Suez University

It is competent to: -
1-Propose systems, programs, and methods of study and examinations in bachelor's departments at university faculties that ensure the proper functioning of the work.

2-Take measures to open the Coordination and Admission Office of Universities annually, monitor its functioning and receive its work, and maintain integrated data and information on the numbers, nationalities, and qualifications of students admitted and the minimum number of studies scheduled for them in each faculty.
3-Coordinating the work of the General Administration's organs for education affairs and organizing communication between them and their corresponding organs in colleges and institutes to monitor and follow up the implementation of decisions and regulations governing this.
4-Supervise the application of the established regulations and rules for study and examinations in the bachelor's departments of the faculties of the university and provide technical assistance in order to develop them and raise their efficiency and overcome any problems they may encounter.
5-Retaining integrated information on programs, systems, study methods, and exams.
6-Participate in the technical preparation of meetings of the Board of Education and Students Affairs and take executive action to implement its decisions.
General Administration of Education and Student Affairs consists of: -
1- Registration Affairs Administration is competent to:
- Following up the application of the rules set for registering, transferring, moving, and re-registering the students as well as reviewing the registers and records used for these purposes.

- Participation in the preparation of the work of the Board of Education and Students' Affairs in relation to registration matters.
- Keep records of all data and information related to students in  the B.A. and B.Sc. grades. 
-Retaining and alphabetically numbering student status cards from faculties.
- In addition, the administration organizes the procedures for the student's admission in the B.A. and B.Sc. grades and identifies their numbers.
-Research the topics of disbursement of accident insurance at university faculties.
-Take measures to issue the necessary decisions to treat students at the expense of the country.
- Helping the military recruitment office in the University to watch and implement the recruitment law. 
- Following up the payment of the University fees by the International students. 
- Receiving faculties’ proposals concerning the internal regulations and presenting them to the relevant authorities.
- Receiving suggestions by faculties’ councils concerning moving or transferring or re-registering students according to the rules and issuing the necessary resolutions about them. 
-Examination of subjects related to university fees.
-Research and presentation of topics related to incentives, grants, scholarships, rewards for excellence, and retention of relevant registries for each faculty.
-Examine faculties proposals on exempting students from certain courses.
2- Education Affairs Administration is competent to:
1-Proposing the number of prospective students to join the faculties of the university and presenting the relevant information to the Student Affairs Council. 

2-The administration also conducts the necessary research about the academic affairs in the faculties.  
3-Preparation of reports to the vice-president for Education and Students on the conditions and systems of study and submission of the necessary proposals to the competent vice-president. 
4- Taking the executive procedures to implement the resolutions of the University Council and the Education and Student Committee concerning the academic system. 
5-Reviewing the research and memoranda about academic affairs.  
6-Participating in the preparation of the Education and Student Council concerning academic affairs. 
7-Preparation of memorandums on restriction suspensions and excuses for university faculty students. 
8-Considering the faculties’ proposals concerning the amendment and the setting of their internal regulations and presenting them to the relevant university councils. 
3- Examinations Affairs Administration is competent to:
1-Taking the executive procedures to implement the resolutions of the University Council and the Education and Student Committee concerning the examination system. 

-Reviewing the research and memoranda about the examination’s affairs. 
-Participating in the preparation of the Education and Student Council concerning examinations affairs. 
-Prepare statistics of the numbers of students enrolled at the faculties and review exam schedules for the academic year of the two-semester of the faculties. 
-Prepare and follow up exams for all grades through issuing statistics and periodic reports based on students attending or missing exams as well as cases of cheating and deprived students. 
-Provide required invigilators for both first and second-term exams in coordination with SU faculties and general administrations. 
-Study issues related to examinations and determine their dates and remuneration rules. 
4- Graduated Students Affairs Administration  is competent to:
-Review draft resolutions by awarding degrees and approving them from the competent authority. 

-Organizing means of communication with the graduated students and following up on their situation. 
-Save a copy of the results of the exams covered. 
-Saving of status sheets cards for graduates from faculties. 
-Take the necessary measures to contact the graduates at various university events and follow up on their situation. 
-Audit and update the graduated students' data sheets. 
-Preserving the origins of the president's decisions to award degrees after their numbering and registration in the registers prepared for this and notifying the concerned authorities in a manner. 
-Audit and update the graduated students' data sheets required to edit and match the degree certificates on both the outcome of the final exams and the decision to award the degrees and take the necessary after the review to edit their certificates. 
-Editing certificates and technical review of all fixed and changing data. 
-Carry out the written work required by the need to operate in the University's general administration. 
-Appoint a representative to hand over the certificates and control their disbursement and handling until the completion of their preparation and delivery to the faculty representative and make the necessary financial adjustments. 
-The delivery of certificates from the Technical Department after editing, review, their inventory, and final review and then completion of the certification procedures from the competent dean and SU president. 
5- International Students Administration is competent to:
-Keep all data for international students in bachelor's degree departments, institutes, and faculties. 

