Ph.D. Power & Electrical Machines Engineering, Ain Shams University 1999, Cairo, Egypt.

Artificial Intelligence-Based Load Frequency Control of Multi-Area Power Systems.

M.Sc. Power & Electrical Machines Engineering, Ain Shams University 1994, Cairo, Egypt.

            Modeling and Protection of an Induction Generator Connected to a Power Network.

B.Sc. Power &Electrical Machines Engineering, Ain Shams University 1987, Cairo, Egypt.

8-2019 --- present:      Professor & Dean of Faculty of (T&IE) Suez University, Egypt.

6-2013 --- 5-2019:      Staff member at the department of electrical and electronic engineering technology, Jubail Industrial College(JIC), Saudi Arabia.

11-2013 --- 8-2015: Chairman of the department of electrical and electronic engineering technology, JIC, Saudi Arabia.

2-2007 ---- 10-2008 & 9-2009 --- 5-2013:    Chairman of electrical the department - Faculty of Industrial Education (FIE),Suez Canal University, Egypt.

9-2011 --- 8-2012:      Dean of FIE.

10-2009 --- 8-2011:    Vice-dean for student affairs - FIE.

1-2007 ---- 10-2008 & 7-2009 --- present:    Associate professor – FIE.

10-2008 --- 7-2009:    Associate professor, college of engineering, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia.

9-2007 ---- 10-2008:   Vice-dean for postgraduate studies and research - FIE.

3-2001 ---- 1-2007:     Assistant professor - FIE.

12-1997 --- 2-2001:    Teacher assistant (staff member) - College of Technological Studies - The Public Authority of Applied Education and Training (Paaet)- Kuwait.

2-1991 --- 12-1997 :    Second electrical engineer in Egypt Air Co. - ground services branch

2-1990 ---- 2-1991 :    Electrical installation engineer in Aswan Co. in the field of hospitals & hotels.

12-1988 --- 2-1990  :   Electrical engineer in maintenance department in Baron hotel.

F. Hashiesh, M. Mansour,and H. Mostafa, “Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control – The Gateway to Smart Grids”, Book, Lambert Academic Publishing 2011 (ISBN-13: 978-38443-10092).


Nagwa F. Ibrahim, Sobhy S. Dessoky, H. Mostafa, and Ali H. Kasem, “Protection of Wind Turbine Generators Using Microcontrollers-Based Applications” Published 2022 (ISBN 978-3-030-92628-1).

Teaching courses for postgraduates: Numerical analysis in electrical power systems, and AI applications in power systems, for M.Sc. students and Chosen subjects in power systems for Ph.D. students.

Teaching many undergraduate courses in the area of Electrical power & machines such as: power systems I, power system II, automatic control, electrical circuits I, electrical circuits II, Network Analysis, Transmission &Distribution of Electrical Energy, computer applications (MATLAB), induction motors controls, DC machine & transformers, fundamental of electrical engineering, electrical & electronic measurements, electrical installations, electric traction, technical reports writing …etc.

