heaven company for manufacture cosmetic products, SC Economic Zone, Suez.

June., 2019: EIA study for Technopond company for manufacture cladding plates, SC Economic Zone, Suez.

Aug., 2019: EIA study for Al-Lotus sporting and Social club owned by Wadi Degla company for investements, Maady, Cairo.

Jan., 2020: EIA study for New store for Dirty bulk storage for TransCargo International company at Adabia harbour, SC Economic Zone, Suez.

Jan., 2020: EIA study for New store for Dirty bulk storage for TransCargo International company at Adabia harbour, SC Economic Zone, Suez. March., 2020: EIA study for Loading and Unloading of Ammonium Nitrate for El-Fath Company, at Adabia harbour, SC Economic Zone, Suez.

April, 2020: EIA study for Fantazia Holiday resort at Ras Sudr.

May, 2020: EIA study for Loading, Unloading and storage of Bulk and general cargoes for C-Service Company, at Adabia harbour, SC Economic Zone, Suez.

April, 2020: EIA study for Fantazia Holiday resort at Ras Sudr.

16 June, 2020: EIA study for KNAUF factory for Gypsum Board production at Attaqa Industrial Zone. Environmental Work experences: Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies: 2005: Phosphoric acid tanks in Adabia port, Suez owned by Aldwlia company.

2009: for Suez steel company, Suez. 2010: For Pan Osay Petrochemicals company. 2010:For Vittol Company for LPG handling and storage.

2012: For Lafarge cement company.

2012: For Chemical tanks of Multistores company.

2013: For store sand furnace of Lafarge cement company for use coal as alternative fuel.

2015: For International cotransporter company at Adabia port for coal handling process. 2015: For Coal handling by National company for river transportation.

2015: For Coal handling by SESCOTRANSE logistics company at Adabiaport.

2018: For medical wastes furnaces owned by Malek company at Giza Governorate.

CAP Studies: 2006: For TANZEFCO company, Suez. 2006:Balance and safety report for International Yachts marina and its approaching channel at Taba 2020: Al-Karnak factory for gypsum calcination. Air Dispersion model studies 2009: For Vittol company.

2009: For PETROTRADE Company. 2011: For Lafarge cement company (5th production line).

2020: For EGAT steel Company. 2022: Petrolium dispersion model for marine terminal owned by Arabian Company for petroleum pipelines ”SUMED”.

2022: For Gist Misr company for metal recycling.

2022: Water dispersion model for the effectof dumping brine water resulted from water desalination plant at EL-Hegas touristic compound, Ain Sukhna.

2022: For El-Minea cement factory.

2022: For Qena cement factory.

Monitoring and measurements: 2013: Environmental Measurements for air pollution parameters At Rawage factory for phosphate storage and grinding.

2022: Water parameters measurements for swimming pools, sewage treatment plant, desalination plant and marine waters at Palmera resort , Aroma resort, Dorcas resort, Wadi Degla resort, Blumar resort, Morano resort.

2023: Air pollution measurments for Stacks emmisions and workingenvironment at RELOBS factory, Kenz oil factory and KNAUF factory. EIA studies and reports: 2014: For landfill for solid waste owned by El-Baraka company.

2015: For Loading, unloading and storage of bulk goods at dock of the port and at waiting areas at Adbia port for National company for river transport.

2015:For coal unloading at Adabia port owned by SESCOTRANS logistic company.

2015: For Loading, unloading and storage of Ammonium Nitrate at Adbia port for Red Sea company.

2016: For unloading and storage of wheat at Adbia port for five stars grinding company. 17

2016: For Loading, unloading and storage of dangerous goods according to IMDG codes at Adbia port for International company for cotransport. 2016: For coal loading and unloading at Alexandria.

2016: For Aurkidia company for ceramic production.

2017: For Photovoltaic Solar electric current production at Toushka area, Aswan.

2017: Foe ship hull cleaning and maintenance by Hullweaper technology for Misr AL-Kahlej company.

2017: For El-Bousely shipyard at Suez 2017:For water desalination plant by RO technology for Al-Masria Sugar company.

2018: For Medical wastes incinerators at Giza for Malek Company.

2020: For readjustment of power from 6.7 Megawatt to 35 Megawatt and natural gas from12.84 million m3/year to 48.69 million m3/year for ELCOsteel company for steel production.

2020: For construction covered drainage and sewage piping network for reduction of groundwater level at ALSheikh Khalifa city, Suez.

2020: For lead recycling factory, Assiut. 2021: For water treatment plant owned by International corporation for waterworks.

2021: For flat steel production for EL-EZZ steel factory. 2021: For textile production, printing and dyeing for EL-Salam tex company.

2021: For construction a new city with an area of 142 Feddan at Suez. 2021:For recycling of metal, plastic, glass and papers, tabark company.

2022: For metal reformation, Taher steel factory at 6 of October industrial zone.

2022: For Cali coast resort at the north coast, Egypt.

2022: For El-Sukhna hills resort at El-Sukhna, Suez. 2022: For 6 of October university at Giza

2022: For Badya Sporting club at 6 of October city. 2023: For Fishery port at safaga city, owned by General Authority of Red Sea ports.

2023: For production of steel pellets from iron ore with production capacity of 16 million ton/year for Suez Steel Company.

2023: For production of reduced steel (sponge steel) with production capacity of 2.5 million ton/year for Suez Steel Company.

2023: Studies for ship bunkering for the following companies: John shipping navigation, Sedco navigation, AB,AB1, SUEZ Coast, Fellex navigation, American marine services, First marine for marine services, FREAM for marine services, REMAR marine agency, 2023: For Blue Gulf Resort at Ain Sukhna.

2023: For Solid and dangerous wastes landfill and liquid wastes treatment owned by EL-Radwan Company. 2023: For compost and RDF production for NAQAA society,suez.

2024: For marine fish culture in cages at Gemsha area, Hurghada for Fishermen society. Environmental Registers: For the following companies: Cornado resort, Santa cluse resort, Blumar resort, Morano Resort, Belageo resort, Aroma resort, Lagouli Resort, Palmera resort, KNAUF company for Gypsum production.


Mobile Number

01223730315 - 01145970800

Community & University Activities

December-2005- till now: Member in Himaya NGO at Dahab, South Sinai, Egypt.

July, 2008-till now: Member in Environment and Community NGO, working at Suez City, Egypt.