Suez University
International Classification Unit

International Classification Unit

Knowing the international classification of universities is an important mean of evaluating the quality of universities in terms of scientific research and the academic level they provide.

Therefore, the classification unit aims to ensure the participation of Suez University in all international classifications of universities to achieve advanced positions and upgrade its ranking between Egyptian and international universities, in accordance with regulations and criteria that are determined objectively. Thus, to clarify the results that include the ranking of universities annually at the local and international level to demonstrate the extent of the development that takes place during its academic career and the extent of its participation in developing the society.

The Unit defines to its employees and society the importance of classification and its role in raising the ranking of the University. It also establishes and updates the necessary electronic databases of faculty staff members, associated staff, students, graduates, and beneficiaries of civil society that serve practical requirements. Besides, Preparation of the operational plan in accordance with the predetermined objectives and their implementation within the framework of the University's strategic plan and in accordance with the specified time as well as preparing and reporting the Unit's overall performance and target achievement rates.
Suez University should assume its scientific, educational, and research rank among the world's universities and be at the forefront of Egyptian universities.

Highlighting the capabilities of Suez University and upgrading its academic and research level among the universities of the world to be at the forefront of international classifications according to the standards established by the classification institutions and specialized international classification centers.

  • Upgrading Suez University's classification locally, regionally, and globally.
  • Suez University's participation in all international classifications is recognized both at the Arab and international levels.
  • Upgrading the ranking of Suez University in international classifications as the unit analysis, collects, and inputs data needed for classification.
  • Enrich scientific research in various fields and increase the funding of scientific research projects.
  • Adopt modern methods of producing academic curricula that keep pace with modern developments
  • Improving the academic and employment reputation of Suez University.
  • Setting Suez University to be one of the top 1,000 universities in the world and one of the top 10 Egyptian universities.
  • Increasing collaboration between industry and the University.
  • Create and update the databases needed to account for the University's data, students, and graduates that serve the digital transformation process along with the international classification.