  • مدير مشروع دعم و تطوير الفاعلية التعليمية بكلية التكنولوجيا و التعليم و الممول من وحدة إدارة مشروعات التعليم العالى بقيمة 3.5 مليون جنيه بتاريخ 15/11/2020
  • مدير مشروع تطوير و إعتماد معمل الطاقة الشمسية بكلية التكنولوجيا و التعليم و الممول من وحدة إدارة مشروعات التعليم العالى بقيمة 2 مليون جنيه بتاريخ 15/11/2020.
  • مدير مشروع تطوير و إعتماد معمل خواص المواد و الممول ذاتيا من مركز الخدمة للإستشارات و البحوث و التدريب الخاص بالكلية بقيمة 120 ألف جنيه بتاريخ 1/2021.
  • International conference under the theme "Environment and Sustainability" Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia, 13-14 May 2018
  • Seminar entitled, “Renewable Energy in Saudi Arabia: Grid Connectivity Challenges”, organized by IEEE Saudi Arabia Section, Education Society Chapter, Feb. 22, Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 2017
  • One-day seminar on “New Trends and Techniques in Managing Electric Power”, Khobar, Saudi Arabia, September 28, 2016.
  • Saudi Arabia Smart Grid Conference on Smart Grids and Green Energy (SASG 2013), November 24-27, 2013 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • 15th International Middle East Power System Conference, MEPCON’ 2012, Dec., 2012, Alexandria faculty of Engineering, Egypt.
  • IEEE PES 2011 Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Middle East (ISGT-ME), December 17-20, 2011 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • IEEE PES 2010 Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe, October 10-13, 2010 Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • 5theServices Symposium of the Eastern Province: eService Integration, 22-24 March 2010, Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
  • International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems EPECS 2009, American University of Sharjah, UAE, Nov. 10-12, 2009.
  • 4theServices Symposium of the Eastern Province: eService Integration, 9-11 March 2009, Khubar, Saudi Arabia.
  • 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG, 27-29 May, 2008, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt
  • 6th International Engineering conference IEC6, El-Mansoura University, Mansoura- Sharm El-sheikh, Egypt, 18-23 March 2008.
  • 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG, 16-18 May, 2006, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt
  • 10th International Middle East Power System Conference, MEPCON’ 2005, Dec. 13-15, 2005, Suez Canal University, Port said, Egypt.
  • 6th Regional Conference for National Committees of CIGRE in Arab Countries, 21-23 Nov., 2005, Cairo Egypt.
  • TEMPUS conference in Ain shams university for developing of higher education, 2003.
  • First international Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 19-22, 1994
  1. Ashraf K. Abdelaal, Amira I. A. Alhamahmy, Hossam El-Deen Attia, Attia A. El-Fergany, “Maximizing solar radiations of PV panels using artificial gorilla troops reinforced by experimental investigations” ,
  2. Nader MA Ibrahim, Ehab A El-said, Hossam E.M. Attia, Bassam A Hemade, “Enhancing power system stability: an innovative approach using coordination of FOPID controller for PSS and SVC FACTS device with MFO algorithm” , Electrical Engineering journal, Vol. , pp 1-19, Oct. 2023.
  3. Mariam K. Shehata, Hossam E. Mostafa Attia, Basem E. Elnaghi, and Nagwa F. Ibrahim, “ Power factor correction AC-DC boost converter using PI-hysteresis current control” , International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), Vol 14, No 3: September 2023.
  4. Mariam K. Shehata, Hossam E. Mostafa Attia, Nagwa F. Ibrahim, and Basem E. Elnaghi,  “ Sliding-mode control for boost converters under voltage and load variations” , International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), Vol 14, No 3: September 2023.
  5. Nader, M. Ibrahim, H. Mostafa, H. Talaat, and A. Kassem, “Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Based Proportional-Derivative Power System Stabilizer” International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications IJISA,  Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 62-76, February 2015.
  6. B. Hemade, A. Kassem, H. Mostafa, and M.M. Mansour, “An improved PMU-Based Fault Locator Coupled with Robust Fault Classifier for Three- Terminal Transmission Lines” 16thInternational Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON’14), Ain Shams University, Egypt, Dec. 2014.
  7. N. Abd Elfattah, A. Kassem, and H. Mostafa, “Investigation of the Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Current with Different Calculation Approaches” 16thInternational Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON’14), Ain Shams University, Egypt, Dec. 2014.
