ملخص السيرة الذاتية

المهنة الحالية : أستاذ هندسة الطاقة - قسم الميكانيكا  

جهة العمل: كلية التكنولوجيا و التعليم الصناعي بالسويس – جامعة السويس - مصر

مدرب برامج هندسة ميكانيكية و صناعية  -  معدات النفط  و الغاز – السلامة الصناعية – الهندسة البيئية – الطاقة المتجددة

أبحاث علمية محكمة بلغات أجنبية

  1. El Kady, M. S., Araid, F. F and Abd El Aziz, G. B., "Natural convection in a vertical annulus with constant heat flux on the inner wall," Mansoura Eng. Journal (MEJ), Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. M1-M15, June 1998.
  2. El Kady, M. S., Araid, F. F., El Negiry, E. A. and Abd El Aziz, G.B. "Natural convection heat transfer in an inclined porous annulus with constant heat flux on the inner wall, Part 1: Effect of inclination angle" 3rd Jordanian mechanical and industrial engineering conference, Amman, Jordan, pp. 473-482, 9-12 May 1999.
  3. El Kady, M. S., Araid, F. F., El Negiry, E. A. and Abd El Aziz, G. B. " Natural convection heat transfer in an inclined porous annulus with constant heat flux on the inner wall, Part 2: Effect of porosity" 3rd Jordanian mechanical and industrial engineering conference, Amman, Jordan, pp. 483-492, 9-12 May 1999.
  4. El Kady, M. S., Araid, F. F., El Negiry, E. A. and Abd El Aziz, G. B." Natural convection heat transfer in an inclined annular porous medium" The 1st Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engg, MICATE’99, 1999.
  5. El Kady, M. S., Araid, F. F., El Negiry, E. A. and Abd El Aziz, G. B. "Natural convection heat transfer in an inclined annular porous medium",  Mansoura Eng. Journal (MEJ), Vol.25, No.2 , pp. M12 –M21, 2000.
  6. El Kady, M. S., Aried, F. F., and Abd El Aziz G. B., “Two-phase flow and heat transfer in porous media-Part 1: Theoretical Model and Validation.” The 3rd Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering, MICATE’2005,   3-5 April 2005.
  7. El Kady, M. S., Aried, F. F., and Abd El Aziz G. B., “Two-phase flow and heat transfer in porous media-Part II: Effect of Inertia, Friction, Porosity Variation and Saturation.” The 3rd Minia International Engineering Conference, MICATE’2005,   3-5 April 2005.
  8. Abd El Aziz, G., B., " Numerical Study of Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Vertical Porous Channel with Asymmetric Heating of Opposing Walls", 2nd  International Conference on Energy Engineering (ICEE-2), Aswan, Egypt, December 27-29, 2010.
  9. Sameh A. Nada, Eldessouky I. Eid, Gamal  B.  Abd El Aziz, Hassan A. Hassan, " HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT IN SHELL AND HELICAL COIL WITH EXTERNAL RADIAL FINS", Al-Azhar Engineering 12 International Conference AEIC, Cairo, Egypt 2012, December 25-27  2012.
  10. S.A. El-Agouz a, *, G.B. Abd El-Aziz b, A.M. Awad, " Solar desalination system using spray evaporation", Energy, 76 (2014), pp 276-283.
  11. Abdalla Gomaa, Gamal B.Abd El Aziz, and Momen I. Radwan "Performance characteristics of wet air-conditioning cooling coils with different fin patterns"  Science and Technology for the Built Environment , (2015) 21, pp 126–136.
  12. Mostafa A. Abdel-Baky, G. Bedair, M. A. Haleim and I. A. El-Khaldy, “An Experimental Study of the Performance of Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger for Heat Recovery in Air Conditioning Systems” Engineering Research Journal, Vol. 38, No.3, july 2015, PP:157-167, Faculty of Engineering, Menoufiya University, Egypt
  13. Ahmed E. Hassaneen and Wael I. A. Aly Gamal Bedair Mohammed Abdussalam, " Performance Characteristics of an Ammonia-Water Absorption Refrigeration System Driven by Diesel Waste Exhaust Heat", SAE International,  SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0664.
  14. Walid Daoush, Ahmed Swidan, Gamal Abd El-Aziz, Mohamed Abdelhalim, “Fabrication, Microstructure, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Copper Heat Sink Composites”, Materials Sciences and Applications, 2016, 7, 542-561.
  15. S.A. Nada, E.I. Eid, G.B. Abd El Aziz, and H.A. Hassan, “Performance Enhancement of Shell and Helical Coil Water Coolers Using Different Geometric and Fins Conditions”, Heat Transfer—Asian Research, 45 (7), 2016.
  16. Wael I.A. Aly, Mohammed Abdo, Gamal Bedair, A.E. Hassaneen, “Thermal performance of a diffusion absorption refrigeration system driven by waste heat from diesel engine exhaust gases”, Applied Thermal Engineering 114 (2017), pp 621–630.
