Suez University

  • Follow-up to the secretariat and archive systems and implementation of state-of-the-art systems. 
  • Propose action plans to ensure the proper functioning of their departments.
  • To hold periodic meetings with officials of its departments, discuss steps and problems of work, and develop appropriate solutions for the flow of work. 
  • Follow-up on all maintenance work within the University (telephone, transport, and canteens). 
  • To raise the morale of university workers, develop ties and relationships among them, and develop programs for their social, health, and recreational care. 
  • To take care of the good use of administrative buildings, achieve decent standards, hygiene, maintenance, and appearance, and add an aesthetic touch to the university buildings. 
  • Supervision of attendance and departure books for university staff. 
  • Follow-up on the application of regulations, laws, bylaws, and decisions relating to workers' affairs. 
  • Make suggestions and recommendations leading to the development of personnel systems. 

  • Overseeing the external and internal public appearance of the unit's buildings to properly appear. 
  • Develop plans and programs for the preparation, beautification, and proper technical coordination of buildings from the interior and entrances.
  • Propose and identify entrances to buildings, corridors, and entry places for individuals and vehicles as well as supervise the proper preparation of such entrances.
  •  Design and selection of appropriate colors to paint buildings from within and outside in a manner commensurate with the requirements and conditions of work and with sound touch, supervision, and observance of design implementation.
  • Use the spaces in front of and around buildings and propose appropriate means to make use of it.
  • Design signage to meet work requirements and use them to inform the employees and visitors about the University's features and development aspects.
  • Propose proper planning of furniture and furniture patterns at different levels to take them into account when providing the University with them.
  • Design, distribution, and supervision of lighting within the university's premises, considering the technical rules of appropriate lighting.
  • To propose and oversee the implementation of appropriate technical forms of building facades at national events and holidays.
  • Supervision, control, and rationalization of the use of water and electricity.
  • To oversee the development of appropriate modifications to the Unit's premises and the method of setting separations to optimize the use of available space and the required mass format.
  • To jointly identify the basics and needs of the entity when designing its new buildings.
  • Check the cleanliness of the building, its roads, facilities, floors, and furniture.
  • Supervising the maintenance of the building and internal services in terms of hygiene, water, and electricity.
  • Supervision of university buildings and facilities for hygiene and maintenance.

  • Supervision of employment and control the work of the staff of the auxiliary services of the university administration.
  • Supervision of canteens and stalls at the university.
  • Preparation of all periodic and annual statements and reports on the work of administrative services.
  • Take action to pay water, electricity, and telephone bills.
  • Organization and supervision of possessions in the University administration.
  • To oversee the implementation of the attendance and departure system for university employees, review notifications of absences and delays, and follow up on their reporting to the personnel affairs.
  • Supervising all movements of university cars and all other means of transport and maintenance of the record of each transport vehicle with data on it and its technical viability.
  • Control of the seizure and consumption of petrol, fuel, and other transport vehicles and maintenance of records.
  • Application of instructions and regulations governing the operation of State transport vehicles and other means of transport.
  • Extraction and identification of driver's and motor vehicle licenses and use of necessary records.
  •  Keeping the transport itinerary books, a log to monitor the missions daily, records of various vehicle accidents, and maintaining the subscriber accounts.
  • Day-to-day maintenance, general and periodic car maintenance, whether at the University or abroad.
  • Preparation of all reports on the operation of various means of transport.
  • Participation in the rental of university cars and Follow-up on the collection of its rent.

  • Received, recorded, and exported all incoming mail to the university after recording it in the University's records.
  • Allocate and record records of confidential messages received, private, or designated without opening them and handing them over to the competent authority in a private company.
  • Receipt of cheques and exchange permissions received by the University and their recording and delivery to the competent authority.
  • Delivery of cheques and exchange permissions from the Accounts Administration and their recording and export.
  • Create and coordinate cards for archived files.
  • Delivery of files requested by different departments and preservation of paperwork terminated in their files.
  • Record, review and ensure the integrity of the archives delivered to the preservation room, considering the separation of the different types of archives.
  • Keeping private records of room contents and customizing parts of them for each archive type or customizing a record for each type.
  • Work to track the safety and distribution of conservation without shortage.
  • Application of the archives list in terms of room contents and annual screening and disposal of disposed of archives.
  • Application of the approved conservation duration table for the established regulation.

