General Specialization: Mech. Power Eng. 

Specialization: thermodynamics and heat transfer.




From March 1, 1990

Up to August 6, 1995.

Demonstrator, (five years)

Mech. Eng. Dept., Higher Technological Institute

Tenth of Ramadan City, Egypt.

From August 7, 1995

Up to September 30, 2000.

Assistant lecturer, (five years)

Mech. Eng. Dept., Higher Technological Institute

Tenth of Ramadan City, Egypt.

From September 5, 2000

Up to September 26, 2005.

Assistant Professor, (five years)

Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

From September 27, 2005

Up to July, 20, 2008.

Associate Professor,

Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

From February 21, 2006

Up to December 9, 2007.

Chairman of Mech.


Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

From December, 10, 2007

August 4, 2008.

Vice-Dean of Community service and Environmental

Development Affairs

Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

From August, 5, 2008 up to

February 4, 2009.

Academic Visitor, (Sponsored researcher) (six-months)

Durham                University,                Durham,     

United Kingdom.

From February 4, 2009

Up to September 7, 2009.

Associate Professor,

Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

From September 8, 2009 up

to August 31, 2011.

Chairman of Mech.


Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

From September 1, 2011 up

to July 31, 2012.

Vice dean for student affairs

Valley High Institute of Engineering, Obour,

Cairo, Egypt

From August 1, 2012 up to

August 27, 2012.

Professor of thermodynamics and heat transfer

Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

From August 28, 2012 up to

March 31, 2017.


Chairman, Mech.  Dept.

Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

From April 1, 2017 up to

May 14, 2017.

Community College Administrator Program, Florida State, USA.

(Six weeks)

Florida State University and Santa Fe College, Gulf Coast State College, Jacksonville and Broward Colleges,


From May 15, 2017 up to July 2019.


Chairman, Mechanical Department

Faculty of Industrial Education, Suez University, Egypt.

From March 10, 2018 up to  March 9, 2022.

Vice President of Suez University for Community Service and Environmental Development

Suez   University, Egypt.

From March 10, 2022 up to  now.

Professor of thermodynamics and heat transfer

Mech. Dept., Faculty of Tech. & Edu., Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.

  1. The Third International Scientific Conference - Faculty of Engineering - Al-Azhar University 18-21 December 1993.
  2. Eleventh International Conference on Mechanical Power Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Helwan University 22-25 November 2000.
  3. The Tenth International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering - Military Technical College - Ministry of Defense 14-16 May 2002.
  4. The Eleventh International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering - Military Technical College - Ministry of Defense 23-25 ​​November 2004.
  5. The Tenth International Scientific Conference - Faculty of Medicine - Zagazig University - entitled (Health and safety procedures in educational facilities towards establishing preventive standards) - in the period 17-19 March 2008.
  6. The First International Conference on Energy Engineering - Higher Institute of Energy in Aswan - South Valley University in the period 29-31 December 2008.
  7. ISEC 2009, The 14th International Stirling Engine Conference and Exhibition, 16-18 November 2009, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  8. The Thirty-Seventh International Conference on Statistics and Computer Science and its Applications in the period 2-12 April 2012. Science Valley Academy.
  9. Conference on the role of scientific research and technology in the development of the Suez Canal axis.
  10. Conference (Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises - Start Your Project) (The period from January 20 to January 21, 2019) Suez Governorate in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth, Suez University and the Projects Authority.


المرشح -الدرجة العلمية

عنوان الرسالة

جهة التسجيل

تاريخ التسجيل

تاريخ  المناقشة

لجنة المناقشة


م. وائل محمد مصطفى المغلانى


Theoretical and Experimental Study of Periodic Heat Transfer through Solid Plane Walls.

كلية الهندسة – جامعة الأسكندرية





أد/ محمود محمد أبو النصر

أد/ محمد عبد الفتاح طعيمه

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد


م. عصام عبد الرحمن الكنانى


An investigation of the performance of transposedـfluids heat exchangers to be used in Stirling engine design.

كلية الهندسة – جامعة عين شمس

يناير 2004.


أد/ عادل عبد الملك الأهوانى

أد/ محمود محمد أبو النصر

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ جمال مسعد حنس


م. أشرف ميمى السعيد


Thermal Performance of Spiral Finned Cooling Coils in Air Conditioning Applications.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

ديسمبر 2009




أد/ محمد فايق عبد ربه

 أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ عبد الله جلال غانم


م. محمد طاهر ذكى طولان



Enhancement of the performance of a split-air conditioner by cooling the condenser using the evaporator condensate.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

أبريل 2010

مارس 2012

أد/ كمال أمين مراد

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ محمد عبد الحليم محمد


م. رويــدا ســامـي عبـداللــه ابـراهيـم


Contact and Thermal Analysis of Vehicle Ventilated Disc Brake.

كليــة الهنــدســة بالمطريـة  – جــامعــة


نوفمبر 2009

مارس 2012

أد/ شوقى عبد الهادى سعود

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ إبراهيم لطفى أحمد


م. ابراهيم صلاح شحرور


Experimental study of the performance a double pipe heat exchanger with rotating inner tube.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

مايو 2010.

مايو 2013

أد/ محمد عبد الفتاح طعيمه

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ كمال عبد العزيز إبراهيم

د/ محمد عبد الحليم محمد


م. محمد أحمد عبد الجليل الصعيدى


Experimental Investigation of air Warming using Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors and Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس


ديسمبر 2009.



