the Civil and Architectural Construction Program

 Preparing distinguished scientific technical cadres with high competencies qualified to work and compete in the field of civil and architectural construction technology, and qualified to continue the program’s pursuit of leadership in conducting scientific research and studies, transferring knowledge and localizing technology, using the latest technical, administrative and informational methods within the framework of professional ethics.
1. Providing the student with the basics of knowledge in the field of civil and architectural construction technology, which qualifies him to enter the professional field and the ability to compete in the labor market.
2. Developing the student’s abilities and skills in analytical and creative thinking in the field of civil and architectural construction technology.
3. Prepare the student in a manner that qualifies him to continue scientific research in the field of civil and architectural construction technology.
4. Providing an appropriate environment for students to enable them to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in identifying the needs and problems of society related to the field and techniques of civil and architectural construction.
5. Encouraging faculty members and students to contribute effectively to serving society and solving its problems.

ARS for Civil and Architectural Constructions

ARS for Civil and Architectural Constructions.pdf

Civil and Architectural Construction Program Specs. 2023-2024

Program Specification 2023-2024 - Civil and Architectural Construction Program.

Membres du corps professoral