  17. Abd elnaby Kabeel, Mohamed A. Teamah, Mohamed Abdelgaied, Gamal B. Abdel Aziz, “Modified pyramid solar still with v-corrugated absorber plate and PCM as a thermal storage medium”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.
  18. S.A. Elagouz, G.B. Abd El-Aziz, A.M. Awad, “Enhancing performance of low-temperature water desalination using spray evaporation”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2017.
  19. Abd Elnaby Kabeel, Ravishankar Sathyamurthy, S.A. El-Agouz, Gamal B. Abdel Aziz, “Experimental investigation of a hybrid setup for distilled water and power production”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2019, DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2019.24346
  20. A. E. Kabeel, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Emad M.S. El-Said, “Experimental investigation of a solar still with composite material heat storage: Energy, exergy and economic analysis”, Journal of Cleaner Production - 2019.   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.200.
  21. A. E. Kabeel, Swellam W. Sharshir, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, M.A.Halim, Ahmed Swidan, “Improving performance of tubular solar still by controlling the water depth and cover cooling”, Journal of Cleaner Production - 2019.      https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.104.
  22. Swellam W.Sharshir, A.W.Kandeal, M.Ismail, Gamal B.Abdelaziz, A.E.Kabeel, NuoYnag, “Augmentation of a pyramid solar still performance using evacuated tubes and nanofluid: Experimental approach”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.113997.
  23. AS Abdullah, FA Essa, ZM Omara, Y Rashid, L Hadj-Taieb, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, AE Kabeel, “Rotating-drum solar still with enhanced evaporation and condensation techniques: Comprehensive study” Energy Conversion and Management, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112024.
  1. S.A. El-Agouz, Mohamed Abdel Halim, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, A.M. Awad, “A new-solar desalination system and heat recovery”  AIP Conference Proceedings 2133, 020012 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5120142
  2. Yousuf Alhendal, Abdalla Gomaa, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Abdulrahim Kalendar, “Thermal Performance Analysis of Low-GWP Refrigerants in Automotive Air-Conditioning System” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/7967812
  3. Emad M.S. El-Said, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, “Experimental investigation and economic assessment of a solar still performance using high-frequency ultrasound waves atomizer” Journal of Cleaner Production, 256 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120609
  4. Yunpeng Wang, A.W. Kandeal, Ahmed Swidan, Swellam W. Sharshir, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, M.A. Halim, A.E. Kabeel, Nuo Yang, “Prediction of tubular solar still performance by machine learning integrated with Bayesian optimization algorithm”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 184, 116233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.116233
  5. Gamal B. AbdelAziz, M.A. Abdel-Baky, M. A. Haleim, M. E. Omara, I. A. El-Khaldy, A.S. Abdullah, Z.M. Omara, F.A. Essa, Aml Ali, Swellam W. Sharshir, Emad M.S. El-Said, Ahmed G. Bedair, A.E. Kabeel, “Energy Saving via Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger in Air Conditioning Applications - Experimental Study and economic analysis", Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 35, 102053.
  6. Gamal B.Abdelaziz, Emad M.S.El-Said, Ahmed G. Bedair, Swellam W.Sharshir, A.E.Kabeel, Ashraf Mimi Elsaid, “Experimental study of activated carbon as a porous absorber in solar desalination with environmental, exergy, and economic analysis”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 147, March 2021, Pages 1052-1065.
  7. El-Said, E.M.S., Gamal B.Abdelaziz., Sharshir, S.W., Elsheikh, A.H., Elsaid, A.M, “Experimental investigation of the twist angle effects on thermo-hydraulic performance of a square and hexagonal pin fin array in forced convection”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 126, 105374.
  8. A.W.Kandeal, M.R.Elkadeem, Amrit Kumar Thakur, Gamal B.Abdelaziz, Ravishankar Sathyamurthy, A.E. Kabeel, NuoYang, Swellam W.Sharshir, “Infrared thermography-based condition monitoring of solar photovoltaic systems: A mini review of recent advances”, Solar Energy, 2021, 223, pp. 33–43.