مايو 2013

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ سيد إبراهيم عبد المجيد

د/ محمد عبد الحليم محمد


م. سلوى منصور محمد


Enhancement of a refrigeration cycle by bled water atomization from the conditioned space into the condenser cooling air.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

مايو 2010

يونيو 2013

أد/ محمد عبد الفتاح طعيمه

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ مسعد مصلح عبد المجيد

د/ محمد عبد الحليم محمد


م. حسن عبد الكريم حسن


Heat Transfer Enhancement in Shell and Helical Coil with External Radial Fins.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

مارس 2010

يوليو 2013

أد/ أحمد سليمان حزين

أد/ سامح محمد عبد الواحد

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد


م. أحمد السيد بدوى عطيه


An experimental investigation of natural convection in open- ended four-sided cross section at different orientation modes.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

أبريل 2010

يوليو 2013

أد/ أحمد عبد الرازق سلطان

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ عماد إبراهيم زيدان


م. شريف أمين محمد أمين


Using latent heat storage system in air conditioning

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

أبريل 2010

أكتوبر 2013

أد/ أحمد سليمان حزين

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ محمد عبد الحليم محمد


م. أمل على محمد عمر


Air conditioning using ice to decrease the peak load.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

أبريل 2010

نوفمبر 2013

 أد/ سعد الدين محمد حابك

أد/ سميرة أحمد الشريف

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد


م. عمار سعد محمد


Effect of opposed lateral and vertical eccentricity on natural convection in elliptical enclosure

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة قناة السويس

نوفمبر 2011

نوفمبر 2013

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ أحمد الجيوشى فتوح

أد/ إبراهيم لطفى أحمد


م. رامى محمد عبد الخالق


Wind turbine performance

كليــة هنــدســة البترول والتعدين – جامعة السويس

مارس 2012

مايو 2015

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ أحمد صفوت نفعى

د/ أيمن صلاح عباس


م. حيدر عبد الحسين بلال



Effect of Surface Vibration on Natural Convection Heat Transfer

كليــة الهنــدســة – جامعة المنصورة

أكتوبر 2013

ديسمبر 2015

أد/ أحمد عبد الرازق سلطان

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ عماد عبد اللطيف النجيرى


م. محمد كاظم حمزه

Study of Heat Transfer Through Baffled Rotating Annulus


كليــة الهنــدســة – جامعة المنصورة

أكتوبر 2013

ديسمبر 2015

أد/ أحمد عبد الرازق سلطان

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

 أد/ أحمد محمد حامد قنديل


م. محمد علي محمد دهب


Desalination of Sea Water Using Solar Energy Based on Humidification – Dehumidification processes

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ عادل عبد الملك الأهوانى

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

أد/ جمال مسعد حنس


أحمد عبد العال النجدي


Effect of Nano- Particles of Aluminum Oxide Addition on Pool Boiling of Refrigerants

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ عادل عبد الملك الأهوانى

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

أد/ جمال مسعد حنس


محمد زكي طاهر طولان


Enhancement of Heat transfer Characteristics of Nucleate pool Boiling by Addition of Nano- Metal Particles to the Refrigerants

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

أد/ أحمد الجيوشى فتوح

أد/ عبد الله جلال غانم


م. سارة عبد الرحمن عبد الوهاب


Experimental Study on the Performance of Solar Water Distillatory with a Helical Coil as A pre-heater

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ نبيل محمد محمد شفيق

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

أد/ محمد أحمد معوض


م. حسن عبد الكريم حسن ابراهيم


Swirling Flow of Non – Newtonian Fluids through Pipe with Sudden Expansion

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ محمد فتوح أحمد

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

أد/ عبد الله جلال غانم


م. رجب جمعة عبد الهادي مجاهد


Experimental Study for the Effect of Sprayers Dimensions and Packing on the Performance of the Cooling Tower

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ أيمن محمد إبراهيم

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ مصطفي احمد عبد الباقي


م. محمد جمال بسيونى


Numerical Investigation of Cyclone Separator Performance and Design Parameters

كلية الهندسة – جامعة السويس


مارس 2019

أد/ محمد علي الوجيه

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ خالد على النجدى


م. فاطمة محمود إبراهيم عياد


Simulation of multi-stage flash desalination process

كلية هندسة البترول والتعدين- جامعة  السويس

أكتوبر 2016

مايو 2019

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ عبير محمود شعيب

د/ أحمد صفوت نفعى

د/ محمد حسن حسنين


م. طارق السيد سلامة

Effect of vertical air curtains on a viewer refrigerator performance

كلية الهندسة – جامعة المنوفية

أكتوبر 2014

مايو 2020

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ موسى محمد موسى

أد/ شديد حسن شمس الدين

د/ مصطفى أحمد عبد الباقى


م. محمد كريم عباس السيد عمر


Modeling and optimization of Egyptian natural gas networks

كلية هندسة البترول والتعدين- جامعة  السويس


ديسمبر 2020

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ أحمد صفوت نفعى

د/ مصطفى السيد عوض


م. أمال محى الدين محمود أحمد


Design and simulation of desalination processes using multiple effect evaporation (MEE)