-Design and supervise the application of an integrated system for international students' affairs and the necessary models. 
-Follow up on the collection of expenses, fees, and social insurance for international students and register them, and consider proposing exemptions and submitting them to the competent university authorities. 
-Prepare and inform the relevant authorities, embassies, and consulates of the study equivalencies manual. 
-Reply to inquiries from faculties and students about the levels of equivalent degrees. 
-Preparation and maintenance of registers of global procedures for the disbursement of grants and subsidies to international students. 
-Design systems between faculties and institutes and supervise their application and follow-up. 
-Examine cases of exemption of international students from certain courses of study and exam work and prepare and present the necessary notes in this regard. 
-Reply to inquiries from faculties, institutes, and other relevant authorities regarding international students' affairs. 
-Follow up on the procedures for the transfer of registration and transfer, re-enrolment of international students, and preparation and presentation of memorandums in this regard. 
-Follow the study cases of international students. 
-Participate in the technical preparation of meetings of the University Council and the Council for Education and Students' Affairs in relation to the affairs of international students and provide the necessary information to them. 
-Take executive measures to implement the decisions of the University Council and the Council for Education and Students' Affairs regarding international students. 

It is competent to: -
1-Spread the spirit of cooperation between students and closer relations between them and their professors or among students of other universities. 

2-Developing national awareness among students and deepening good concepts and principles in them. 

3-Organizing the benefit of students' activities in their leisure time, thereby benefiting them and the country. 

4-Work to expand the practitioners' base among students for multiple activities and hobbies, facilitate this practice and provide all material and human capabilities. 
5-Raising performance levels in the fields of activities by providing training requirements and competition opportunities through meetings, internal and external friction, organizing local tournaments, and participating in external tournaments with special attention to the superiors in these activities. 
6-Undertake research and studies to identify problems for the youth and propose projects and programs necessary to overcome them and implement what is decided thereon. 
7-Organize and coordinate the use of Youth gatherings of installations and stadiums and develop and maintain their management system and equip them with all necessary tools and tasks. 
8-Follow-up on the implementation of the general plan at the level of university faculties. 
9-Providing technical advice and assistance in implementing student union decisions. 
General Student Care Administration consists of: - 
1- The administration of Sports Activity, Scouting, Public Service, and Communities is concerned with the following: 

1-Sportsmanship among students and the organization of matches, competitions, and sports tournaments among them. 

2-Develop a plan for the implementation of sports activities programs at the university level and supervise their implementation in order to achieve their managerial and technical well-being. 
3-Strengthening internal activity that serves the student base as an essential program while providing tools, capabilities, and leaders to ensure the proper functioning of implementation. 
4-Prepare an integrated plan to take care of the holding of tournaments among the students at the University and work to care for and follow up the outstanding students and provide incentives for them. 
5-Preparing and maintaining sports centers and providing them with training tools and equipment to ensure their proper functioning. 
6-Implementation of projects for student activity from scouting and trips from the Higher Council for Youth and Sports. 
7-Provide special tools and capabilities for scouting activities. 
8-Achieving knowledge among university students and closer relationships between them. 
9-Organization of scouting studies and development of training plan. 
10-Preparing research projects for social studies to familiarize students with local environmental problems and ways to overcome them. 
11-Preparation and organization of sports festivals and meetings between university teams and outside bodies. 
12-Guiding, monitoring, and evaluating sports activities in various faculties of the university. 
13-Take care of the tournament sector and work on their health care and provide incentives for them. 
14-Develop a long-term plan to provide for the University's needs for stadiums, fields, and gyms. 
15-Organizing scouting activities and activating their movement in the service of the community. 
16-Organizing training studies to prepare leaders for public service projects and programs. 
2- The administration of Social, Cultural, and Artistic Activity is responsible for: 
1-Achieving knowledge between university students and closer relationships between them and staff members. 