  9. Sharshir, S.W., Salman, M., El-Behery, S.M., Halim, M.A., Gamal B. Abdelaziz, “ Enhancement of solar still performance via wet wick, different aspect ratios, cover cooling, and reflectors”, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2021, 12(3), pp. 517–530.
  10. Gamal B.Abdelaziz, Almoataz M.Algazzar, Emad M.S.El-Said, Ashraf Mimi Elsaid, Swellam W. Sharshir, A.E.Kabeel, S.M.El-Behery, “Performance enhancement of tubular solar still using nano-enhanced energy storage material integrated with v-corrugated aluminum basin, wick, and nanofluid”, Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 41, 102933.
  11. Attia, M.E.H., Kabeel, A.E., Abdelgaied, M., Abdelaziz, G.B., “A comparative study of hemispherical solar stills with various modifications to obtain modified and inexpensive still models”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(39), pp. 55667–55677.
  12. Essa, F.A., Omara, Z.M., Abdullah, A.S., Kabeel, A.E., Abdelaziz, G.B, “Enhancing the solar still performance via rotating wick belt and quantum dots nanofluid”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 27, 101222.
  13. Ashraf Mimi Elsaid, Emad M.S.El-Said, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Swellam W.Sharshir, Hamed R.El-Tahan, M.F. Abd Raboo, “Performance and exergy analysis of different perforated rib designs of triple tubes heat exchanger employing hybrid nanofluids’, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 168, 107006
  14. A.W.Kandeal, Almoataz M.Algazzar, M.R.Elkadeem, Amrit Kumar Thakur, Gamal B.Abdelaziz, Emad M.S.El-Said, Ashraf Mimi Elsaid, Meng An, Reham Kandel, Hossam Eldin Fawzy, Swellam W.Sharshir, “Nano-enhanced cooling techniques for photovoltaic panels: A systematic review and prospect recommendations”, Solar Energy, 2021, 227, pp. 259–272.
  15. El-Said, E.M.S., Dahab, M.A., Omara, M., Abdelaziz, G.B, “Solar desalination unit coupled with a novel humidifier”, Renewable Energy, 2021, 180, pp. 297–312.
  16. Swellam W.Sharshir, Mohamed A.Hamada, A.W.Kandeal, Emad M.S.El-Said, Ashraf Mimi Elsaid, Maher Rashad, Gamal B.Abdelaziz, “ Augmented performance of tubular solar still integrated with cost-effective nano-based mushrooms”, Solar Energy, 2021, 228, pp. 27–37.
  17. Elsaid, A.M., Mohamed, H.A., Abdelaziz, G.B., Ahmed, M.S., “A critical review of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems within the context of a global SARS-CoV-2 epidemic”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 155, pp. 230–261.
  18.  Emad M.S.El-Said, Mohamed A.Dahab, M.Omara, Gamal B.Abdelaziz  “Solar desalination unit coupled with a novel humidifier” Renewable Energy, Volume 180, December 2021, Pages 297-312.
  19. Gamal.B.Abdelaziz, Mohamed A.Dahab, M.A.Omara, Swellam W.Sharshir, Ashraf Mimi Elsaid, Emad M.S.El-Said, “Humidification dehumidification saline water desalination system utilizing high frequency ultrasonic humidifier and solar heated air stream”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 27, 1 January 2022, 101144.
  20. Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Mohamed A. Dahab, M. A. Halim, S. W. Sharshir, A. E. Kabeel, Emad M.S. El-Said, & Aml Ali “Experimental investigation of heat transfer by forced convection from three dimensional suspended bodies subjected to free air stream”, Experimental Heat Transfer, 2022.
  21.  Swellam W.Sharshir, Gamal B. Abdelaziz et al, “Improving the performance of tubular solar still integrated with drilled carbonized wood and carbon black thin film evaporation”, Solar Energy, 2022.
  22. Emad M.S.El-Said, Mohammed A.Gohar, Aml Ali, Gamal B.Abdelaziz, “Performance enhancement of a double pass solar air heater by using curved reflector: Experimental investigation“ Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022.
  23. Emad M.S.El-Said, Mohamed A.Dahab, Mohamed A.Omara, Gamal B.Abdelaziz, “Humidification-dehumidification solar desalination system using porous activated carbon tubes as a humidifier”, Renewable Energy, 2022.
  24. M.S.Elkady, Gamal B.Abdelaziz et al, “ Non-Darcian immiscible two-phase flow through porous materials (Darcy–Forchheimer–Brinkman Model)“, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2022.
  25. Emad M.S.El-Said, M.M.Abou Al-Sood, E.A.Elsharkawy, Gamal B.Abdelaziz, “Tubular solar air heater using finned semi-cylindrical absorber plate with swirl flow: Experimental investigation”, Solar Energy, 2022.