كلية هندسة البترول والتعدين- جامعة  السويس


ديسمبر 2020

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ عبير محمود شعيب

د/ أحمد صفوت نفعى


م فهد مالك حجى الحداد


Investigation and development of water network distribution systems

كلية الهندسة – جامعة قناة السويس


أبريل 2021

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

أد/ محمد خيرت داوود

د/ تامر نبيل محمود


م أحمد عبد العال النجدي محمد


Compound Enhancement of Water Pool Boiling Using Nano-particles and Mixer

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

مايو 2016

أكتوبر 2021

أد / أحمد سليمان حزين

أد / هانى أحمد الببلاوي

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد


م. أسماء ابراهيم محمد البدرى


A Study of the Performance of a Beta -Type Stirling Refrigerator Having Dissimilar Bore

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

مارس 2019

أبريل 2022

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

أد/ جمال مسعد حنس

أد/ جميل ويصا يونان


المرشح - الدرجة العلمية

عنوان الرسالة

جهة التسجيل

تاريخ التسجيل

تاريخ  المناقشة

لجنة الإشراف


م. وائل محمد مصطفى المغلانى


Theoretical and Experimental Study of Periodic Heat Transfer through Solid Plane Walls.

كلية الهندسة – جامعة الأسكندرية


سبتمبر 2002


سبتمبر 2007

أد/ محمد علاء الدين الحفنى

أد/ محمد عبد الفتاح طعيمه

د/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد


م. عصام عبد الرحمن الكنانى


An investigation of the performance of transposedـfluids heat exchangers to be used in Stirling engine design.

كلية الهندسة – جامعة عين شمس

يناير 2004

فبراير 2010

أد/ عادل عبد الملك الأهوانى

أد/ جمال مسعد حنس

د/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد


م. رضا أحمد محمد خلف أبو طالب


Study of Pool Boiling with Bubble Formation for R-134A over Surfaces with non-Traditional Machining.

كلية الهندسة – جامعة بنها


مايو 2004


فبراير 2010

أد/ عيد عبد الحافظ عبد اللاهى

أد/ شريف هادى   طاهر

د/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد


م. أشرف ميمى السعيد


Thermal Performance of Spiral Finned Cooling Coils in Air Conditioning Applications.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

ديسمبر 2009

أكتوبر 2011

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ عبد الله جلال غانم

د/ وائل ابراهيم أحمد


م. محمد أحمد عبد الجليل الصعيدى


Experimental Investigation of air Warming using Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors and Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

ديسمبر 2009



فبراير 2013

أد الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ سعد عواد عبد الرحمن

د/ محمد محمد خيرت داوود


م. حسن عبد الكريم حسن


Heat Transfer Enhancement in Shell and Helical Coil with External Radial Fins.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

مارس 2010

مارس 2013

أد/ سامح محمد عبد الواحد ندا

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ جمال بدير عبد العزيز


م. أمل على محمد عمر


Air conditioning using ice to decrease the peak load.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

أبريل 2010

فبراير 2014

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ محمد السيد على عمارة


م. أحمد السيد بدوى عطيه


An experimental investigation of natural convection in open- ended four-sided cross section at different orientation modes.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

أبريل 2010

فبراير 2014

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ محمد السيد على عمارة


م. شريف أمين محمد أمين


Using latent heat storage system in air conditioning

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

أبريل 2010

مارس 2013

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ ايمان بالله سيد مطاوع


م. محمد طاهر زكى طولان


Enhancement of the performance of a split-air conditioner by cooling the condenser using the evaporator condensate.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

أبريل 2010

أبريل 2013

أد/ كمال أمين مراد

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ محمد عبد الحليم محمد


م. سلوى منصور محمد أحمد


Enhancement of a refrigeration cycle by bled water atomization from the conditioned space into the condenser cooling air.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

مايو 2010

مايو 2013

أد/ محمد عبد الفتاح طعيمه

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ وائل محمد مصطفى


م. ابراهيم صلاح شحرور


Experimental study of the performance a double pipe heat exchanger with rotating inner tube.

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

مايو 2010

مايو 2013

أد/ محمد عبد الفتاح طعيمه

أد/ الدسوقى إبراهيم عيد

د/ وائل محمد مصطفى


م. عمار سعد محمد عيسي


Effect of Opposed Eccentricity on free Convection in Elliptical Annulus Enclosure

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ محمد عبد الحليم محمد


محمد زكي طاهر طولان


Enhancement of Heat transfer Characteristics of Nucleate pool Boiling by Addition of Nano- Metal Particles to the Refrigerants

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ رضا أحمد محمد


م. محمد كريم محمد جرواش


Influence of Design Parameters and Operation conditions on Thermal characteristics of Micro channel Evaporator

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس


مارس 2019

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ محمود عبد الحفيظ عبد السلام

د/ شعبان إبراهيم احمد


م. أحمد عبد العال النجدي


Effect of Nano- Particles of Aluminum Oxide Addition on Pool Boiling of Refrigerants

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ شريف هادي طاهر

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ رضا محمد أحمد


م. محد علي محمد دهب


Desalination of Sea Water Using Solar Energy Based on Humidification – Dehumidification processes

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ رضا احمد خلف الله


م. حسن عبد الكريم حسن ابراهيم


Swirling Flow of Non – Newtonian Fluids through Pipe with Sudden Expansion

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ رضا احمد خلف الله


م. سلوي منصور محمد احمد


Performance of An Alpha – Type Sterling Refrigerator with Shell – And – Tube Condenser and Serpentine Evaporator