The General Administration for Personnel Affairs is competent to:
To participate in the preparation of the Employment Affairs Balance Project and act for its implementation after its adoption.
Staff Affairs Administration is competent to 
Preparation of the draft budget for posts, action on the implementation of the vacancy budget, and accounting for the various grades of vacant grades.
To make a declaration of vacancies for faculties and branches in accordance with the requirements reported, to complete the nomination procedure, and to issue appointments or assignments decisions.
Personnel Affairs Administration (Cadre General) is concerned with:
To participate in the preparation of the draft job balancing of the general cadre and take action to implement them after their adoption. 
Review the procedures for advertising vacant general cadre posts, the procedures for the nomination of staff for posts, the issuance of decisions for appointment, assignment, promotion, and the granting of allowances.
Administration of entitlement is concerned with:
Preparation and maintenance of records on benefits, additional remuneration and bonuses. 
Implementation of decisions on the entitlements of staff, associated staff, and employees because of settlements or judicial decisions.
The Administration of Insurance and Pensions is competent to:
-Make deductions from salaries and consider their payment in accordance with the relevant resolutions and laws.

-Make annual tax adjustments and implement applicable tax laws.

-Conduct all wages for seasonal and temporary employment at the university.

-Conduct and transfer the receivables of the University's contractors with companies.
-Development of computer software for wages and salaries.
-End the changing wage work in all its forms.
-Follow up the payment of the government share and the employee’s share of the savings value and the substitution premiums to the General Authority for Insurance and Pensions.
-Follow-up procedures for the adjustment of the pensions and rewards of faculty staff members and associated staff and make the necessary amendments in accordance with the laws on pensions and the amendments thereto as well as notify stakeholders and competent authorities of those amendments.
Administration of service documents deals with: 
-Supervise the procedure for the payment of monthly pensions to whom the private and general cadres apply, as well as the procedure for the disbursement of advances to the pension account, substitutions, and loans of Nasser Bank.