  26. Reda A.Khalaf-Allah, Gamal B.Abdelaziz, Mohamed G.Kandel, Ammar S.Easa, “Development of a centrifugal sprayer-based solar HDH desalination unit with a variety of sprinkler rotational speeds and droplet slot distributions”, Renewable Energy, 2022.
  27. Mohamed Abdelgaied, A.S. Abdulla, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, A.E. Kabeel, “Performance improvement of modified stepped solar distillers using three effective hybrid optimization modifications”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2022.
  28. Ibrahim Alatawi, Abdul Khaliq, A. M. Heniegal, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, M. Elashmawy, “Tubular solar stills: Recent developments and future”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2022
  29. M. Abd Elaziz, Emad M.S.El-Said, A.H. Elsheikh, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, “Performance prediction of solar still with a high-frequency ultrasound waves atomizer using random vector functional link/heap-based optimizer”, Advances in Engineering Software, 2022.
  30. Productivity augmentation of a solar distiller utilizing a wire mesh absorber with a pulsed flow regime, EMS El-Said, MA Dahab, M Abdelgaleel, GB Abdelaziz, Desalination 548, 116276‏, 2023.
  31. Thermo-economic performance improvement of hemispherical solar still using wick material with V-corrugated basin and two different energy storage materials, SW Sharshir, MA Omara, G Elsisi, A Joseph, AW Kandeal, A Ali, Gamal Bedair, Solar Energy 249, 336-352, 2023.
  32. A thermo-economic study of tubular solar distillers with V-corrugated basin and reflective mirrors, Kabeel, A.E., Abdelgaied, M., Refat Abd Elbar, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Solar Energy, 2023, 247, pp. 270–285.
  33. Performance enhancement of solar desalination using evacuated tubes, ultrasonic atomizers, and cobalt oxide nanofluid integrated with cover cooling Liu, H., Ji, D., An, M.,Gamal B. Abdelaziz., Sharshir, S.W. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 171, pp. 98–108
  34. Recent efforts in developing agricultural product drying processes using solar energy, Sharshir, S.W., Joseph, A., Peng, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Edreis, E.M., Yuan, Z., Solar Energy, 2023, 257, pp. 137–154
  35. Design of silica gel/water adsorption chiller powered by solar energy for air conditioning applications, El-Ghetany, H.H., Omara, M.A., Abdelhady, R.G.,  Gamal B. Abdelaziz,  Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 63, 107055
  36. Thermo-economic performance enhancement of the hemispherical solar still integrated with various numbers of evacuated tubes, Dahab, M.A., Omara, M.A., El-Dafrawy, M.M., Abdelaziz, G.B., Sharshir, S.W., Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2023, 42, 101922
  37. An experimental study on carbon-metal composite tablets as solar absorbers for water distiller performance improvement, El-Said, E.M.S., Dahab, M.A., Al-Nagdy, A.A., ...Mohamed, A., Abdelaziz, G.B., Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 414, 137431
  38. Thermoenviroeconomic performance augmentation of solar desalination unit integrated with wick, nanofluid, and different nano-based energy storage materials, Sharshir, S.W., Omara, M.A., Joseph, A., ...Elashmawy, M., Abdelaziz, G.B., Solar Energy, 2023, 262, 111896
  39. Performance improvement for chilled water air conditioning cooling coils with various dimple fin geometries, Elsaid, A.M., Abdelhady, A.M., Abdelaziz, G.B., Halim, M.A, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 193, 108441
  40. Performance investigation of a tubular distiller using parabolic concentrator with various modifications, Sharshir, S.W., Yuan, Z., Elsharkawy, M., Gamal B. Abdelaziz, .Abdullah, A.S., El-Samadony, M.O.A., Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 179, pp. 537–545.
  41. Novel solar still design using transparent waste bottles, Elashmawy, M., Sharshir, S.W., Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Ahmed, M.M.Z., Soliman, A.M, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 434, 140090.
  42. A simplified model of low Re, immiscible, gas–liquid flow, and heat transfer in porous media numerical solution with experimental validation, Gamal B. Abdelaziz, Abdelgaleel, M., Omara, Z.M., Elsaid, A.M., Dahab, M.A., Experimental Heat Transfer, 2024, 37(2), pp. 208–231.