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس


مارس 2019

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ وائل محمد المغلاني

د/ احمد محمد سليمان

د/ رضا احمد خلف الله


م. محمد أحمد عبد الجليل الصعيدي


Experimental study of Mixed Convection from a Pipe Partially Filled with Porous Material

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس


أبريل 2020

أد/ محمد عبد الفتاح طعميه

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ محمد محمد خيرت داود

د/ رضا احمد محمد خلف الله


م. أمل علي محمد عمر


Performance of Gamma Stirling Refrigerator having Spiral Condenser and Flat Fins Evaporator

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس


مايو 2020

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ احمد محمد سليمان

د/ تامر محمد منصور

د/ رضا احمد خلف الله


م. سارة عبد الرحمن عبد الوهاب


Experimental Study on the Performance of Solar Water Distillatory with a Helical Coil as A pre-heater

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ رضا احمد محمد خلف الله


م. عبد الحميد عبد الله محمد الليثى


Effect of grooves on free convection in a circular annulus enclosure

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

أبريل 2016

جارى الإنتهاء

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ رضا احمد خلف الله

د/ عمار سعد محمد عيسي


م. شريف امين محمد امين


Greenhouse Microclimate Control Using Phase Change Materials

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

مايو 2016

فبراير 2019

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ إيمان بالله سيد مطاوع

د/ حمدي حسن الغيطاني


م. رجب جمعه عبد الهادي مجاهد


Experimental Study for the Effect of Sprayers Dimensions and Packing on the Performance of the Cooling Tower

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس



أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ مصطفي احمد عبد الباقي

د/ رضا محمد احمد خلف الله


م. أحمد عبد العال النجدي محمد


Compound Enhancement of Water Pool Boiling Using Nano- Particles and Mixer

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس


أكتوبر 2021

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ رضا احمد خلف الله


م. طلعت عبد الوهاب سيد قاعود


Development of a Model to predict the efficiency of industrial heat exchanger By Artificial Neural Network (ANN),

كلية هندسة البترول والتعدين – جامعة السويس

مايو 2018

جارى الإنتهاء

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ أحمد صفوت نفعى


م. أسماء ابراهيم محمد البدرى


A Study of the Performance of a Beta -Type Stirling Refrigerator Having Dissimilar Bore

كلية التكنولوجيا والتعليم – جامعة السويس

مارس 2019

أبريل 2022

أد/ الدسوقي إبراهيم عيد

د/ رضا احمد خلف الله

د/ عمار سعد محمد عيسي


Mech. Power Eng., Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 2000.

Thesis title: Design of Stirling Engines Using Block Type Heat Exchangers.

M. Sc.

Mech. Power Eng., Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 1995.

Thesis title: Experimental Study of the Attenuation Capacity of Rigid Foam Materials

Due to Multiple Exposures to Detonation Pressure Waves.

B. Sc.

Mech. Power Eng., Faculty of Engineering, Menovia University, Cairo, Egypt, 1988. General grade: Very good with honor degree.


El-Mokkadem AE, Salem H, Eid EI, Kamel MM. Experimental study of the attenuation capacity of rigid foam materials due to multiple exposures to detonation pressure waves. AEIC'93 Dec. 18-21 (1993) Vol. 7 pp. 1-16 Faculty of Engng, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.


El-Ehawany AA, Kamel MM, Hennes GM, Eid EI. An experimental investigation of block-type heat exchangers. Enging. Res. J. Vol. 64 pp 83-99 Aug. 1999, Helwan University, Faculty of Engng, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt.


El-Ehawany AA, Kamel MM, Hennes GM, Eid EI. Kinematics of dual bell crank mechanism, 11th IMPEC Feb. 5-7 (2000) Vol. 2 pp. D15-D26, Faculty of Engng, Mataria, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.


Eid EI, Hennes GM. Analytical study of the performance of a beta type Stirling refrigerator. 10th AMME May 14-16 (2002) Vol. II pp. 479-497, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt.


Eid AI, Eid EI, Gomaa AG, Hassaneen A. Preliminary design of an ice thermal storage automotive air conditioner. Sci. Bull. Vol. 39 No.1 March 31, 2004 pp 925-937, Faculty of Engng, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


Abdel-Halim M, Eid EI. An experimental investigation of heat transfer characteristics from isothermal obstacles to the wind. Enging. Res. Jour. Vol. 92 pp. M16-M30 April 2004 Helwan University, Faculty of Enging, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt.


El-Hifni MA, Teamah MA, Eid EI, El-Maghlany WM. Analytical and numerical investigations of periodic heat transfer through solid layers. 11thAMME Nov. 23-25 (2004). Vol. I pp. 224-239, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt.


Eid EI, Gomaa AG, Gomaa ME. Experimental and numerical investigations of thermo fluid characteristics from pyramidal pin fin fan sink. 11thAMME Nov. 23-25 (2004). Vol. I pp. 240-255, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt.


Eid EI. Performance of the gamma type Stirling engine with a regenerative displacer.Sci. Bull. Vol. 39 No.4 Dec. 31, 2004, part III pp 663-681, Faculty of Engng, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


Eid EI, Hennes GM. Theoretical analysis of the factors affecting the performance of double acting Stirling engines. JES Vol. 33 No. 1 Jan 2005 pp. 211-227, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.