-Supervising the taking of necessary measures in cases of injuries at work and the payment of death expenses.
-Follow up on all procedures for annexing the previous service periods in the pension, edit its forms, and inform the competent authorities.
-Review all insurance, pensions, and end-of-service bonuses records and monitor installments for allowances, refunds, legal duration, etc.
-Act and monitor insurance contributions, pensions, and premiums and take action to disburse them.
-Execution of requests for replacements in accordance with the conditions stipulated by laws and resolutions.
-Take the necessary measures towards the consolidation of the value of the exchange premiums after receipt of the value of the amounts paid to the substitute from the insurance share and pensions and follow up the deduction monthly.
-Take measures to transfer reserves from the private or public sector (General Authority for Social Insurance).
-Review the contents of pension files for those whose terms of service have expired to reach legal age, resignation, dismissal, or death.
-Take measures to limit survivors to the deceased, estimate the pension and distribute it to the heirs and take action to disburse it monthly.
-Three-month pensioners' and marriage grants for girls.
-Take procedures for the payment of work injury compensation to beneficiaries according to the percentage of disability determined by the Specialized Medical Commission.
-The necessary procedure for combining legal periods and calculating the amounts required in accordance with the various laws, determining the value of the deduction, and reviewing the statements received from the faculties that include the implementation of the deduction of legal term premiums.
-Action to include double pension periods (war periods).
-Save service files and attach documents, resolutions, and data related to the occupancy of private cadre and general cadre to their personal files.
-Update the status sheets so that the status card is from the file and proves the changes.
-Maintaining the age record and preparing statements for those who have reached the legal age of referral to the pension and reporting them to the faculty's affairs unit and the workers' affairs unit well in advance.
-Termination of recruitment work for private and general staff.
-Complete the financial disclosure procedures for faculty staff members and employees at the university.
-Preparation and submission of data required about faculty staff members or employees from the service files.
-Audit of adjustments and consolidation of service periods and procedures for the implementation, elimination, and termination of sanctions.
-Preparation and follow-up of the implementation of decisions on assignment, secondment, relocation, missions, recruitment, leave, etc.
-Review service files and status records and follow up on their completion.
-Compilation and preparation of the topics of the Employees Affairs Committee and the implementation of its decisions.
-Follow-up on the completion of financial disclosure statements and annual reports of employees.
-Compilation of all laws, resolutions, regulations, advisory opinions, and instructions relating to the employees' affairs of public officials.
-Execute termination decisions whether dismissal or impeachment and notify the competent authorities of death in service.
-Maintaining seniority records, preparing beneficiaries' statements of allowances and beneficiaries' statements for promotion, and implementing their decision in accordance with the minutes of the Employees Affairs Committee.
-Registration of annual reports prepared for the employees of the registry and submission to the Employees Affairs Committee on a legal date and taking the resulting executive action
-Reconciliation of workers' cases in accordance with laws, decisions, and judicial decisions.
-Issuing sanctions decisions and enforcing disciplinary sentences against employees.
-Save service files and attach documents, resolutions, and data related to the incumbents of the General Staff to their personal files.
-Update the status sheets so that the status card is from the file and proves the changes.
-Keeping the age record and preparing statements for those of legal age.
-Preparing and submitting data requested about workers from the service files.
-Review the beneficiaries' statements of allowances, implement their decisions, and make the necessary adjustments in accordance with laws, decisions, and judicial decisions.
-Enforce disciplinary provisions for faculty staff members and lecturers and act thereon.
-Review and implement the decisions on assignment, secondment, relocation, missions, recruitment, leave, etc., in accordance with the relevant rules and instructions.
-Save the service files, arrange them, and save them in the designated places.
-Attach papers, decisions, and data related to faculty staff affairs to their personal files
-Updating the status sheets from the relevant cards, provided that the file is identical to the situation from the service file and proof of changes.
-Submission of data requested by faculty staff members and lectures from the service files to all parties concerned.
-Keep the age record and renew the statements of those of legal age.
-Review procedures for announcing vacant private and public cadre positions, taking procedures for nominating faculty staff members and employees to fill positions, issuing appointment decisions, commissioning, and promotion, and granting allowances.
-Audit of adjustments and consolidation of service periods and procedures for the implementation, elimination, and termination of sanctions.
-Collect and prepare the topics of the Employees Affairs Committee and take all measures to implement its decisions.
-Follow-up to meet financial disclosure decisions and annual reports of employees.
-Compilation of all laws, resolutions, regulations, advisory opinions, and instructions relating to public and private cadre's affairs.
- Execution of termination decisions whether dismissal or referral of pension or resignation and notification of death in service to the competent authorities.
-Perform all work related to cases of injury at work.
-Follow-up on the preparation of benefits, additional wages and encouragement rewards for faculty staff members and employees and follow-up records.
-Follow-up on the implementation of decisions relating to employees' benefits and the teaching staff because of settlements or the implementation of judicial rulings.
-Follow-up on annual tax adjustments and implementation of applicable tax laws.
-Maintain and review service files and attach documents, resolutions and data related to the incumbents of the public and private cadre's functions to their personal files.
-Update the status sheets so that the status card is from the file and proves changes.
-Implementing the laws, regulations, decisions, and instructions for employees in terms of assignment, secondment, transfer, termination, and taking the necessary action.

The General Administration of Engineering Affairs consists of:

1-The Construction Monitoring Administration is responsible for 
Study of the University's land and building needs after the compilation of proposals by faculties, institutes, and branches. 

Preparation of designs for construction projects and alterations required by buildings as well as engineering designs. 

2- The Administration of Repairs, Maintenance, and Workshops is responsible for 
Conducting and maintaining rotational inspections of all buildings and facilities of the University and its various health and electrical installations, as well as furnaces, boilers, cooling and conditioning devices, and all other appliances. 

Manufacture of some types of furniture and office for all university units. 
3- Administration of the mechanical campaign. It is competent to 
Supervising the operation and maintenance of vehicles. 

Follow-up research to raise the level of productive efficiency.
Supervising the management of tasks, materials, spare parts, equipment, and machines required to upgrade operation and maintenance. 
To develop appropriate solutions to the obstacles encountered in the work of the administration. 
Ensure that the appropriate number of cars is provided with the specifications required by the work.
Maintenance of transportation in the University's public administration.
Maintenance and restoration of the University's furniture, buildings, and branches.
Perform the necessary procedures for the preservation of various engineering maps.
Perform the work of the Secretariat of the University Facilities Committee.
Technical supervision of the implementation of the establishment of university establishments to take procedures for their receipt as well as the submitting the necessary periodic reports and prepare the financial extracts related thereto.
Carry out the work of building fittings of various mechanical instruments such as elevators, boilers, air conditioners, and various heating tools, as well as the various electrical tools required for them in the administration building, faculties, and institutes.
Carry out the work of telephones, water, and various electrical equipment.