  8. F. Khater, A. Kassem, and H. Mostafa, “Effect of Different Load Types on Voltage Stability in Distribution Networks” 16thInternational Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON’14), Ain Shams University, Egypt, Dec. 2014.
  9. Nagwa F. Ibrahim, A. Kassem, H. Mostafa, and Sobhy. Desouky, “Fault Response of Grid-Connected Squirrel Cage Wind-Power Induction Generator” Port-Said Engineering Research Journal (PSESJ), Vol. 18, No. 2, September 2014.
  10. F. Khalifa, H. Mostafa, R. Ghaly, and S. Alsyed, “Particle Swarm Optimization-Based PD-Controller of DC Servo-Motor” Port-Said Engineering Research Journal (PSESJ), Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2014.
  11. H. Shehab, F. Khalifa,H. Mostafa, and H. Sabber “Testing and Evaluation of Transmission Line Relays Using Advanced Tools” , accepted in Port-Said Engineering Research Journal (PSESJ), March. 2014.
  12. H. Mostafa, A. Kassem, M.M. Mansour, and B. Hemade, “Conceptual Analysis and Numerical Investigation of Different PMU-Based Fault Location Algorithms” Saudi Arabia smart grid conference (SASG 2013), Nov. 24-27, 2013 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  13. M.S. Abdou, H.E. Mostafa, and Y.S. Abdalla, “Solid State-Based On-Load Tap-Changer Control” accepted in Port-Said Engineering Research Journal (PSESJ), April 2013.
  14. W. Mamlouk, H. Mostafa, and M.A. Elsharkawy, “PSO-Based PI Controller for Shunt APF in Distribution Network of Multi Harmonic Sources”  International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications IJISA,  Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 54-66,July 2013.
  15. A.G. Agamy, A.H. KasemAlaboudy, H. Mostafa,and M.Y. Fekry, “ Analog Pulse Width Modulation Based Grid Tie Inverter with Power Control” 15thInternational Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON’12), Alexandria Faculty of engineering, Egypt, Dec. 2012.
  16. H. Mostafa, “Load Frequency Control of the Egyptian Power System Using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm” , accepted in Port-Said Engineering Research Journal (PSESJ), September 2012.
  17. F. Hashiesh, H. Mostafa, A. Khatib, I. Helal, and M. Mansour, “An Intelligent Wide Area Synchrophasor Based System for Predicting & Mitigating Transient Instabilities” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 645-652, June 2012.
  18. F. Hashiesh, H. Mostafa, I. Helal, andM. Mansour, “A Wide Area Synchrophasors Based Controlled Islanding Scheme Using Bioinformatics Toolbox” the 11th International Conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection (DPSP 2012), Birmingham, UK, 23-26 April 2012
  19. H. Mostafa, M.A. Elsharkawy, A. Emary, and K. Yassin, “Design and Allocation of Power System Stabilizers Using the Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for an Interconnected Power System” the International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (IJEPES) Elsevier publisher, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp 57-65, January 2012.
  20. F. Hashiesh, H. Mostafa, I. Helal, and M. Mansour ,“ Determination of Generators Coherent Groups Based on Synchrophasors Using Bioinformatics Toolbox ”Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Middle East conference (ISGT-ME 2011), Dec. 17-20, 2011 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  21. W. Salah, A. Kassem, H. Mostafa, M.Y. Fekry, “ Evaluation and Mitigation of Voltage Flicker Caused by Constant Speed Wind Turbines” Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Middle East conference (ISGT-ME 2011), Dec. 17-20, 2011 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  22. H. Mostafa, A.M. Shalltoot, and H.K. Youssef, “Evaluation of Current Transformer Performance in the Presence of Remnant Flux and Harmonics” accepted in 2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT) Dec. 6-8, 2011, Amman, Jordan.
  23. A. Hamada, M. Fekry, S. Moussa, and H. Mostafa, “ Fault Detection for  Extra High Voltage Lines Using Modified Wavelet Transform” ,accepted in Port-Said Engineering Research Journal (PSESJ), Dec. 2011.
  24. W. Mamlouk, H. Mostafa, and M.A. Elsharkawy, “Active Power Filter Controller for Harmonic Suppression in Industrial Distribution System”  Ain Shams Engineering Journal (EES) Elsevier publisher, pp 161-172, October 2011.
  25. A. Agamy, A. Kassem, M. Fekry, H. Mostafa, “Bacterial Foraging-Based PI Controller of Inverter-Based Distributed Generators” IEEE PES PowerTech 2011 Conference, Trondheim, Norway 19-23 June 2011
  26. F. Hashiesh, H. Mostafa, I. Helal, and M. Mansour, “A Wide Area Synchrophasor Based ANN Transient Stability Predictor for the Egyptian Power System” IEEE PES 2010 Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe), October 10-13, 2010 Gothenburg, Sweden.