Eid EI. Natural convection heat transfer in elliptic annuli with different aspect ratio. AEJ Vol. 44 No.2 March 2005 pp.203-215, AlexandriaUniversity, Faculty of Engng, Egypt.


Gomaa AG, Eid EI. Experimental and numerical investigations of the performance of shell and tube thermal energy storage in air conditioning applications. Sci. Bull. Vol. 46 No.3 June 30, 2005 pp 815-831, Faculty of Engng, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


Gomaa AG, Eid EI, Gomaa ME. An experimental investigation of heat transfer characteristics for a single jet impingement onto an array of thin strips pin fins. Enging. Res. Jour. Vol. 109 pp. M54-M71 Feb. 2007, Helwan University, Faculty of Enging, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt.


Eid, EI Gomaa, M.E, Influence of Vibration in Enhancement of Heat Transfer Rates from Thin Planner Fins, Scientific Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, Vol.43, No.1, pp. 681-698, March 31,2008.


Gomaa ME, Eid EI, Abd El-Rahman SA. A comparative study combustion characteristics and exhaust emissions for dual fuel diesel engine at different ratios of LPG and CNG.Res. Jour. Vol. 117 pp. M79-M93 June 2008, Helwan University, Faculty of Enging, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt.


Gomaa ME, Gomaa AG, Eid EI. Cooling characteristics of partially hollow finned plate exposed to jet impingement. JES Vol. 36 No. 4 July 2008 pp. 841-862, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.


Eid EI.Natural convection heat transfer between two concentric and eccentric oblate hemi spheroids with different elliptical ratios. MEJ Vol. 33 No.4 Dec. 2008, pp. M.69-M.85, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.


El-Hifni MA, Teamah MA, Eid EI. El-Maghlany WM. Analytical and experimental investigations of climatic periodic heat transfer through insulating layers in buildings. 1stICEE Conference, Dec. 29-31, 2008 pp. 370-380, South Valley University, Aswan, Egypt.


Eid EI, Gomaa ME. Influence of vibration in enhancement of heat transfer rates from thin planner fins. Heat Mass Transfer, Springer Verlag (2009), Vol. 45, pp. 713-726.


Eid EI. Effect of using regenerative displacer on the performance of a beta-type heat engine. AEJ Vol. 48 No.1 Jan 2009 pp.25-40, Alexandria University, Faculty of Engng, Egypt.


Eid EI. Performance of a beta-configuration heat engine having a regenerative displacer. Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 2404–2413.


Mahkamov K, Eid EI. Technical feasibility study of a concept of a medium temperature Stirling engine solar power unit. (Solar-03 paper) 14thISEC Conference, Nov. 2009, Groningen University, Groningen, the Netherlands.


Eid EI. Natural convection between a pair of elliptical cylinders in blunt and slender situations. MEJ 34 (4) Dec. 2009 M1-M15, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.


El-Ehawany AA, Hennes GM, Eid EI, El-Kenany E. A new program to design an alpha-type Stirling engine using elbow-bend transposed-fluids heat exchangers.MEJ 34 (4) Dec. 2009 M60-M72, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.


Eid EI. Experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer between two oblate concentric and eccentric hemi-spheroids with different elliptical ratios. Heat Mass Transfer, Springer Verlag (2010) 46:687–694.


El-Ehawany, A.A., Hennes, G.M., Eid E.I. and El-Kenany, E., (2009), Performance of Elbow-bend Heat Exchangers Having Air Side and Water Tube Bank with Different Arrangements, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol.  6, issue 1, pp. 129-143.


El-Ehawany AA, Hennes GM, Eid EI, El-Kenany E. Experimental investigation of the performance of an elbow-bend type heat exchanger with a water tube bank used as a heater or cooler in alpha-type Stirling machines. Renewable Energy 36 (2011) 488-497.


El-Ehawany AA, Hennes GM, Eid EI, El-Kenany E. Development of the performance of an alpha-type heat engine by using elbow-bend transposed-fluids heat exchanger as a heater and a cooler. Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1010–1019.


Eid EI. Experimental study of free convection in an elliptical annular enclosure in blunt and slender orientations. Heat Mass Transfer, Springer Verlag, (2011) 47:81–91.


Eid EI, Gomaa AG, Gomaa ME, Enhancement of heat transfer from a finned heat sink exposed to jet impingement by partial cut of central holes, Heat Mass Transfer, Springer Verlag, (2011) 47:81–91.


Gomaa AG, Ibrahim W, Mimi A, Eid EI, Performance characteristics of a chilled water spirally coiled finned tube in cross flow for air conditioning applications, Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1010–1019.


Mourad KA, Eid EI, Abdel-Halim M, Tolan MT, Enhancement of the performance of a split-air-conditioner by cooling the condenser using the evaporative condensate, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol.  6, issue 1, pp. 129-143.


Gomaa A, Aly WIA, Elsaid AM, Eid EI, Thermal performance of the chilled water spirally coiled finned tube in cross flow for air conditioning applications, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (2012) 3, 49–59.


El-Maghlany W, Eid EI, Teamah M, Mansour S, Enhancement of a refrigeration cycle by bled water atomization from the conditioned space into the condenser cooling air, International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, Issue 2, Vol. 5, Oct. 2012, 291-303.