-Supervise all organizational divisions consisting of the General Administration of Finance and follow up on the achievements of its work in accordance with their respective competencies.
-Follow up the accounting systems that are being worked on in the special accounts to achieve the integrity of the revenues and the validity of expenditures in line with the regulations of these accounts and not contrary to the applicable laws and regulations.
-Audit the calculation of the registration book, receivables disbursement, and preparation of periodic accounts in accordance with the provisions of financial regulations and instructions.
-Audit and adjust the budgetary expenses of all deductions and other central bank accounts open to the University's accounts.
-Audit the collection of income and control the payment of cash accounts and conduct their own reconciliations.
-Audit of insurance and tax work.
-Control the disbursement of credits and do not exceed them.
-Maintaining the necessary records and books to prove all financial transactions in accordance with the regulations and rules established by the documents indicating such procedures.
-Account for credits and funds placed at the University's disposal.
-Review of salaries, wages, bonuses, pensions, subsidies, and all benefits and expenses.
- Edit and record cheques and transfers and notify the bank, beneficiaries, and all related procedures.
-Participation in committees for opening envelopes in tenders and receipt of insurance provided.
-Participation in committees for opening envelopes in tenders and receipt of insurance provided.
-Prepare monthly, quarterly, and closing accounts as required by financial regulations and instructions for appropriations made at the University's disposal.
-Supervising the preparation of the university's budget project.
-Supervise the University's general budget project, balance foreign exchange, plan long and short-term investment expenses, take actions and submit them to the University Council and inform them to the relevant authorities.
-Supervise the project of allocating funds for various items to the University's units and faculties to meet each other's needs and submit them to the competent authorities for approval and notification to the relevant authorities.
-Audit of monthly data received from the University's units and faculties on the status and disbursement of associations.
-Follow up on adjustments to budget lines during the financial year and inform the competent authorities.
-Participating in the preparation of the draft budget of the required domestic and foreign cash throughout the year and participating in its allocation and distribution within the limits of the financial regulations.
The General Administration of Financial Affairs consists of: -
Budget Management is competent to: -
Preparation of the University's budget project.
Distribution of credits to the university and its faculties.
Receipt of monthly data received from the University's units and faculties in the case of association and disbursement.
Implement all adjustments to budget lines during the financial year and inform the competent authorities.
Preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual final accounts.
Keep records and books on disbursement of various credits to take account of not exceeding them.
Assume all the calculations for credits and funds placed at the University's disposal.
Study requests for overruns and additional credits received from the various authorities of the university.
Report to the Accounts Department on adjustments to the budget lines during the financial year.
Take the necessary measures to obtain the approval of the competent authority to establish or eliminate the financial degrees of the budget.
Receive the publications of the Ministry of Finance and all instructions relating to the preparation of the draft budget, whether income or expenditure, and inform them to all authorities, with guidance and explanatory instructions.
To participate with the competent accounting units in the preparation of the final account project of the University and its various units and to analyze the data and information contained in the accounts and to benefit from them in the preparation of the draft budget for a future phase and submit it to the competent authority for accreditation.
Study, analyze, and position the exchange and association at the university level while identifying obstacles and proposing its own solutions.
Account Management is competent to: -
Audit all calculations relating to book registration, receivables disbursement and preparation of periodic accounts in accordance with the provisions of financial regulations and instructions.
Audit all budgetary expenses in all sectors and other central bank accounts open to the university accounts and make the necessary adjustments thereon.
Audit the collection of income and control the payment of cash accounts and conduct their own reconciliations.
Review all work related to insurance and taxation.
Maintaining the necessary records and books to prove all financial transactions in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the documents indicating those operations.
Review of occupations, wages, bonuses, pensions, subsidies and all benefits and expenses.
Review the collection of revenues, vouchers, and receipts, control the payment of cash account balances, conduct their own reconciliations, and review the receipt books in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Organization of Universities and its implementing regulations and applicable financial regulations.
Procedures for withdrawal and receipt of cheques and transfers received.
Participation in committees for opening envelopes in tenders and receipt and supply of insurance provided to the treasury.
Preparation of periodic (monthly and quarterly) and final accounts as required by financial regulations and instructions for appropriations made at the University's disposal.
Preparation and review of document files on Form 75 GA (i.e. The abbreviation of "General Accounting") and save it once form 75 GA is prepared.
Follow-up on adjustments to the provisional file balances, advance payments, and external appropriations.
Issuance of payment documents for specific tax and maintenance dues.
The audit administration is competent to:
Audit all calculations relating to book registration, receivables disbursement and preparation of periodic accounts in accordance with the provisions of financial regulations and instructions.
Audit and adjust all budget expenses in all sectors and other central bank accounts open to the University's accounts.
Audit the collection of income and control the payment of cash accounts and conduct their own reconciliations.
Review all work related to insurance and taxation.
Review all forms of Title I, II, III, IV, V and VI for all university faculties and administration.
Special accounts and units of a special are administered and are competent to:
To carry out all calculations relating to the recording of books and receivables in accordance with the approved regulations for special accounts and units of a special and to prepare periodic accounts for the accounts of the Consolidated Treasury at the Central Bank.
Maintaining records of all expenses of funds and units of a special relating to all deductions and central bank accounts and making the necessary adjustments.
Perform all the calculations related to insurance and taxation.
Participation in the preparation of monthly, quarterly, and final annual accounts as required by financial regulations and instructions for amounts in the Central Bank's Consolidated Treasury Account.
Collect general funds that are not included in the University's budget, such as fees, donations and other funds included in the University's budget.
To prepare periodic reports on the Department's activities, which are of special interest in the collection and disbursement and submit them to the competent authority.
Treasury Department specializes in the following: -
Payment of all benefits for employees within the university.
To carry out disbursements of permanent advances and to replace them in accordance with financial instructions.
Undertaking collections of the University's vouchers and editing of portfolios.
Receipt and supply of the value of the written papers from the Department of Procurement and Warehouses and notify the Department of Procurement and Warehouses of the numbers of the recorded lists and the number and date of the collection vouchers.
Prepare the statement of receipts and provide them to the Bank in a timely manner.
Maintaining the treasury daily record and proof of treasury operations in this record.
The Administration of Commodity Inventory Control is competent to: -
Supervise the application of stocks regulations, purchases, budget financial regulations and accounts in relation to stocks works and ensure the integrity of the Covenant.
Perform reconciliations between the Covenant's books and the branches of the face periodically and in accordance with the warehouse regulations.
Participation in inventory committees and follow-up on the settlement of the increase and deficits shown because of the inventory.
Compile the annual inventory at the university level and register the inventory of the stocks in the relevant registry and notify the competent authorities on the scheduled dates.
Maintaining records is necessary to control inventory in quantity and value.
Identify, classify, and tab stagnant commodity inventory for possible use and disposal.
Prepare reports to follow up on the commodity inventory and explain the reasons for its stagnation, if any.
Engage with the competent technical authorities in determining consumption rates for each item.