  27. F. Hashiesh, H. Mostafa, I. Helal, and M. Mansour, “Wide Area Information Using Internet Networking – An Application for Early Detection of Transient Instabilities in Power System” 5th eService Symposium in Eastern Provence, Saudi Arabia, March 2010.
  28. H. Mostafa, M.A. Elsharkawy, A. Emary, and K. Yassin, “Robust H Power System Stabilizers for Three Practical Interconnected Power Systems” scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university, Dec. 2009.
  29. M. Ebraheem, H. Mostafa, S. Gawish, F. Elbendary, “Design of Robust Decentralized Load Frequency Based-PID Controller Using Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimization Technique” International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems EPECS 2009, American University of Sharjah, UAE, November 10-12, 2009.
  30. W. Mamlouk, M.A. Elsharkawy, and H. Mostafa, “Testing The Accuracy Of ML-ANN For Harmonic Estimation In Balanced Industrial Distribution Power System”, Proceeding of the (WASET)World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference (CESSE) Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 23-25, 2009.
  31. W. Mamlouk, M.A. Elsharkawy, and H. Mostafa, “Simulation and Analysis of Harmonic Currents Circulation in Industrial Distribution System” IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Euro PES 2009, Palmade Mallorca, Spain, September 7-9, 2009.
  32. F. Hashiesh, H. Mostafa, I. Helal, A. Elkhatib, and M. Mansour “Wide Area Transient Stability Prediction Using On-line Artificial Neural Networks” 8th Annual Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC), Vancouver, Canada, 6-7 October 2008.
  33. H. Mostafa, M.A. Elsharkawy, A. Emary, and K. Yassin, “Implementation of a Reduced Order MATLAB Simulation Model for a Power Pool consisting of Three Interconnected Power Systems” 6th International Engineering conference IEC6, El-Mansoura University,  Egypt, 18-23 March 2008.
  34. H. Mostafa, M. Fawzy, and M. Mansour, “Neuro-Swarm for Correction of Distorted Secondary Current of Current Transformer” Scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 539-552, Sept. 2006.
  35. H. Mostafa,Tuning PID Controller for Load Frequency Control Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique” Scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 525-537, Sep. 2006.
  36. A. Emary, H. Mostafa, M.A. Elsharkawy, and K. Yassin, “Damping Power System Oscillations Using Particle Swarm-Based Controller” the 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG, Military Technical College, Egypt, 16-18 May, 2006.
  37. H. Mostafa, “Single-Ended Fault Locator for Transmission Lines Using Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Artificial Neural Network” Scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 775-786, Dec. 2005.
  38. H. Mostafa, “Load Flow Analysis Using a Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization”. 10th  International Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON’ 2005), pp. 865-872, Port Said, December 13-15, 2005.
  39. H. Mostafa, A. Emary, M.A. Elsharkawy, and K. Yassin, “Robust Power System Stabilizer Based On HMixed Sensitivity Optimal Control”. the 6th Regional Conference for National Committees of CIGRE in Arab Countries, pp. 270-278,Egypt, 21-23 Nov., 2005.
  40. H. Mostafa, M. Fawzy, and M. Mansour, “ANN Correction of CT  Distorted Secondary Current : With and Without Remenance”. the 6th Regional Conference for National Committees of CIGRE in Arab Countries, pp. 168-175, Egypt, 21-23 Nov., 2005.
  41. H. Mostafa, A. Emary, M.A. Elsharkawy, and K. Yassin, “Design of Robust H Mixed Sensitivity Power System Stabilizer” Scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 287-301, June 2005.
  42. H. Mostafa, F. Hashiesh, M. Mansour, H. Talaat, and H. Mashaly “A Fault Location Estimation Approach Using Synchronized Sampling”. Scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 443-457, Sept. 2003.
  43. H. Mostafa, H. Talaat, M. Elsharkawy, and K. Yassin, “H¥ and Fuzzy Load Frequency Controllers Applied to the Egyptian Power System”.   The 7th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’ 2000), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 430-437, March 28-30, 2000.
  44. H. Talaat, M. Elsharkawy, H. Mostafa, and K. Yassin “Robust Load-Frequency Control Based on H¥-Optimal Control”. 3rd Regional Conference of CIGRE Committees in Arab Countries, Doha, Qatar, May 25-27, 1999. Also published in the scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 201-214, June 1999.
  45. R. Hamouda, H. Mostafa, M. Mansour, and A.K. Elkharashy, “Transient Behaviour of a Wind Driven Induction Generator Connected to a Power System”.     First international Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, pp. 520-526, Cairo, Egypt, December 19-22, 1994.

