Summary: Mohamed A. Elsayed Eid, an assistant lecturer in the Electrical Department at the Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Education with a specialization in Electronics in 2014 and a Master's degree in Industrial Education with a focus on Power and Electrical Machines in 2019. He is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the electronics and communications field with a concentration on microwave and radio frequencies for 5G applications. He has extensive experience in teaching, student supervision, research publication, and academic book authorship. He has actively participated in administrative roles such as quality management, examinations, and student activities. Additionally, he has served as a member of the university's Information Technology unit and has completed several professional development courses in university education, program evaluation, and technology systems. He possesses advanced technical skills, including proficiency in Microsoft platforms, electrical and electronic simulation software, programming, information technology systems, online learning, and workshop management.

    • Mohammed A. Elsayed Eid, et al. "A Classification and Comparative Overview of CMOS Radio-Frequency Power Amplifiers." Industrial Technology Journal (2023).
    • Mohammed A. Elsayed Eid, et al. "Highly efficient GaN Doherty power amplifier for N78 sub-6 GHz band 5G applications." Electronics 12, no. 19 (2023): 4001.
    • Mohammed A. Elsayed Eid, et al. "Modelling, simulation of MPPT using perturb and observe and incremental conductance techniques for stand-alone PV Systems." In 2019 21st International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), pp. 429-434. IEEE, 2019.
    • Mohammed A. Elsayed Eid, et al. Performance analysis of photovoltaic systems with energy storage systems. Springer International Publishing, 2019.
    • Mohammed A. Elsayed Eid, et al.  "Improving the resiliency of a PV standalone system under variable solar radiation and load profile." 2018 Twentieth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON). IEEE, 2018.
  • Mohammed A. Elsayed Eid, et al. Performance analysis of photovoltaic systems with energy storage systems. Springer International Publishing, 2019.

- Bachelor of Industrial Education - Electrical Department - Specialization in Electronics 2014.

- Master’s in Industrial Education - entitled “Performance Analysis of Photovoltaic Energy Systems with Energy Storage Systems” - Electrical Power and Machines Specialization 2019.

- Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Technology and Education - Electrical Department - entitled “Enhancing RF CMOS Power Amplifier Efficiency and Linearity Techniques for 5G Networks Applications” - from 2021 until now.

- Demonstrator at the Faculty of Technology and Education - Electrical Department - from 2015 to 2019.


- Assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Technology and Education - Electrical Department - from 2019 until now.

Scopus ID: 57207763425

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4712-396X