Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Refereed Scientific Papers in Arabic


...Courses taught by

Training Courses

1-               1- Quality control of Microbiology Lab Based on ISO/DIS 7218:2022, ELTHAN Academy, 22-24 Nov. 2022.

                     2- Estimation Of Uncertainty in Microbiological Food Chain Based on ISO 19036:2019, ELTHAN Academy, 05-07 Dec. 2022.

3-                  3- Awareness of the Requirements of ISO 17025: 2017, ELTHAN Academy, 14-16 Nov. 2022.

4-                 4- Implementation of internal audit according to the requirement of ISO/IEC 17025-2017, Guideline for auditing management system

in                          according with ISO 19011: 2018, ELTHAN Academy,10-12 Dec. 2022.

5-                 5-  Risk Management For ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Based On ISO 31000:2018.

            6- Successful completion of studying " Mini Masters in Business Administration ", Canadian training center of human development , 1 – 6th of October, 201

 7- Successful completion of studying " Human Development Diploma ", Canadian training center of human development ,17 – 21st of

September, 2015

       8- Successful completion of studying "Diploma in Law Attraction", Canadian training center of human development, 2- 3rd  of September, 2015

          9- Successful completion of studying Training of trainers Diploma "TOT", Canadian training center of human development, 4- 9th   of September, 2015

10- Successful completion of studying "Hypnosis Diploma ", Canadian training center of human development, 15 – 16th   of September, 2015

          11- Successful completion of studying "Diploma in energy therapy", Canadian training center of human development, 10- 11th   of September, 2015  

         12-  Successful completion of studying "Psychological Health Diploma", Canadian training center of human development, 13- 14th  of September, 2015

13- Successful completion of studying "Time Line Therapy", Canadian training center of human development, 2- 3rd  of September, 2015

            14 - Attending a complete training course on" Agricultural Extension, Environmental protection & organic cultivation", center for Arid Zone Studies,University of Wales, Bangor, England. From 6Th February to 26th February 2005      

                 15- Attending a complete training course on " Intensive Horticulture, Aromatic And Medicinal Plants, And Tissue-Culture", in cfppa Saintes, international CA17, France, From 16th of September to 15th of October 2006

21-            16- Attending Level 2, in Information Technology courses, on "Introduction to Computer Applications", British Council, Cairo, August, 1994

23               17 - Attending Level 3, in Information Technology courses, on "Database", British Council, Cairo, October, 1994.

2              18 - Attending English language courses From Elementary 1class And worked successfully through 16 levels up to upper Intermediate 4, British council, Cairo,1991 - 1994       

2                  19- Attending an English language course at level FCE one, British council, Cairo, 13/ 1/ 1996

22-               20-  Attending an English language course at level FCE two, British council, Cairo, 25/ 3/ 1996   

23-                21-  Attending an English language course at level FCE three, British council, Cairo, 1/ 6/    1996

2                   22- Attending a complete module in "The World of  Business" in English for business, Higher diploma program, British council, 1/8/1996

25                23 - Attending a complete module in "Business Procedures" in English for business, Higher diploma program, British council, 1/6/1997

26                 24- Attending a  complete module in "Business organizations" in English for business, Higher diploma program, British council, 30/7/1997

                     25 - Successful completion of studying " Higher Diploma level of The English for Business program", British council, July,1997

Scientific Conferences & Workshops



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