مقررات قام بتدريسها

أ-تم  تدريس المقررات الجامعية الاتية فى مرحلة البكالوريوس:

انتقال الحرارة - ميكانيكا الموائع - الديناميكا الحرارية – دوائر القدرة الهيدروليكية  و النيوماتية–  منشات توليد الطاقة (التقليدية و المتجددة- الشمسية) – التبريد وتكييف الهواء– توربينات غازية و بخارية– كتابة التقارير الفنية – التنظيم الصناعي و المقايسات - الأقتصاد الهندسي-  تكنولوجيا الصيانة - الرسم الهندسي- الهندسة الوصفية - الرسم الفني التخصصي تبريد و تكييف- الأمن الصناعي و السلامة المهنية.

 ب - -تم  تدريس المقررات الاتية فى مرحلة الدراسات العليا (تمهيدي الماجستير و الدكتوراة):

 ميكانيكا الموائع المتقدمة (السريان في الأوساط المسامية) – انتقال الحرارة بالحمل الطبيعي و الجبريصيانة وتشغيل معدات    التبريد و التكييف – صيانة و تشغيل المعدات الميكانيكية - . Numerical AnalysisCFD ديناميكا الموائع الحسابية – ديناميكا الغازات – هندسة المكامن النفطية

 جـ - الإشراف على مشاريع التخرج لطلبة البكالوريوس فى مجالات تكييف الهواء المركزي - تصميم مخازن التبريد – المبادلات الحرارية -  محطات القوى الحرارية الشمسية - الرقابة علي الجودة.- طلمبات الطرد المركزي – أجهزة القياس الهيدروليكية و النيوماتية– برادات المياه – أبراج التبريد – ادارة المشروعات باستخدام الحاسب,

التدرج الوظيفى

ضابط مهندس بالهيئة الهندسية للقوات المسلحة المصرية اعتبارا من 1/1/1987حتي الاحالة للتقاعد برتبة العقيد في 2/7/2006 من الشعبة الهندسية للقوات البحرية المصرية

عضو هيئة التدريس بكلية التكنولوجيا و التعليم الصناعي بالسويس/جامعة قناة السويس (جامعة السويس حاليا) منذ 24/4/2007 حتي تاريخه.

اعارة الي المعهد العالي للهندسة و التكنولوجيا بكفر الشيخ من 1/9/2014 حتي 31/8/2019.

وكيل كلية التكنولوجيا و التعليم بالسويس لشئون الدراسات العليا و البحوث / جامعة السويس من 1-9-2019 حتي 31/8/2023.

أستاذ هندسة الطاقة – قسم الميكانيكا – شعبة التبريد و تكييف الهواء من 1/9/2023 حتي تاريخه

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الأنشطة الجامعية والمجتمعية

  1. عضو نقابة المهندسين المصرية.
  2. عضو الهيئة الدولية للتحكيم و نقابة مستشاري التحكيم الدولي و خبراء أمن المعلومات
  3. عضو عامل بجمعية ادارة الأعمال العربية بالقاهرة و خبير تدريب بها
  4. خبير تدريب بمركز التدريب المتكامل ITC بالدمام – المملكة العربية السعودية.
  5. مدرب معتمد بعمليات الخفجي المشتركة KJO  ارامكو السعودية و نفط الخليج الكويتية
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