Supervision of Student projects

  1. “Smart Electric Vehicle ” 2019 (semester 392).
  2. “Converting Internal Combustion Engine to Electric Vehicle” 2018 (semester 391).
  3. “Wind Turbine Driven a Generator by Vehicle Movement” 2017 (semester 381).
  4. “DC house” 2016 (semester 371).
  5. “Auto Power Supply Control From Four Diff Sources” 2015 (semester 361).
  6. “Power System Simulator” 2003-2008.



Supervision of Ph.D. and M.Sc. Research Projects

  1.  “Inrush Current in Power Transformer and mitigation Technique” M.Sc.
  2. “Artificial Inelegance-based Control of DC Servo Motor” M.Sc.
  3. “Fault Location of compensated Transmission Lines” M.Sc.
  4. “ Fault Location for Teed Transmission Line Based on PMU” M.Sc.
  5. “Testing and Evaluation of Transmission line Relays Using Advanced Tools” M.Sc.
  6. “Minimizing Voltage Fluctuation Caused by Grid Directly Connected Wind Turbines” M.Sc.
  7. “Transmission Line Unit Protection Using Distance Measurement Based on Wavelet Transform” M.Sc.
  8. “Study of Inverter-Based Distributed Generators for Utility Grid Operation” M.Sc.
  9. “ Control of Power Transformer turns ratio Using Power Electronics” M.Sc.

10- “Simulation Study of Current Transformer Saturation and the Effect of secondary Current Distorted Waveform on the Protective Relay PerformanceM.Sc., faculty of engineering, Cairo University.

11- “AI-Based Decentralized Load Frequency Controllers for Interconnected Power Systems” M.Sc., Shobra faculty of engineering, Benha University.

12- “Wide Area Protection System for Maximizing Power System Stability” Ph.D., faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university.

13- “ AI-Based Filter for Harmonic Suppression and Harmonic Flow Control in Electrical Network” Ph.D., faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university.

14- “Improving Dynamic Response of Interconnected Power Systems” Ph.D., faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university.

15- “Micro-processor based fault locator for overhead transmission line” M.Sc., faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university.

16- “Using AI for compensating distorted secondary current of current transformer” M.Sc., faculty of engineering, Ain Shams university.


  • Member of the Technology Committee of the Supreme Council of Universitie - Egypt from 8-2019 to present.
  • عضو لجنة إختبار شغل وظائف أعضاء هيئة التدريس و معاونوهم بالجامعات التكنولوجية و المشكلة من وزير التعليم العالى فى 8/2020
  • رئيس لجنة فرعية لتقييم 4 معاهد هندسية بجمهورية مصر العربية فى الدورة العاشرة لتقييم المعاهد ابريل 2021.
  • Member of Member of the Special Professional Development Program Committee (SPDPC), JIC, Saudi Arabia, 2018/2019.
  • Member of the Bridging Programs for the fresh-graduate engineers committee JIC, Saudi Arabia, 2018/2019..
  • Member of the curicula development committee for AS & BS programs in the Electrical Dept. JIC, Saudi Arabia2017/2019.
  • Member of AS new program “Cyber security major” development committee Electrical Dept. JIC, Saudi Arabia2018.
  • Chairman of Exit Exam committee in the Electrical Dept., JIC, Jubail Saudi Arabia2017.
  • Member of the CIS Faculty Annual Evaluation Form Committee, 2016, CIS, Jubail Saudi Arabia.
  • Chairman of the research committee in the second student forum, CIS, 2016, Jubail Saudi Arabia.
  • Member of the Industrial Education Committee of the Supreme Council of Universitie - Egypt from 8-2011 to 7-2012.
  • Peer reviewer for many international journals such as  IEEE transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on power systems, IEEE Canada Journal, IJEPES Journal (Elsevier publisher), ASEJ Journal, (Elsevier publisher), and IJISA Journal.
  • Member of the Egypt’s Smart Grid Roadmap “Egypt 2040”committee, a branch of the Energy and Material fortune council, Academy of scientific Research & Technology – Ministry of State for Scientific Research – Egypt, 2010/2011.
  • General counselor of the under graduate student union in FIE, Egypt, 2009-2011.
  • Member of technical specification & purchasing board for Electrical Machines and Electrical circuits labs in college of engineering, Jazan University – KSA, 2008-2009.
  • Member of the undergraduate courses  board for electrical department in  college of engineering, Jazan University 2008-2009
  • Establish Power System Simulator Laboratory through student graduation projects in FIE (2002-2008)
  • Member of the postgraduate courses development board for electrical department in FIE 2006-2007
  • Member of the undergraduate courses development board for electrical department in FIE 2004`