Short CV


Name : Dr. Sami Ali Mostafa.   

Birth : 9/11/1954, Beni–Suef, Egypt.

Title: Professor Emeritus.

Address New Beni-Suef city east of the Nile River, Egypt..

Phone : 0020822089500, Mob.  00201200073104

E-mail :

Recent job : Professor Emeritusو Electricity Department, Faculty of Technology and Education,, Suez University.

Address : Faculty of Technology and Education,, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.



Academic Certificates :

- B.Sc. In Electrical Engineering, Military Technical College, 1977.

- M.Sc. In Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computers Department, Ain

  Shams University, 1983.

- Ph.D. In Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Department,

  Ain Shams University, 1996.

- Associate Degree In Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications,


- The degree of Consultant Engineer in Electrical  Projects Management,

  Egyptian Engineers Syndicate, 1998.


Practical Experiences :

- 1977 - 1985 : Ministry of Defense, Air defense forces, Radar and rockets

  guidance systems maintenance and repair officer Eng.

- 1985 – 1992 : Technical advisor and project designer for government and both

  private and general  sectors.

- 1993 – 1999  : Consultant Engineer, member of many Consultant Firms.


Teaching Experiences :

- 1983 – 1995 : Assisting in teaching electrical, electronics, communications, and

  computer courses in Egyptian Universities and Institutes.

- 1996 -  Now : Teaching electronics, communications, and computer courses in

  Egyptian Universities and Institutes for under and post graduates.



- Four books prepared in favor of Ministry of Communications and Information

  Technology, Egypt.

- Books for undergraduate.


Research activities and papers:  A list is attached.


Academic activities :

- I participated in supervising MSc. theses in Ain Shams University, Electronics

  and Communications Department. 

- I participated in the program of developing the industrial and technical 

   education in Egypt in favor of Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt.

List of Papers:-                                   قائمة الأبحاث:                                                                                                                                              

1-  M. Marzouk Ibrahim, Sami A. Mostafa, “ Analysis and Computer Simulation of             

     Random Pulse Radars”, IEEE ICC’86, pp 235-239, June 22-25, 1986, Toronto,


2- Salwa El Ramly, Ezat Garas, Sami A. Mostafa, “ Random Pulse Radar Signal,

    Analysis and Evaluation ”, ICSPAT’96, 1996, USA, pp 1484-1488.

3- M. Ibrahim, Sami A. Mostafa, S. Elramly, “ A Novel Transmission Reception

    Technique for Optimum Pulse Radar “, ISRP’97, 1997, Qingdao, China.

4- Sami A. Mostafa, “ Computer Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Trajectory of

     Surface-to-Air Guided Missile “, ICSPAT’2000, October 16-18, 2000, Tx, USA.

5- Sami A. Mostafa, S. El Ramly, “ Random Pulse Train Signals in Long Range Radar

     Systems “, ICSPAT’2000, October 16-18, 2000, Tx, USA.

6-  Sami A. Mostafa, “ Speaker Identification in a Multi-Speaker Co-Channel Signal “,

     The Third Conference on Language Engineering, CLE’2002, Cairo, Egypt.

7-  Sami A. Mostafa, “ Wavelets Based Detection of Speech Signals in a High Noise Level

     Environment “, The Third Conference on Language Engineering, CLE’2002, Cairo,


8-  Mariam K. Ragheb, S. El Ramly, and Sami A. Mostafa, “ The Effect of Varying The

     Input Parameters on The Performance Capabilities of Three Different DOA

     Estimation Algorithms Using Smart Antennas “, URCE’2003, Marsh, 2003, Cairo,


9- Mariam K. Ragheb, S. El Ramly, and Sami A. Mostafa, “ DOA Estimation using the

     LMS and the CMA Algorithms in A Microcell Environment Modeled by the

     GBSBCM, 21st NRCE’2004, Marsh, 2004, Cairo, Egypt.

10- Sami A. Mostafa, “ Frequency Hopping Radar System ”, 4th International

      Symposium on Communication Systems , Networks and Digital Signal

      Processing CSNDSP, 20-22 July, 2004, New-Castle, England,

11- Sami A. Mostafa, "Power Electronics Circuit Analysis and Design For Better

      Performance of Variable Capacitor Electrical Energy Harvester", Faculty of

      Engineering, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Scientific Bulletin,

      Part II, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp 559-573, September, 2006.

12- Sami A. Mostafa, “Frequency Hopping Transceiver System with Application to

      Radar” , 4th Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 2, pp 234-238,

      Riyadh, KSA, 2-6 December, 2006.

13- Sami A. Mostafa, Hatem Yousry El-Sayed, " Simplification of  Frequency

      Domain Equalization Using Channel Shortening Algorithms ", Ain Shams

      University, Faculty of Engineering, Scientific Bulletin, Part II, Vol. 41, No. 4,

      pp 355-364, December, 2006, Cairo, Egypt.