El-Maghlany W, Eid EI, Teamah M, Shahrour, I, Experimental study for double pipe heat exchanger with rotating inner tube, International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, Issue 2, Vol. 4, Aug. 2012, 507-524.


Mettawee ES, Eid EI, Amin SAM, Experimental study on space cooling with PCM thermal storage, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(7): 3424-3432, 2012.


Nada SA, Eid EI, Abdel Aziz, GB, Hassan, HA, Heat transfer enhancement in shell and helical coil with external radial fins, Al-Azhar Engineering 12th International Conference, Dec. 25-27, 2012, Vol. 7, No. 2, Dec. 2012, 350-369.


Eid EI, Abdel-Rahman, Dawood MMK, Elsedy MAA, Experimental investigation of the performance of an evacuated tube solar air collector without and with co-axial heat pipes, European Journal of Scientific Research0 Vol. 91 No 3 November 2012, pp.348-363.


Eid EI, M Abdel-Halim, AS Easa, Effect of opposed eccentricity on free convective heat transfer through elliptical annulus enclosures in blunt and slender orientations, Heat and Mass Transfer, February 2015, Volume 51, Issue 2, pp 239-250


Sa Nada, Eid EI, GB Abdel aziz, HA Hassan, Performance Enhancement of Shell and Helical Coil Water Coolers using Different Geometric and Fins Conditions, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 45 (7), 2016.


EI Eid, RA Khalaf-Allah, SH Taher, AA Al-Nagdy, An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of the Addition of Nano Aluminum Oxide on Pool Boiling of Refrigerant 134a, Heat and Mass Transfer,  August 2017, Volume 53, Issue 8, pp 2597–2607.


Eid EI, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Dahab M, An Experimental Study of Solar Desalination using Free Jets and an Auxiliary Hot Air Stream, Heat and Mass Transfer volume 54, pp 1177–1187 (2018).


Eldesouki I. Eid, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Mohamed Tolan, Enhancement of pool boiling characteristics by an addition of nano Aluminum oxide to R-141b over a rough horizontal steel circular heater, International Journal of Refrigeration 98 (2019) 311–322.


Eldesouki I. Eid, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Ahmed M. Soliman, Ammar S. Easa, Performance of a beta Stirling refrigerator with tubular evaporator and condenser having inserted twisted tapes and driven by a solar energy heat engine, Renewable Energy 135 (2019) 1314-1326.


Eldesouki I.Eid, Mohamed A. Mohamed, Reda A.Khalaf-Allah, Hassan A. Hassan, Enhancement of solar water distillatory using spherical dome as a dehumidifier surface, International journal of engineering inventions, Volume 7, Issue 8 (August 2018) pp: 01-14.


Eldesouki I Eid, Reda A Khalaf-Allah, Sara A Abo-Elnaga, Experimental study on the performance of solar water distillatory using nozzle impingement, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 8, August-2018, pp 36-42.


Eldesouki I. Eid, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah, Ahmed M. Soliman, Tamer M.Mansour, Aml A. Mohammed, Performance of gamma Stirling refrigerator having shell and tube condenser and evaporator, International journal of scientific & engineering research volume 10, issue 3, March-2019, pp 57-66.


Eldesouki I. Eid, Wael M. EL-Maghlany, Reda A. Khalaf-Allaha, Ahmed M. Soliman, Salwa M. Mohamed, Performance of an alpha-type stirling refrigerator with shell and tube condenser and evaporator, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 2, February-2019, pp 1353-1364.


H. H. El-Ghetany, E.I. Eid, S. R. Salman, M. H. Abdel-Baky, SH. Amin, Experimental investigation of greenhouse microclimate control using phase change material, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2018, pp. 1-9. 


EI EidRA Khalaf-Allah, AI AlbadryAS Easa, Beta Stirling refrigerator performance using a tubular heat exchanger with elliptical tube layouts and a cylinder with different bores, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry volume 147, pp 7523–7538, (2022).


RA Khalaf-Allah, EI Eid, AA Ellithy, AS Easa, Experimental investigation of the influence of modifying the inner tube outer surface on free convection in a concentrated double pipe, Experimental heat transfer, published online: 06 Nov. 2022.


RA Khalaf-Allah, EI Eid, A Alnagdy, Nucleate pool boiling enhancement with the application of a hybrid technique involving the addition of alumina nanoparticles to stirred water above heating surface, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 170, December 2021, 107134.


EI Eid, AA Alnagdy, RA Khalaf-Allah, Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer above laser machining heating surfaces with different micro-cavity geometric shape for water-aluminum oxide nano fluid, Experimental Heat Transfer, Volume 35, 2022, pp.  688-707.


Ahmed. S. Nafey, Eldesouki I. Eid, M.H.M. Hassanean and Talaat. Kaoud Development of a Model to predict the efficiency of industrial heat exchanger By Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 24, Issue 8, August – 2022,  pp 1-16.


EI Eid, MA Abdel-Baky, EA El-Khaldy, Investigation of natural heating of buildings by solar chimney at various solar heating cases, submitted to journal.


MA Abdel-Baky, EI Eid, EA El-Khaldy, Investigation of natural ventilation by solar chimney at various solar cases, submitted to journal.



Member - Chairman - President of the General Examinations from 2000 to 2019.



