Suez University

General Directorate of Postgraduate Studies and Research

Functions of the Postgraduate and research sector

-   Planning, coordination, organization, and follow-up of:
Study and prepare general policy for SU postgraduate studies and research and coordinate among them at the University's faculties.
Formulation of policy to ensure cooperation and coordination among departments and similar subjects in university faculties and institutes regarding postgraduate studies and research.
Providing views and opinions on issuing the executive regulations of universities in respect of postgraduate and research affairs.
Organizing the admission of postgraduate students to university.
Follow-up on the implementation of the University's postgraduate and research plan.
Organizing the admission of postgraduate students to university.
Follow-up on the implementation of the University's postgraduate and research plan.
Receive scientific problems from various scientific and technical bodies and distribute them to the competent faculties of the university.
Exempt postgraduate students from certain courses and examinations.
Scheduling of postgraduate exams at university faculties.
Miscellaneous issues:
Matters received from the University Council.
Other relevant matters in accordance with the law.
Study System of postgraduate studies.

The University's postgraduate studies are divided into:

  1. Diplomas:
    They are studies dealing with courses of a practical or academic nature of at least one year's duration or for two years in some faculties according to the interior regulation of each faculty.
  2. Master's degree:
    The study includes high courses and training on the means of research and extrapolation in addition to the preparation of a thesis accepted by the examination committee, of which the supervisor of the thesis is a member. The period necessary for the achievement of this degree may not be less than two years from the date of the Faculty Council's approval of the registration.
    A student's enrolment to a master’s degree is required:
    To hold a bachelor's degree from a university in the Arab Republic of Egypt with at least a good degree or equivalent degree from another scientific institute recognized by the University and the Supreme Council of Universities.
    To pursue studies approved by the Faculty Council for a period of one year and take the examination successfully.
    After success in the aforementioned studies, the student prepares a thesis on a subject approved by the Faculty Council at the suggestion of the Department Council for at least one year from the date of registration.
  3. Ph.D. degree:
    Basically, it is based on innovative research for a period of not less than two years ending with the submission of a thesis accepted by the Theses Judgement Committee. The student may be assigned to undertake some advanced studies as determined by the internal regulations of the faculties.
    A student's enrolment to a Ph.D. degree is required:
    To have a master's degree in the specialization branch from an Egyptian university or an equivalent degree from another scientific institute recognized by the University and the Supreme Council of Universities.
    To undertake innovative research on a subject approved by the Faculty Council at the suggestion of the Competent Department Council for at least two years.

General Directorate of Scientific and Cultural Relations
Educational mission, scholarships, and study leave:
Participation in the preparation of the draft mission plan and leaves based on the proposals of the faculties in a timely manner and in a manner determined by the system of missions and study leave of the General Department of Missions and the scientific supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education.
Organizing the use of scholarships offered by governments, universities, and institutes in different countries.
Complete procedures for mission and study leave for those who want.
Take action to implement the decisions of the Council for Postgraduate Studies and Research and the University Council regarding its competencies.
Annual statistical work.
Dispatch to university missions, foreign scholarships, and study leave reports.
To send faculty staff members to scientific missions and to attend conferences, scientific symposiums, and seminars.
Accept full-time scientific leave for professors.

  • Administration of Agreements, Conferences, and Scientific Seminars:

Functions of the Administration of Agreements, Conferences, and Scientific Seminars:

Take travel procedures for faculty staff and associated staff members to attend conferences, seminars, and workshops both inside and abroad.

Take action to implement the decisions of the Council for Postgraduate Studies and Research and the University Council regarding its competencies.
Take measures to invite foreign professors and experts, receive foreign scientific delegations, and organize scientific visits to them.
Take the necessary measures for faculty staff and associated staff members to help support them financially from the Academy of Scientific Research to attend conferences, seminars, and workshops abroad.
Take the necessary procedures for faculty staff and associated staff members to issue a passport (mission-specific) or a passport (special) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Preparing annual conference statistics for the year.
Discussion of faculties' reports, recommendations of scientific conferences, reports of the scientific community at the university, as well as the annual report of the SU Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and the evaluation of postgraduate and research systems.

  • Administration of Secondments and Scientific Missions:

Functions of the Administration of Secondments and Scientific Missions

Applying the systems and conditions of secondment of faculty staff members to Arab and foreign universities.
Receiving and examining requests for secondment of faculty staff members and ascertaining the validity and documentation of the contract.
Receive the decisions of the faculties' councils on short scientific Secondments, travel, and scientific assignments.
Termination of secondments or scientific assignments upon receipt by the faculty staff member of the faculty's work or the expiration of the prescribed secondment and scientific assignment period.
Keep complete records and information about the faculty staff members seconded inside or abroad "throughout the secondment period". Upon completion of the secondment, the file shall be delivered to the University's General Directorate of Personnel Affairs.
Implementation of the decisions of the Council for Postgraduate Studies and Research and the Council of the University regarding secondments, short scientific vacations, and scientific assignments of faculty staff members.
Annual statistics on secondments for each faculty, classified by degree and divided into (female-male).