14- Sami A. Mostafa, S. H. Elramly, and Meriam K.  Ragheb, " Adaptation of Angle-

      Of-Arrival Estimation in Mobile Communications Using Geometrically Based

      Channel Models ", The 2nd International Conference on Wireless Broadband

      and Ultra Wideband Communications, Sydney, Australia, 27-30 Aug. 2007,ieeeplore


15- Sami A. Mostafa, " Estimation of the Hit Probability and Its Effect on the

      Performance of Frequency Hopping Radar System ", The 2nd International

      Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications, Sydney,

      Australia, 27-30 Aug. 2007, Publisher IEEE Computer Society  Washington, DC,

      USA, ISBN:0-7695-2842-2.

16- Sami A. Mostafa, “Simulation And Evaluation Of A Simplified And Yet Effective

      Energy Harvesting Circuit Using Mechanically Varied Capacitor” , 5th Saudi

      Technical Conference and Exhibition, Vol. II, pp 22-28, Riyadh, KSA, Jan. 11-14,


17- Sami A. Mostafa, “ Analytical Study Of Electric Power Harvesting Using

      Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam Model “, Ain Shams University, Faculty of

      Engineering, Scientific Bulletin, June 2009, Cairo, Egypt.

18- Sami A. Mostafa, “ Modeling of Boost-Phase Ground Based Interception Against

      Long and Mid Range Attacking Ballistic Missiles”, The 2009 World Congress in

      Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing,  International

      Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods, MSV'09, July 13-

      16, 2009, USA.

19- Sami A. Mostafa, Ayman Brisha, “ A Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm With 

      Application To AFM Tip Steering”, The 2nd International Conference on Advanced

      Computer Theory and Engineering, ICACTE 2009, September 25 - 27, 2009, Cairo,


20- Amir Noor ali, Sami A. Mostafa, "Mobile Robot Path Planning Using Wavefront

      Approach With WEFO ", The 2nd International Conference on Advanced

      Computer Theory and Engineering, ICACTE 2009, September 25 - 27, 2009, Cairo,

21- Amir Noor ali and Sami A. Mostafa, " Robot Path Planning Using Wave Expansion

      Approach Virtual Target ", International Conference on Computer Technology

      and Development ICCTD 2009, 13-15 November, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

22- Sami A. Mostafa, "Optimum Path Planning Algorithm in Horizontal and Vertical

      Planes with Obstacle Avoidance of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", Canadian

      Journal, Vol. 2, 2011.

23- Sami A. Mostafa, Ayman Brisha, “Analysis and Simulation of 3D Trajectory with

      Obstacle Avoidance of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Optimum

      Performance”, International Journal of Computer Science and Security Vol. 2, 2013.


24- " تقويم تحصيل طلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم لمهارات أساسيات الحاسب الآلي وتطويرها" ، د. سامي على مصطفى،  د. على عبد التواب

       العمدة، المؤتمر التربوي الثالث، كلية التربية النوعية جامعة القاهرة فرع الفيوم، مارس 2002.

25- " تفعيل عملية التوظيف لخريج كليات التقنية والوحدات التابعة لمجلس التعليم والتدريب ", د. سامي على مصطفي  قسم التقنية

       الإلكترونية – كلية التقنية – بيشة - المملكة العربية السعودية ورقة عمل مقدمة إلى ملتقى يوم المهنة الثاني –  الكلية التقنية – بيشة

      –  المملكة العربية السعودية,   31- 30 مايو 2005.

26- " الحاسب و أمن قواعد البيانات " ، مجلة مجلس التعليم الفني و التدريب المهني – محافظة بيشة 1426.

27-  " التدريب التعاوني بين النظرية والتطبيق لوحدات المؤسسة العامة للتعليم الفني والتدريب المهني-كليات التقنية " د. سامي على

       مصطفى و ناصر آل شلعان ، ورقة عمل مقدمة إلي ورشة عمل الملتقي الثاني للتدريب والتعليم التقني والإداري ، " التدريب التعاوني :

       الواقع والمأمول " ، الكلية التقنية – جدة – المملكة العربية السعودية – فندق الانتركونتننتال، جدة 11 يونيه - 2007.

28- " تحويل الطاقة الكامنة في الاهتزازات الميكانيكية إلي طاقة كهربية "، مجلة مجلس التعليم الفني و التدريب المهني – محافظة بيشة

      - 1428.

29- " الحساسات والمبدلات ودورها في نظم التحكم الآلي"، مجلة مجلس التعليم الفني و التدريب المهني – محافظة بيشة –  1429.

30- " التدريب التعاوني بين الحاضر والمستقبل لوحدات المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني - الكليات التقنية "، دكتور / سامي علي

       مصطفى محمد، دكتور / أحمد جبر ذيب أسعد، ناصر آل شلعان، الكلية التقنية – بيشة، ورقة عمل مقدمة إلى ملتقي التدريب جامعة

       جازان، 10-12/2/1429 هـ - 17-19/2/2008 م.

31- "إصلاح الأعطال الميكانيكية للمعدات الكهربية" ، الجزء الأول، مجلة الكلية التقنية – محافظة بيشة –  1431.

32- "إصلاح الأعطال الميكانيكية للمعدات الكهربية" ، الجزء الثاني، مجلة الكلية التقنية – محافظة بيشة –  1432.