About 42 consulting projects at a cost of approximately 2 million pounds.



1. Refrigeration laboratory

2. Air conditioning laboratory

3. Refrigeration and air conditioning workshops

4. Renewable Energy laboratory

5. Heat and mass transfer laboratory

6. Production and training workshops (lathing - drilling - scraping - milling - cutting - welding - plumbing - carpentry - spinning and weaving)

7. Soil laboratory

8. Geometric and level surveying laboratory

9. Construction materials testing laboratory

10. Electrical Machines laboratory

11. Solar Energy laboratory

12. Automatic control laboratory

13. Electric Power laboratory

14. Laboratory for testing metallic materials1

15. Welding and forming laboratory

16. Laboratory of accurate measurements.



1. A member of the Academic reference standard work committee.

2. A description of the refrigeration and air conditioning program for diploma and master's degrees.

3. Participating in the work of describing the refrigeration and air conditioning program for a bachelor's degree.

4. Participate in preparing a system for evaluating the efficiency and adequacy of human resources in the college.

5. A description of some refrigeration and air-conditioning courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

6. Determine the indicators of the seventh criterion of institutional capacity (social participation and community development).

7. Chairman of the Committee on Compliance with the Implementation of the Academic Standards of the Educational Institution.



1. Member of the Equivalence Committee, Higher Technological Institute, Tenth of Ramadan City

2. Member of the Committee for Reviewing the Regulations of Petrojet Academy, Port Said

3. Member of the Committee for Reviewing the Educational Qualification Regulations in the Faculties of Technology and Education in Suez, Cairo, Sohag and Beni Suef

4. Member of the committee reviewing the list of graduate studies for the Faculty of Technology and Education - Helwan University

5. Member of the Committee for Setting the Reference Frameworks for Technological Universities Regulations

6. Member of the Technical Projects Committee and a participant in the committee for preparing the regulations of the Faculty of Technological Industries at Salman University

7. Member of the committee for reviewing the list of the technological path alongside the educational path in the faculties of technology and education.



About 26 seminars supervised by Dr. Eid.



1. Approximately 17,000 square meters of turf has been added on both sides of the main internal roads of the university and in front of the university administration building, and it will be completed to reach 20,000 square meters of turf (a gift from the Suez Canal Authority to the university)

2. 2600 Vikas trees have been planted and 1000 Vikas trees will be added to them. (A gift from the Suez Canal Authority to the university)

3. 100 fruit trees were planted as a gift from the Environment Agency in Suez Governorate.

4. Approximately 11,000 square meters of grass have been added on both sides of the main internal roads of the university, as part of the “We will complete it” initiative, and about 500 trees of Panacia and Tecoma.



1. A cooperation protocol between the University of Suez and the Institute of Information Systems of the Third Army - May 8, 2018.

2. A protocol has been signed between the university and the Agency for Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises. There is a business management committee from the university and the agency headed by Prof. Dr. El-Desouki Ibrahim Eid - Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development - September 15, 2018.

3. A protocol between the university and the Commission for the Eradication of Literacy and Adult Education. Prof. Dr. El-Desouki Ibrahim Eid - Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, will administer the protocol's provisions - April 7, 2019.

4. A protocol was signed between the university and the Ministry of Social Solidarity to establish a unit for social solidarity at the university. Prof. Dr. El-Desouki Ibrahim Eid - Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development is responsible for managing the provisions of the protocol.

5. A cooperation protocol between the University's College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering and the Petroleum Research Institute in Cairo. February 9, 2021.

6. A cooperation protocol between the Suez Endowment Directorate and Suez University regarding the training of imams and female preachers, in Suez Governorate. January 14, 2021

7. A protocol of cooperation between the Arab Academy for Leadership Development «ALCT» and Suez University in Engineering Sciences - February 23, 2021.

8. A cooperation protocol between the University of Suez and the British University in Egypt, January 26, 2021.



1. General supervision of the guest house1. General supervision of restrooms for faculty members, assistant faculty members, and university employees, according to the previously existing distribution:

2. Eight apartments used as restrooms for faculty members, assistant faculty members, and university employees) in Al Tawfiqia City.

3. Fifty eight apartments used as administrative housing for faculty members, faculty assistants and university employees) in Al Tawfiqia City.

4. Two apartments used as restrooms for faculty members, assistant faculty members, and university employees) in Al-Aiman ​​neighborhood.

5. Two apartments used as restrooms for the university president and deputies in Al-Gharib district.

6. Forty five apartments were used as a university city, and they will be used as restrooms equipped with receptions, in addition to a restaurant and a mosque in Al-Zayyyat district.



The meetings of the proposed projects are attended in coordination with the director of administration in the governorate, where specialists from the university are invited to attend the hearings for the study of the environmental impact of the projects to be developed within the governorate, such as the project to establish a new cement industry line with a production capacity of 1.8 million tons annually, as well as its expansion of 1.25 square kilometers for the company. The Egyptian-Chinese project in Ain Sokhna, as well as the waste city in Wadi Hajoul, and projects outside the governorate as well, such as the waste city in Sadat City.