The vision of university libraries is to be a modern library that meets beneficiaries' educational and research needs.
The mission of the University's libraries is to make the central library and faculties libraries the hub of information services at Suez University by collecting, organizing, and disseminating information, as well as enriching and improving access to information sources and services, materials, and learning media wherever they exist to enhance the efficiency and quality of the educational and research process and serve the local community. The library’s mission is also focused on serving the educational process of the University, scientific research, and community development as an educational scientific institution, research center, and beacon for cultural and scientific radiation.
The functions of the University's libraries are as follows:
1. Facilitating access to information sources in their different forms and types.
2. Rehabilitation and training of library staff on office systems and the mechanism applied at the SU central library.
3. Develop and manage collections and collectibles of the central library and faculties libraries with quality and effectiveness by acquiring collections of information receptacles, especially references that serve the broad fields and wide scientific sectors at the university and governorate levels.
4. Developing and building digital content in the central library and faculties libraries.
5. Raising awareness of the importance and value of the library in the academic community and society in general and meeting the needs of the readership and researchers from outside the university.
The General Administration of Libraries is competent to:
General supervision of the central library and faculties libraries.
General guidance to employees.

  • Supporting mechanization and electronic management of the University's libraries.

  • Developing a special policy for university libraries, developing special operational programs, and monitoring their implementation.

  • Setting the special budget for university libraries with competent departments.

  • Develop work plans for the University's libraries.

  • Participating in the selection of librarians and proposing their distribution and methods of evaluation.

  • Verification of the annual inventory of faculties libraries through delegate participation.

  • To propose the exchange of the University's publications with libraries and scientific bodies inside and outside through the Department of Exchange and Gifting of the Administration of Libraries of Faculties.

  • Supervise the provision of books, scientific periodicals, prints, and all information receptacles to the University's libraries and develop the codified systems for their use.

The Central Library Department is competent to:

  • Acquire and organize multiparty encyclopedias, lexicons, and books in all disciplines that serve the university's courses and study programs.
  • The Central Library shall serve as a center for the compilation of all publications of the University (leaflets, works, conferences, periodicals).
  • Acquisition and organization of university-approved scientific thesis for Master and Ph.D. degrees in a hard copy and an electronic copy of at least every thesis.
  • Providing automated information search services and explaining ways of dealing with technological holdings used in the library.
  • Issuance of bibliographic lists of university libraries' contents.
  • Facilitate access to references that faculties libraries are unable to acquire.
  • Provide copying and scanning services for various texts, maps, and forms.
  • Preparation of the unified index of libraries, provision of Internet service to researchers, and provision of printing.
  • Provide copying services for books, periodicals, and others in accordance with the relevant financial regulations.

The Administration of Faculties Libraries at the University has the following functions:

  • 1. Follow-up of faculties' libraries in providing office and information services to the beneficiary community.
  • 2. Examine the systems followed in classifying libraries and determine the system by which the classification of acquisitions proceeds.
  • 3. Follow-up of modern systems in descriptive and objective indexing.
  • 4. Assisting faculty libraries in reviewing and coordinating indexes.
  • 5. Identify the needs of faculties libraries and prepare their own budget.
  • 6. Establishing internal working systems in faculties' libraries and monitoring their application.
  • 7. Propose the quality of collective and programmatic training for staff working in faculties libraries.
  • 8. Follow-up, continuous monitoring, and reporting to the public administration on the pros, cons, and obstacles faced by workers, identifying the causes of any problem and finding the necessary solutions in accordance with the rules of the public administration.
  • 9. Participation in the development of the exchange and donation policy.

Achievements of the General Administration of Libraries:

  • Preparation and approval by the University Council of a library list and guide.
  • Implementation of specialized training courses for faculties library officials for two consecutive years by professors specializing in library science and information.
  • Implementation of several workshops in each of the (before training to know the general level of library officials - after training to know the extent of utilization - periodic training on digital library - before exhibitions to emphasize everything new in the procurement process - introduction of the University's platform for international academic books in foreign languages and Arabic).
  • Organizing Book fairs (four book fairs)
  • Visit university library officials at the central library of Cairo University to learn about the library systems in other universities.
  • Approval by the University President of the central library location.
  • Activating the procedures of the knowledge embassy which is being established at the university.
  • Regarding the digital library,
  • Inserting all university theses till December 2022 and those of 2023 are in progress into the Al-Mostaqbal system.Theses’ addresses are detected efficiently and effectively.
  • Upload theses’ charts under consideration to preserve the rights of SU researchers in their theses’ addresses.
  • Help to insert faculties library books into the digital library program.
     Activate the SU Academic Books platform which serves the student 24 hours through the computer or mobile phone.