2-Implement various activities programs and provide them with the necessary tools and possibilities. 
3-Organizing cultural and social trips that help to familiarize students with the features of the Arab countries. 
4-Develop a comprehensive plan to encourage and enable the largest number of students to participate and benefit from excursion programs and camps. 
5-Provide the necessary tools and tasks for travelers. 
6-Organizing lectures, debates, and conferences for students and implementing cultural seminars. 
7-Holding cultural and national festivals at various events and organizing seminars and conferences for students. 
8-Organize literary associations and spread literary creativity among students. 
9-Promote spiritual culture and encourage scientific talents among students. 
10-Organizing parties, festivals, and exhibitions highlighting students' artistic activity. 
11-Organizing teams for various technical activities and managing the necessary capabilities and tools to carry out their activities and selecting the appropriate coaches for these teams. 
12-Encourage and disseminate artistic culture through lectures and seminars to develop their artistic sense. 
13-Organizing valedictorian students (male-female) competitions. 
3- The administration of Social Solidarity is competent to: 
1-Take measures to disburse assistance to students. 

2-Preparation, presentation, and action on projects for other aspects of care after approval by the competent authority. 
3-Supervise the registers of the disbursement credits and the disbursements thereof and indicate the amounts disbursed. 
4-Supervising the financial and administrative work of the solidarity Fund. 

It is competent to: -
1-Study and prepare subjects requiring presentation to the University Dormitories Council and take the necessary measures to implement its decisions. 

2-External receiving residence requests, investigating them, and applying the rules enacted in their regard. 
3-Supervising the preparation of university dormitories, providing amenities and health conditions in places of residence, food halls, kitchens, and public facilities in university dormitories. 
4-setting up systems that ensure follow-up of the conditions of students residing in university dormitories, solving their problems, and organizing their spare time. 
5-proposing the ingredients of meals, setting systems that ensure proper preparation and presentation of meals to students. 
6-Participation in broadcasting committees in bidding by nutrition. 
7-Prepare regulations for the organization of external housing operations for students, staff members, lecturers and employees and follow up on their application. 
8- Follow up on maintenance and cleaning. 
9-Following up the collection of fees for residence in external housing and keeping the necessary records. 
10-Preparation and submission of data and reports on external housing affairs. 
General Administration of University Dormitories consists of: 
1- External Housing Administrations is competent to: - 

1-Work to submit a proposal for the distribution of students and assistant lecturer with university Dormitories. 

2-Supervise the preparation of registers for residents with discounts and Dormitories all private data. 
3-Follow-up the receipt of external housing and the maintenance of their covenant registers. 
4-Follow-up on the collection of residential fees and keep the necessary registers. 
5-Supervising the preparation of regulations for organizing the external housing process for students. 
6-Follow up on maintenance and cleaning of the external housing. 
7- Follow up on the preparation of data and reports of the external house.
2- The Management of University Dormitories' Affairs (male section) is competent to: -
1-Follow up on students' conditions in the dormitory and work to solve their problems and organize their leisure time. 

2-Preparation of student registers with registration data, payment of fees, and absence periods. 
3-Receive applications from those wishing to stay in the dormitory, prepare statements, notified housing notifications, and inform students. 
4-Complete the forms and certificates according to which students continue to study each year. 
5-To inform parents of irregularities committed by students during their stay in the dormitory. 
6-Conduct a daily inventory to find out the movement of students (travelers - absent - excluded) and ensure that there are no people without the right to reside in the dormitory. 
7-Take procedures to prepare and provide nutritional meals for students. 
8-Monitoring students' preservation of dormitory furniture and facilities 
9- Preparing dormitory and its residential buildings, restaurant, kitchen, and public facilities to ensure students' comfort, stability, and access to various services. 
3- The Management of University Dormitories' Affairs (female section) is competent to: -
1-Follow up on the situation of female students and solve any problems or difficulties they may face. 

2-Receive applications, prepare lists, prepare housing notices, and inform students. 
3-The completion of the forms and certificates that show that female students continue to study every year. 
4-Informing parents of the violations committed by female students during their residence. 
5-Conduct a daily inventory to find out the movement of students (travelers - absent - excluded) and ensure that there are no people without the right to reside in the dormitory. 
6-Keep records of the attendance and absence of female students and inform students and the nutrition unit of the situation. 
7-Prepare residential buildings, the restaurant, kitchen, and public facilities to ensure the comfort and stability of female students and facilitate their access to services. 
8-The procedure for the daily absence of female students. 
9-Coordinate and communicate continuously with students' parents to inform them of any misconduct. 
4- The Nutrition Management  is competent to: -
1-Propose the quantity and quality of food meals. 

2-participate in the decision committees, and special food tenders, and monitor the implementation of the conditions of supply. 
3-set the standards and method of technical inspection of all dorm restaurants. 
4-Keep the necessary records to indicate the activity of the restaurants and prepare periodic and annual reports in this regard. 
5-Examine and receive foodstuffs in accordance with the conditions of supply. 
6-Prepare and distribute meals. 
7-Maintain custody of nutrition tickets, keep records, and deliver proceeds. 
8-Take necessary measures to clean the kitchen and the restaurant and determine the relevance of the tools used. 


