ملخص السيرة الذاتية

حصل الدكتور أحمد عبد النجدي على درجة الدكتوراه عام 2021 من قسم الميكانيكا كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم- جامعة السويس مصر في التعليم الصناعي (تبريد وتكييف). يعمل حاليا مدرس بقسم الميكانيكا بكلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم جامعة السويس . يغطي مجال أبحاث أحمد النجدي التبريد والطاقة المتجددة والهندسة الحرارية وتحلية المياه بالطاقة الشمسية والغليان والموائع النانوية.

Scopus ID for author

Scopus Author ID: 57193533153

الاشراف على الرسائل العلمية

Supervision of theses (Master's and PhD)

  1. Elhefnawy Mohemed Elhefnawy "Augmentation of a Rotating Conical Solar Distiller Performance Using Ultrasonic Mist generator and Hang Wick" Suez University. (PhD).
  2. Ibrahim Elsyed "Performance Enhancement of Solar Still Using High Frequency Ultrasonic Wave Humidifier and Wire Mesh" Suez University. (M.Sc)
  3. Shimaa Hamdy "Improving a Pyramid Solar Distiller Performance Using a Solar Air Collector and Nano-particles" Suez University. (M.Sc)

Mobile Number


Web of Science for Author

Web of Science ResearcherID: GRY-7225-2022

دورات تدريبة




الدورة العامة عن الملكية الفكرية في مصر

9 May-26 June/ 2022

المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية

المواصفة القياسية الدولية لنظم إدارة الحوكمة ISO 37000-2021

31 July-26 August/ 2022

جائزة مصر للتميز الحكومي

المواصفة القياسية الدولية لنظم إدارة الابتكار ISO 56002 -2019

4 July-4 August/ 2022

جائزة مصر للتميز الحكومي

المواصفة القياسية الدولية لنظم إدارة الجودة ISO 9001-2015

10 March-7 April/ 2022

جائزة مصر للتميز الحكومي

Grant Writing

25/ July/ 2022

Nature Research Academies

Research Methodology

20/ July/ 2022

Nature Research Academies

Writing A Research Paper

17/ July/ 2022

Nature Research Academies 

شهادة أساسيات التحول الرقمي

1-18: July / 2021

Suez university

Training of Trainers TOT in SIYB program 


International Labor

Organization (ILO) at Suez university

International Publication of Scientific Research

18-19/ March /2019

Suez university

Scientific Team Management

11-12/ March /2019

Suez university

Problem Solving and Decision Making


Suez university

Thinking Skills


Suez university

Strategic Planning


Suez university

Statistical Methods in Scientific Research


Suez university

Training of General Trainers 


Suez university

Preparation of academic lecturer 


Suez university

Time and meeting management


Suez university

Effective presentation skills


Suez university

Students evaluation


Suez university

Credit hours system


Suez university

University’s code ethics


Suez university

Research ethics 


Suez university

مقررات قام بتدريسها



Target Students


  1. Technical Drawing.
  2. Measuring Devices.
  3. Thermodynamics.
  4. Industrial Safety.
  5. Heat Transfer.
  6. Economics & Organization.
  7. Fluid Dynamics.
  8. Conditioning Technology.
  9. Cooling Technology.
  10. Maintenance & Repair.
  11. Process Control.
  12. Ventilation Technology.
  13. Colling System.
  14. Cooling Application.
  15. Refrigeration Engineering.
  16. Hydraulic.
  17. Hydraulic machines and compressors.
  18. Desalination.
  19. Renewable energy.
  20. Solar Energy.
  21. Fluids mechanics and heat transfer
  1. Technology and Education Faculty students.
  2. Fish Resources Faculty students.
  3. Petroleum and mining Engineering Faculty students.

Suez University


أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية


ORCID NO: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4776-9410

Scopus Author ID: 57193533153

  1. Ahmed Al-Nagdy; Gamal B. Abdelaziz; Swellam W Sharshir; Mohamed Omara; E M Elhefnawy. "Conical Solar Distiller Performance with Different Aspect Ratios". Industrial Technology Journal, 1, 1, 2023, 47-60. doi: 10.21608/itj.2023.215212.1002.
  2. Emad M.S. El-Said, Mohamed A. Dahab, Ahmed A. Al-Nagdy, M.A. Omara, Amal Ali, Abdelkarim Mohamed, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, An experimental study on carbon-metal composite tablets as solar absorbers for water distiller performance improvement, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 2023, 137431.
  3. Ammar S. Easa, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Ahmed A. Al-Nagdy, Mohamed T. Tolan, Salwa M. Mohamed, Experimental study of saving energy and improving Stirling water dispenser performance using the waste heat of both pistons friction, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 213, 2022, 118727.
  4. Eldesouki I. Eid, Ahmed A. Al-Nagdy & Reda A. Khalaf-Allah (2022) Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer above laser machining heating surfaces with different micro-cavity geometric shape for water-aluminum oxide nanofluid, Experimental Heat Transfer, 35:5, 688-707.
  5. Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Eldesouki I. Eid, Ahmed A. Al-Nagdy, Nucleate pool boiling enhancement with the application of a hybrid technique involving the addition of alumina nanoparticles to stirred water above heating surface, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 170, 2021, 107134.
  6. Eldesouki I. Eid, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Sherif H. Taher, Ahmed A. Al-Nagdy, An experimental investigation of the effect of the addition of nano Aluminum oxide on pool boiling of refrigerant 134A. Heat Mass Transfer 53, 2597–2607 (2017).

مجالات الاهتمام الرئيسية


  • Boiling.
  • Pool Boiling.
  • Desalination.
  • HDH desalination.
  • Solar still desalination.
  • Nano fluids.
  • Heat transfer Enhancement.
  • Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.

التدرج الوظيفى

from September 2022

Deputy Director of the Information Technology Training Unit of Suez University.

from March 2022

Deputy Director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Egypt.

December 2021         

Lecturer in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Division, Mechanical Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Egypt.

January  2017 

Assistant lecturer in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Division, Mechanical Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Egypt.

May 2012

Demonstrator in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Division, Mechanical Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Egypt.

التدرج العلمى

  December 2021    Philosophy doctorate (Ph.D.) in Industrial Education, Mechanical Department, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Division, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Egypt.                       

 Ph.D. Thesis Title: "Compound Enhancement of Water Pool Boiling Using Nano-particles and Mixer".

" التحسين المتراكب لغليان الماء الحُر باستخدام جسيمات نانومترية ومخُلط  ".


November 2016 Master degree (M.Sc.) in Industrial Education, Mechanical Department, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Division, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Egypt.

M.Sc. Thesis Title"Effect of Nano-Particles of Aluminum Oxide Addition on Pool Boiling of Refrigerants ".

" تأثير إضافة جسيمات أكسيد الالومنيوم النانومترية علي الغليان الحُر لوسائط التبريد ".

May 2010   Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Industrial Education, Mechanical Department, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Division, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Egypt. With grade (Excellent with honor).

Another Email

Current Mailing Address

Mechanical Department, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Program

Faculty of Technology and Education

Suez University

El-Salam, Suez, Egypt

Telephone: (+2) 01002423507

E-mail: ahmed.alnagdy@ind.suezuni.edu.eg


LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ahmed-al-nagdy-871a59219