Suez University held a book fair that lasted for two weeks under the supervision of Ad El-Desouki Eid. Number of publishing houses: 22 publishing houses Publishing house names: (Al-Ahram - The Academy - Dar Al-Kitab Al-Hadith - Dar Al-Ulum - Anglo - Rawabet - Osiris - Dar Al-Ma'arif - Merck - The Arab Bureau of Knowledge - World of Books - Arabic Words - Dar Al-Nahar - Creativity - Zain - Mahi Company - Spiritual Service Authority - Dar Bin Khaldun - The Egyptian Center for the Simplification of Science - Book Crowd - Golden Book - M K) Exhibition period: from 10/14/2018 to 10/25/2018, Exhibition location: Creativity and Innovation Building, next to the Future Gate, Schools visited the exhibition: (Amon Authority - The Good Shepherd - Martyr Shadia Salama Secondary School for Girls - Al-Salam Joint Preparatory School - Ahmed Lotfy Preparatory and Secondary School - Al-Haditha Preparatory School for Girls).



  1. A cafeteria was rented inside the university to serve 16 faculties in addition to the university administration building and the university campus for students in Al-Salam City 1. The cafeteria operates at prices agreed upon by the university administration. It has sales outlets close to students and has continuous follow-up. It has cameras and surveillance cameras.
  2. A cafeteria has been rented inside the Faculty of Commerce to serve the Faculty of Commerce only, as the Faculty of Commerce is located in Kafr Ahmed Abdo. The cafeteria operates at prices agreed upon by the university administration. It has outlets close to students and has continuous follow-up. It has one photocopier and will be equipped with surveillance cameras.
  3. The cafeteria of the Colleges of Human Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, which serves 3 colleges, has been rented. The cafeteria operates at prices agreed upon by the university administration, and it has outlets close to students, and it has continuous follow-up, and it has cameras and surveillance cameras.



1. Psychologists and Social Workers Rehabilitation Center - College of Arts

2. Public Service Center for Fisheries Development - College of Fisheries

3. Psychological Counseling and Development Center - College of Education

4. The Center for Sustainable Development in the Administrative and Financial Fields - Faculty of Commerce

5. Public Health and Forensic Medicine Center - Faculty of Human Medicine

6. Center for Political and Economic Studies - College of Politics and Economics

7. The Unit for Combating Violence against Women - University

8. Community Problems Monitoring Unit in Suez Governorate - University

9. Printing and Publishing Services Unit - Central Printing Press, Suez University (a unit of a special nature)

10. (Dar Al-Handasah Center) at the Faculty of Engineering - Suez University (a unit of a special nature)

11. Crisis and Disaster Management Unit – University

Taught several courses, Mechanical Engineering Department, Higher Technological Institute, 10 th of Ramadan City, B. Sc. Level:


  1. Thermodynamics,
  2. Thermal engineering,
  3. Energy conversion technology,
  4. Heat and mass transfer,
  5. Fluid mechanics,
  6. Fluid machinery,
  7. Thermo-fluid labs,
  8. Engineering drawing, 
  9. Mechanical drawing, and
  10. Participation of the supervision of B. Sc. graduation projects.


-Taught several courses, Mechanical Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez, Suez Canal University:


  1. Principles of refrigeration and air-conditioning,

1st-year, Mech. Dept.

  1. Ventilation and air-conditioning technology,

2nd-year, Mech. Dept.

  1. Fluid mechanics,

2nd-year, Mech. Dept.

  1. Thermodynamics,

2nd-year, Mech. Dept.

  1. Technical drawing,

1st-year, General.

  1. Mechanical drawing,

1st-year, Mech. Dept.

  1. Hydraulic equipments,

3rd-year, Mech. Dept.

  1. Supervision of B. Sc. graduation projects.

4th-year, Mech. Dept.


-Taught several courses, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Helwan University, Cairo:


  1. Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

2nd-year, Mech. Dept.

  1. Air-Conditioning Equipments

4th-year, Mech. Dept.

  1. Supervision of B. Sc. Graduation Projects.

4th-year, Mech. Dept.


-Taught several courses, Obour High Institute for Engineering and Technology, Ministry of high Education:

  1. Thermodynamics

2nd-year, Civil Dept.

  1. Fluid Mechanics

3rd-year, Civil Dept.

  1. Gaseous and liquid fittings

3rd-year, Architecture Dept.


-Taught several courses, Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology, Science Valley Academy:

  1. Thermodynamics

2nd-year, Communication Dept.

  1. General Mechanical and Electric Engineering
  2. Construction equipments
  3. Engineering drawing
  4. Engineering production

3rd-year, Civil Dept.

4th-year, Civil Dept.

Preparatory level

Preparatory level

  1. World Applied Science Journal.
  2. Energy, the International Journal.
  3. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology.
  4. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics.
  5. Journal of heat transfer research.
  6. Journal of petroleum and gas exploration research.
  7. Environmental Engineering and management Journal.
  8. Journal of fluids and thermal sciences.
  9. Renewable Energy for Sustainable Future.
  10. Energy and Emission Control Technologies.
  11. Herald Journals of Engineering and Computer Science.
  12. Journal of Heat transfer research.
  13. International Journal of Thermal Science.
  14. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology.
  15. Applied Thermal Engineering.
  16. International Journal of Refrigeration; and
  17. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
  18.   Journal of Fluids and Thermal Sciences (Editorial board)
  19.    Journal of Electronics Cooling and Thermal Control (Editorial board)


Date de publication

03/02/2022 00:00:00