Treasury Department specializes in the following: -
-Payment of all benefits for employees within the university.
-To carry out disbursements of permanent advances and to replace them following financial instructions.
-Undertaking collections of the University's vouchers and editing of portfolios.
-Receipt and supply the value of the written papers from the Department of Procurement and Warehouses and notify the Department of Procurement and Warehouses of the numbers of the recorded lists and the number and date of the collection vouchers.
-Prepare the statement of receipts and provide them to the Bank on time.
Maintaining the treasury daily record and proof of treasury operations in this record.

The General Procurement Administration is competent to:
Received the University's proposals for various faculties and units on their requirements for various tasks, equipment, devices, and supplies. Classification of these needs is prepared by the management of the commodity inventory with participation in the preparation of a time plan to provide them from the local market or import.
Perform all procedures of contracting and purchasing through public tenders or procurement in practice.
Contact suppliers to complete the supply on time and ensure that the supply is made following the approvals and supply orders issued.
Participation in decision-making committees on domestic or foreign goods.
Maintaining the necessary records to prove the registration, associations, and names of local traders.
Receipt of all items received by the requisite supply orders and taking procedures for their inspection.
Add and dispose of the quantities of items contained in the Covenant and ensure that stocks are identical to those found in stocks.
Regulate the receipt, coordination, and proper storage of items purchased locally or imported from abroad, considering the considerations of ease of trading and handling of stores.
Follow-up on the disposal of items from stocks and receipt of feedback items.
Review of the proceedings under the Covenant's sub-Covenant and personal and transfer procedures and any changes thereto.
Participation in annual and periodic inventory committees, compilation of inventories, and action taken.
Follow up the implementation of the provisions of the Warehouse Regulations and financial instructions.