It is competent to: -
1-Prepare and implement the medical and therapeutic services plan required for university students, formulate and plan work policy and coordinate with the university's various faculties and administration in order to make this plan successful. 
2-Prepare and implement a medical and preventive services plan for any epidemiological and seasonal diseases from dropping out to students and prevent any health risks that may occur to the public of all university activities. 
3-To prepare, draw up and implement the necessary policy to provide the needs of the General Medical Department of medicines, medical supplies, radiology and materials for analysis, laboratory examinations and the work of universal periodic medical examination. 
4-Drawing the implementation of the policy of preparing the medical record for each student when he enters the university and establishing health cards for students to know the student's health developments throughout his studies at the university. 
5-Health supervision of university dormitories with their departments, facilities, and nutrition and the availability of health conditions in restaurants, kitchens, and canteens, and the safety of employees in these facilities. 
6-Medical supervision of the examinations, summer camps, and sports matches and provision of training for the staff of student associations in the field of the ambulance. 
7-To prevent any epidemics or seasonal diseases, to carry out immunization and preventive work if necessary, and to carry out the medical Caucasians necessary for treatment or prevention. 
General Medical Services Administration 
1- The administration of Therapeutic and Preventive Affairs is competent to: 

1-Applying medical disclosure on new students participating in military training and sports activity. 

2-Make a medical registry of each student upon enrolment at the university and registry the medical examination performed on him and all the health developments thereafter. 
3-Health supervision of students' residences in university dormitories, restaurants, kitchens, exam committees, and camps held by the university. 
4-Take the necessary preventive measures in case of the emergence of epidemic diseases. 
5-Applying with the medical examination of the sick students and the treatment report for each of them and referral to the entities where their treatment is available. 
6-Consider sick excuses for students if they are absent from study or exams. 
2- The pharmacy administration specializes in the following: - 
1-Provide medicines and medical supplies and supervise their storage. 

2-Supervising the pharmacy laboratory to prepare medicines in a sound manner. 
3-Supervise the pharmacy of the interior departments and work to provide the necessary medicines and medical supplies for the departments and operations. 
4-The proper restriction of incoming and expended medicines, especially narcotic medicine. 
5-Follow up with each new medicine to provide what it needs. 
6-Work to provide pharmaceutical needs for medicines that need to be prepared and dispensed with what is decided to treat students. 
3- The administration of Dentistry is competent to: - 
1-Participation in the general policy of medical affairs in the field of dentistry. 

2-Provision of materials and devices for the operation of dental clinics. 
3-Monitoring the functioning of clinics. 
4-Medical and technical supervision of treatment. 
5-Development of dental treatment systems in the General Administration of Medical Services. 
6-Preparing statistics and periodic and annual reports. 
7-Supervising medical examinations for new students at the beginning of the academic year. 
4- Laboratories and radiology management is competent to: -
1-Monitoring radiation equipment and maintaining it. 

2-Work to provide the needs of radiologists and carry out the necessary hearsay work for students. 
3-Work to provide the needs of the analytical laboratories of tools and materials and perform the analyses required by the treatment of students. 
5- The Financial and Administrative Affairs Section is competent to: 
1-Perform all administrative and financial affairs related to the General Directorate of Medical Services. 

2-Preparing memorandums on mobility, assignments, and special holidays. 
3-Registration of the leave taken by the employees in the ledgers. 
4-Periodic statistics on the achievements and work of the General Directorate of Medical Affairs. 
5-Enrollment of frequented students for medical examination, fitness, and university dormitories. 

  • Communicating with Egyptian cultural representation offices all over the world to activate and stimulate scientific cooperation and student exchange. 
  • Supporting cultural and scientific cooperation with cultural representation offices for countries In Egypt. 
  • Communicating with all concerned administrations at the university to facilitate and instruct procedures of receiving international students’ papers and revising them rapidly and issuing admission decisions and graduation certificates. 
  • Guidance on the various services available to students at the university (therapeutic, cultural, and recreational). 
  • Allocation of accommodation for international students in university residential accommodation. 
  • Organization of welcome meetings to make the international students know about the university and encourage cultural dialogue between different nationalities. 
  • Putting electronic integrated system that clarifies the administration goals and activities as well as responding on students’ inquires through university website. 
  • Set up a college-wide coordinator to be in touch with international students and overcome their difficulties.